Jobs Classifieds M ULTNO M AH COUNTY C O M M U N IT Y O U T R E A C H / FDUCATOR P rim ary P reventio n Program $21,903 $25,286 annually Plans and adm inisters co m m un ity primary prevention health education programs, requires health education degree and one year experience; ap ply by January 17, 1986 at: M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth ou se Room 134, 1021 S W Fourth Ave Jobs EASY ASSEMBLY WOftK! MENTAL HEALTH »600 00 per 100 C R IS IS T E A M M E M B E R Guaranteed payment No experience/ no sales Details send self addressed stamped envelope Elan Vital-6196 3418 Enterprise Rd Ft Pierce, FL 33482 ALCOHOLISM /DRUG ADDICTION YOUTH TREATMENT PROGRAM Portland, OR 97204 •In Equal Opportunity Employer N UR SING N U R S E . RN M U L T N O M A H CO UN TY C O R R E C T IO N S H E A LT H Mature, nonjudgm ental, caring per son to join skilled team caring for dif ficult but needy jail p op u latio n. O pening on part tim e night sh ift, minimal risk, competitive salary and benefits, BSN required Call Kathy Page, RN, or M ary Loos, RN for further information, 248 3976 week days •In / i/ual Opportunity Employer NURSING F A M IL Y N U R S E P R A C T IT IO N E R M U L T N O M A H CO UNTY H EA LTH C A R E C L IN IC S Mature, caring person to join skilled health care team s carin g for chai lenging, needy population in primary health care clinics Openings in clinic sites providing comprehensive health care and sjieciali/ed public health ser vices C o m p etitive salary plus tienefits Requires BSN, Oregon cer tification as FNP, driver s license and available auto Call A m a H ubbard, FNP, or Gary Oxman, M D . for fur ther in fo rm atio n , <503) 248 3675 weekdays Program m anager for youth tx ser vices including sobering, inpatient, day tx it outpatient Supervise ft train staff, oversee in ta ke b case m an ag em en t. Responsible for all aspects of tx program. M S in coun­ seling preferred, 5 yrs exp. in A & D tx Ft 3 yrs exp. in A b D tx super vision required D e m o n s tra te d training b experience in adolescent tx required. Educaitonal Activities Therapist for youth tx program. M aintain tutorial caseload, provide group therapeutic activities for inpatient ft day tx clients, perform academic evaluations, main tain academ ic records, arrange for educational curriculum BS b 3 yrs. secondary teaching exp., expertise in A ft D counseling ft adolescent development required A lc o h o lis m /D ru g A d d ictio n c o u n ­ selors for com prehensive yo u th tx program Maintain assigned caseload of inpatient, residential a n d /o r o u t­ patient clients Provide group f t in­ dividual counseling Perform intake evaluations ft assessments Maintain case files BS ft CA C p referred , minimum 2 yrs exp required Send letter of applicatolo with resume thru 1 17/86 to: De Paul C en te r Attn Personnel 1320 S W Washington Portland, OR 97205 Irr I qual ( tpporlumlv Employer Page 6, JOBS, January 8, 1B8b Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Emplover For C M H C serving chronically men tally ill adult o utp atien t population. Strong crisrs intervention skills and in­ vo lun tary c o m m itm e n t experience preferred IIC P I. M aster's degree in mental health field or B .A . plus two years experience required. Full time, excellent benefits Some on-call. Pick up application at 310 N .E . O regon, Portland. Salary »17,850 »22,050 per an n um . Closing date: Ja n u a ry 14, 1986 Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer CHILD CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Delaunay Mental Health Center seeks a full time licensed lor license eligible) psychologist to provide services to a w id e range of children and their fam ilies. Duties include individual, group, and fam ily therapy; psycho­ diagnostic assessments; supervision of psychology interns, residents and social w ork students; and som e research and co m m un ity p res en ta­ tions. Salary depends on experience; excellent fringe benefits. Delaunay Mental Health Center is a small, well established, progressive comm unity m ental health center located in a m e tro p o lita n area w ith excellen t cultural and recreational opportuni­ ties. Submit letter of intent, vita, and three letters of recom m endation by February 24, 1986 to: Jim Friesen, A C S W Coordinator of Child and Family Services Delaunay Mental Health Center 5215 N Lombard Portland, OR 97203 An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer JOBS Magazine 1463 N E Klllingeworth Portland, OR 97211 (603)288-0033