Page 6, Portland Observer, January 1, 1906 Complete Entertainment Services ENTERTAINM ENT NETWORK •Prom otion* •M anaging •Booking •Pubkcily • Protect Layout* • Program CoordKMttion •B an d * • C e n te r* •A c to r* •P A Eqoipmeni Joe "Bean” Keller, t n le r la m m e n l k d ilo r if Food for Thought i t » (MT(nr*iMM(Mt arriwtiONS sitwou • Lighting •O a c o U n a b O J Contact Joe (Been) Keller • Home2BB 1662 • Office 288 0033 Welcome into 19X6 Portland and the artistic community. As we enter into this new year our artistic comm unity should be aware o f the area on which we need to concentrate The support we have to give to each other as artists is very im portant, we need to share more inform ation with our public, begin to think with a more professional attitude, broaden our outlooks and begin to think on one accord. These are only a few things that are necessary fo r us to do as a whole, that w ill help give us the strength we need to build a solid artistic base in P o rtla n d . So as you enter in to this new year, remember you should feel stronger about the things you're doing. Food for thought GET A RINGSIDE SEAT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON FOR THE FAMILY EVENT OF THE YEARI Musician Gathering This past M onday, Dec. 30, I had an opportunity to attend the first An nual Musicians Gathering, winch was presented by Valet Productions. Valet Productions is one o f Portland's newest entertainment agencies The Musicians G athering's purpose was to bring together a number o f P o rtla n d 's m usicians to exchange conversation, in fo rm a tio n , ideas. I he evening fell a little short o f its intended goal but was an overall success A p ­ pearances were made by Ron Steen, C a lv in W a lk e r, N a th a n ie l P h illip s ( ( o o l'R ), Jack Charles, Dee Wiggins (Velvet), M ary I ou Anderson, Rosclyn Johnson. R ichard G V re e r A R onnie H a rris o n (C le a n t u t), G ary Fontane (NuShooz), and a variety o f other musicians and friends. Valet Productions, I ’ m sure, w ill be a name to look forward to hearing from in the near future. The company proprietor is Michael Bryant. Anthony P Armstrong as Lester Young and Julianne R Johnson as Miss Lady in the IFCC Theatre production of The Resurrection o f la d y Lester The Resurrection of Lady Lester at IFCC NOW AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU! In recognition ol Black H istory M onth, and also o f Oregon Arlswcek during February, the Interstate I irehouse C u ltu ra l ( enter (IF C C ) Theatre presents the West ( oast premiere o f I be Resurrection o f Z ads I file r , a play about jazz musician I ester Young. Opening night is Ihursday. Jan I6, ai X p.m ., at the IFCC. W ritten by Black play w light OyamO and first producted ai Yale Reiser lo ry Theatre in I9 X I. The Resurrection o f I ady I ester is subtitled " A Poetic Mood Song Based on the I egend ol I ester Young It is a provocative play, suffused with the great tenor saxophonist's special music and poetry, following the story o f his life in fragmented, flashback style, always returning to bis Iasi day in a cheap New York hotel in 1959 An onstage jazz combo accompanies the action ol the play, as seven actors create a m ultitude o f characters "sum m oned” from I ester's imagination and mem ory. I ike interw oven melodies, we experience his ch ild h o o d , his one nighters, his women ( including the one he nicknamed " l ady D a y"), his rise to the top o l his art. and Ins death I I k - .Vew Yorker critic wrote that " it is often funny and sometimes sad. and every scene works. Oyam O is a com pelling King Day Celebration On M onday, Jan. 20, the U nited States w ill celebrate the firs t annual national legalized holiday commemorating Dr. M artin I uther King, Jr's birth day. In recognizing the importance o f the day, Portland, Oregon w ill take part in the national holiday celebration. Sunday, Jan 19 is the date scheduled for Portland's first annual King Day C elebration. I his year's celebration w ill be held at the Red I ion Inn (F loyd Center). The evening w ill contain a number o f Portland's finest RAB and Jazz musicial and vocal groups, such as Velvet, I he Strawberry Gamblers, Clean C ut, and Ron Steen, just to name a few. Also, throughout the evening there w ill be guest speakers. King portrayals and readings along w ith a special ap pearance by the M artin 1.uther King Jr. la r lv Childhood ( enter ( hoir. The purpose o f this event is to bring to the public’ s awareness the im por­ tance o f this national holiday and to acknowledge the struggle and light King went through to bring equality to all mankind. Proceeds fro m this event w ill go towards a life-size bronze statue o f Dr. M artin I uther King, Jr. that w ill be placed at the M artin 1 uther King Jr Farly Childhood Center at NT 7th and Alberta Donations fo r the celebration w ill be $10.00, tax deductible. For tickets and inorc in fo rm a tio n, call 2XX 1662. Sponsored by the M artin I uther King Commemorative Committee and produced by B .F .A .N . Read next week's Portland Observer and other media publications for more details. Janae's Hairstyles cja/ dramatic w rite r.” The IFC C production, directed by Michael G rant, features Anthony P Armstrong as I ester Young, Julianne R Johnson as I ady Das. and Sieve 1 ce. Joanna M a la n d ru c c o lo , R ickie A n th o n y Peters, Brenda P h illip s , W alter Shane, and D on W illia m s as various m usicians, friends and oppressors Musical direction is by Janice Scroggins, with original music front the 3 ale Rep production composed by Dwight Andrews Scene design is by Jose I dwardo Gonzalez, costumes by Wanda Walden, and lighting by ( o ily Burgwin I he producer is Gary O ’ Brien and stage manager is I errs J Nelson The Resurrection o l I ads I ester w ill play I hursday, I riday and Saturday at X p.m ., and Sunday ai 2 p m .. Jan 16 through I eh. 22 I ickets are $X on Ihutsday and Sunday, $9 on I riday and Saturday Reservations are strongly advised; call the II ( ( at 243-7910 between 10 am . and 5 p .m ., Monday through Saturday I he l l ( ( is located at 5340 N. Interstate Ave., on I ri Met Bus Routes 5 and 71 I he theatre is wheelchair accessible off CURLS Curls Reg $35 00 NOW $30“' Call for Appointment No C hecks Please So come in and let Terry b Sharon take care of you. 1314 N.E. Dekum 2864893 THE NORMAN SYLVESTER BAND -(«.F*»« b S a tu rn 3 t th e ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB 1706 N.E. Alberta Portland, Oregon Tri County and Portland Sections of the Council of Negro Women proudly present Miss Althea Marie Smith in concert Sunday, Jan. 5 Mt Olivet Baptist Church N.E. 1st at Schuyler St. ALTHEA MARIE SMITH I 31 NORTHWEST FIRST AVENUE. I 223-9919 BETWEEN COUCH & BURNSIDE IN HISTORIC OLD TOWN P O R I L A N D 'S L IV E M l S IC P A R A D IS I; We went curly yesterday