Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 06, 1985, Page 9, Image 9

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    Portland Observer, November 6, 1906, Page 9
Police Union President Stan Peters raps city officials
bs Jerry Garner
(Photo Richard J Brown)
“ The P o rtland City Council is
spending taxpayers’ money on dumb
projects and could care less about the
city's crime problems," said Portland
Police I nion President Stan Peters
Peters made this statement at the
general meeting of the Piedm ont
Neighborhood Association Peters
was incited to the meeting as a guest
speaket During the Neighborhood
meeting, Peters told the crowd who
gathered at Hole Redeemer School,
"the cite has reached a crossroad in
how we approach crime Portland
ranks first in residential burglaries,
and the cue's crime rate is growing
taster than any other major cue in the
ci’imirv Portland is the only cite that
hasn't shown a decrease in the rate ol
crime in the last three years."
Peters was critical ol cue, state, and
counts officials th ro u g h o u t his
speech, Peters stated that elected ot
ticials are part ol the reason whs
crime is on the use in Portland I luel
Penne H arrington was the target ol
ihemaiorite ol Pelets'criticism
Petets told the audience that the
mabilite ol the police to tight clime in
Portland has been "due to a number
ol niaior events that base occurred in
the past seat
Peters said as soon as Harrington
became I hiel, she disbanded the drug
and sice division. "O vernight the
Poi(land Police Bureau went from
having more than 20 officers assigned
to full-time status in drug and vice
duties, to having only five detectives
who have no prior training in drugs
and vice." According to Peters, I’or
tland lias the lowest number of ol
ficers assigned to drug and sice dunes
than any other city on the West coast
with a population ot 250,000or mote
I’elers blamed Chief Harrington lor
the increase in prostitution in the cite
since the vice unit personnel was
Peters said there is a direct relation
ship between drug tratficing and
residenli.il burglaries since those who
commit iesidenti.il burglaries are ding
users. "W ithout the effective enforce
meni ot our drug laws, we cannot
bung residential burglaries under con
Peters said Chief Harrington's ad
m im stratiee policies have been
disastrous, and her decisions have in
creased lire crime rale in Portland
However, Peters also stated that those
decisions alone aren't toialle to blame
tor the increase in the c u e 's crime
late " ( ite officials must provide
more jail space to lock crim inals
awae I lie Multnomah ( ounte Board
ol t om m issioners have repeatedly
voted lo shut funding from correc
tional lacililies lo community cones
tional p rogram s." Peters feels that
such facilities are a waste of citizens'
money "W e d o n ’t need costly,
bleeding heart programs that don't
I he city could provide more jail
space it it was their priority to do so
said Peters. He continued be saving
enough facilities already exist in Port
laud to provide needed jail space for
criminals "Il takes money and the city
has the money to do it 1 hey lie to the
citizens when they sae thee don't I he
cite is going to give $6 million to the
Performing ArtsCenler How can the
cite I k spending money on the (enter,
when citizens are afraid to walk the
I he Police Union President said
the court is granting cr iminals more
procedui.il rights than the United
siales I onstitution " A search and
seizure could be pci miscible under the
ledeial Constitution and within the
guidelines, but the entire case against
a détendant can be thrown out under
i he t >i eg on ( on si u ut ion W e need
certainly in criminal law il the police
aie to do their |obs "
Pelets said the Police Bureau is
lacing severe internal problems. lie
said that morale is the lowest in his 20
eeais as a policeman "Officers leel
that the administration does not sup
port them."
to speak at Reed
Andrea Dworkin, considered the
most outspoken feminist on the issue
ot pornography, will speak on " P o r­
nography and Civil R ights," on
luesday, Noe 12. at S p in in the
Reed (ollege (om inous I ickeis are
$( in advance at Bass I icket Outlet,
Meiei and 1 lank Downtown, and A
Woman's Place Bookstore; $7 at the
door; student rates available 1 he lec­
ture is sponsored be the Reed ( ollege
Women's ( enter in cooperation with
I ewis and ( lark W om en's ( enter
and Pot tland State Women's ( enter
Best known as the leader ol the an
ti pornographe m ovement, Ms.
Dworkin is co author of the Mur
neapolis and Indianapolis ordinances
that deline pornography as a civil
rights elolation against women She
has also written live books including
\len Possessing
H om en and the feminist classics
II ornan Hating and ( >ur Wood
( ailed the "eloquent feminist" by
syndicated columnist I lien (iood
man, Ms Dworkin has also been
hailed be (dona Steinem lor offering
not itist a voice of anger and
justice, but also com passion and
ledemp'ion "
A graduate ol Bennington ( ollege,
Ms Dwoikin also writes lor V s.,
Mother Jones, f emimsl Studies, San
/ raneiseo Review of Hooks, I illuge
force, th e Second H g ir , o ff our
basks, ( hrvsalis, and Sojourner
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