■ " ------------------->~ - Advertisement for Bids CITY OF SA LEM . OREGON D E P A R TM E N T OF PUBLIC W ORKS D E P A R TM E N T OF GENERAL SERVICES INVITATION TO BID FOR THE REHABILITATION OF AN 8 INCH SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IN THE ALLEY WEST OF COMMERCIAL STREET SOUTH. KEARNEY TO WILSON Scaled bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder, City Hall. Room 206. Salem. Oregon, until but not after 11 00 a m , local time on January 15. 1986 at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Council Chambers C ivic Center 655 lib erty Street S E . Salem Oregon for the THE REHABILITATION OF AN 8 INCH SA N IT ARY SEWER SYSTE M IN THE ALLEY W EST OF COMMERCIAL STREET SOUTH KEARNEY TO WILSON The proposed work consists of construction of. Alternate A 374 lineal feet of 12 inch insituform liner pipe and either Alternate H 1 msituform" or B 2 replacement of 1070 lineal feet of eight (8) meh sewer pipe, and miscellaneous appurtenance work Plans specifications and other bid documents may be inspected and obtained at the office of the City of Salem Department of Public Works, 555 Liberty Street S E Room 325 Salem Oregon The bid der shall not file the book of Standard Construction Specifications with his bid Bids shall be made on the forms furnished by the City, addressed, and mailed or delivered to the City Recorder. City Hall Room 205. Salem Oregon 97301. in a sealed envelope plainly marked BID ON THE ALLEY W EST OF COMMERCIAL STREET SOUTH KEARNEY TO W ILSON SEWER PROJECT and the imm« and address of the bid Reach Over I Million Readers With A Statewide Classified Ad . • Vow M H k W I h H N e w ip ip m llwo<< u UI mwi • ( umbtned Kr*dri\hip ol l>y> IJS 2.M 4 U ) K rjdrn Pri HouwhoMl • W r PU r Ih r Ad In All Ml Nrwypapm You M jkr Only One Phone ( jll A Write One ( he« k • All (OK ONI Y $125 Piti ’ S W Otilt AD ‘ 1 * • a MM ma C4II U» lor Detjilv JOBS Maguln« 288 0033- V . . r* * ALAMO p. .• C o m m u n ity College D + tfrkt CHANCELLOR The Aism o C o m m u n ity C o nege Distnct s e e x s candidates for C h an cello r of the district. • public, tw o year m u ib -c o i’ege system serving the diverse edu cational needs of Bexar C ounty (San Anton.o) Texas The A C C O (w ith an ann ual budget of 165 000 000) serves nearly 30 000 credit students who a re H ispanic «2% A nglo <«'% Black '0% and other origins 6% enrolled m th ee com prehensive com m unity college« »• No bid will be received or considered by the City of Salem unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder the provisions of ORS 279 350 shall be included in his contract Have som e of the adm inistrative De a n>'V i c e -P 'e s d e n t lever or higher .e •. 7 • < ’ V'. per «enea at I < • ' Have *ive < 5) years e xp erien c e m progress-veiy '«sponsible academ ic adm inistrative positions at either two-year or four-year institutions with preference given to C om m un ity C o llege exp erience ? ;-,a the - / > ’* Have exp erience >n a m uib-curturai and pluralistic setting . ■* H ave d e m o n s tra te d skill m b u d g e tin g m arketin g com m unicatio n« p ro biem -soivm g and hum an relations m a c o m p ie i o rgan izatio n The Alam o C o m m u n ity C o lleg a O n tric t provides excellent fringe benefits and a negot able sa>ary com m ensurata enth « x p e re n c a • • P’ease ad d ra ta ail in quines applications and nom inations to District Personnel D epartm ent A lam o C o m m u n ity C o lleg e Oistrict 811 W H o uston - P O Box 3600 San A ntonio. TM 78284 ». The deadline for ap p licatio n s and nom inations s January 24 i98peraid from an accredited institution A P h O n preferred der BID NO 2943 BID OPENING January 16 1986 . •r 'A A c ’ ip n ( t j u a i O p p o r tu n ity E ^ p i o y t ' ■ RAMONA HUDSON. CITY RECORDER * « January 1, 1986, JOBS, Page 7 . * -* .. * • 4 • • / •- - i . * -