Page 8, Portland Observer, November 6, 1986 r ; ALLEN TEMPLE CME C H U RC H C o rn e r o f 8th e n d S k id m o r e Sunday School 9 1 5 a m Sunday W orship 11 00 a m Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00 p m tie r ond and fourth Sundays» R h illip S Send notice o jy o u r church activities and events Io Heligion Editor. Portland Observer P O Box U Ì 7 Portland O B Ì720B The Family Situation by Bev. F H Brown Many o f our American families are in trouble today We read about the statistics on family problems but we also know that many families manage to slay strong and happy despite the inevitable ups and downs ot life Members ol strong families are dedicated to promoting each other s welfare and happiness I heir lose, support, and loyalty lo r each other is steads and lasting, through good times and bad. Strong families cope with the pressures ol life by reminding themselves ol what is truly and lastingly important Our strong couples are committed to sexual faithfulness and leel it is one ot the most important factors contributing to salislaction in their relationship Some couples express the general feeling: “ When one partner has an affair, it damages tlie sell-esteem of the other ” So many o f us today are living in new fam ily situations restructured families, step families, foster families, adopted families, whatever you want to call them, and some ol us have little or no experience with living that way When I look around in our community and see broken homes and broken hearts, I realized that we are faced with many problems today in the realms ol marriage Ihc statistics teach us that in 187(1 there was one divorce out ol everv I f marriages. In 1964, we tmd one divorce in everv three marriages ( urreiitlv, over luilf the marriages end in divorce I he increased divorce rate and the rapid increase ol juvenile delinquency go hand in hand: when parents don't get along, the home docsn t provide the security children need W hen divorce occurs, the children are torn emotionally It’s hard for the children to relate to both parents when they know they don t love each other enough to slay together When parents are church members or profess to be Christian, the children in such a home will often abandon the church and question all biblical standards ot morality and look upon marriage as an institution that no longer has meaning or purpose in our modern society Only in a home where husband and wile live harmoniously can all the family members lind liillilln ie n t, watnull, and security I he ingredients that go into making a strong healths family are good com municalion between husband, wile and children W hen communication breaks down, or is never established, the process halls ( oinmunicatioii is not always through speech Io communicate is to share, to have communion, to have fellowship, to understand A strong, healths marriage is marked bv at least lour desirable eliarac tenstics: I a lifelong fid elity; 2 a pattern ol t hrist like love in which both husband and wile sacrifice then own interests lor tbe happiness ol the other; 3 being affectionate, polite, and more caring in what you say to one another; and 4 a mutual respect lor one another. COMMUNITY CHURCH of GOD 202 N.E. S kid m o re 281 5678 284 5669 Services 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship 7:00 p.m., Evening Worship 7:00p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting V ic to r R. B ro w n , B. Theology. Pastor N e ls o n (P a s to r) Allen Temple hosts welcome ot Roses, the tea will be held Nov. 10 from 3 to 5 p.m. at 4236 N.E. 8th in fellowship Hall The Allen temple family invites the Portland metropolitan area to come and jo in us in welcoming the Rev. Phillip Nelson and family to the city S o u th A fric a n leader w a rn s o f p o s s ib ility o f civ il w a r N E First b Schuyler • 284 1964 John H Jackson Minister M Ed M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5 00 P M Vestier Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communron Each First Sunday Boevak, and several clergy, among them the Rev Charles Villa-Vicen/io, a Methodist teaching religious studies at the University ol Capetown, and an African Methodist Episcopal cleric Coinciding with Dr Naude’ s ad dress, the Board o f Global Ministries intensified its plans lot divestment ol stock in companies and financial in stitu lio ns doing business in South A frica The board's directors promised total divestment bs the end of 1986 in all U S corporations that provide products or services to the South African police or military, plas a significant role in that nation s economy, ot produce products which support apartheid A state o f civil war exists in South Africa because the government can no longer m aintain control in Black townships without force, the Rev. C . I Beyers Naudc, general secretary ol the South African Council ol Chur­ ches, told the United Methodist Hoard ot Global M inistries Oct. 25 in New York “ II someone were to say we are moving into a state ol revolution, I would vav that’s a reasonable predic lio n ,“ added Dr. Naude, a Dutch Reformed cleric and a leading Afrikaner opponent ol apartheid He said he had just received word of the detention ot 50 anti apartheid ac­ tivists in the Western ( ape, including the lawver defending the Rev Allan THE M OUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH „___ The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National, Oregon, Portland Ecumenical M inistries American Bible Society. M ftM Board UNITY CHRISTIAN P res en ts A Thanksgiuing w e e k e n d m u sical fe a s t AIDS suffers: "the new lepers" Individuals sullering from AIDS ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Sv n drome) “ have become the new lepers," and pose a critical lest lor the lose and ministry ol the church, hi the opinion ol I tilled Methodist Bishop WoodieW White “ Such persons are isolated and rejected," said Bishop W hite in a tecent i >vue ol the ( e tilta l Illin o is ( ontercilcc edition ol the I ruled Methodist Reporter “ I hose w h o know no one personalis w ith the disease liequentls view them av a ealegotv, or a statistic, or even as a sinner I urther. writes Bishop W hite, “ mans who want to he open, under standing, and even ‘L hnslian,' need mote medical evidence and assurance that the disease cannot be transmitted bs s.isual contact It is a complex, ambiguous, frightening and heart­ breaking situation Noting that lesus “ specifically m slructed“ bis dictples " t o heal the lepers," Bishop W bile asks How would lesus translate that command “F e a tu rin g ' In C oncert today for us, his modern dictples, with these contemporary lepers ’ " I be Illinois area bishop also asks whether children with AIDS would be denied admission to Sundas school, as lias beeti the case in some public schools " all these tor whom t hrist died need tbe losing compassion ot the c h u rc h ,'' he coutilines “ I ach is a member ol some fam ily, someone's son ot daughter each precious, who perhaps requites the love and accept ance ot the ( h nslian com m unity mote now than ever before ” lb bop White voices the hope that government, private citizens and Inundations will provide the financial resources needed lo t research, and adds ” And I pray that we in the t hurch will not be found lacking when and should these out brothers and sisters with Acquired Immune D eficients Sv m il onie appear at out gates, seeking the ministry and love ol the ( hutch The First Lady of Gospel EUANGELIST SHIRLEV CAESAR And THE CAESAR SINGERS Also A ppearing Mr. Perfect Peace (Himself) KEITH PRINGLE Frid ay N o u em b er 29, 1985 Benson High School A u d ito riu m 546 N. E. I 2th Ruenue Time: 7:00 P M. Purchase Your Tickets Soon!!! Limited Seating Available YOUR WATER: IS THERE MORE THERE THAN MEETS THE EYE? For tic k e ts or tic k e t In fo rm a tio n call; C H R IS IIH N S U P P IY 2 5 6 - 4 5 2 0 M E IE R 0 (R A N K 2 2 6 - 1 6 0 5 SI 1 .2 5 Dr Hazel L Brown Sr., D D , Assistant Pastor IN HOOHNCE HOUSE Of SOUND 2 8 7 - 1 9 6 0 SIEMENS 0 SONS 2 8 4 - 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 .0 0 81 IHE 0 0 0 8 SMILE - GOD LOVES YOU YOU AHE W tlC O M I 10 WORSHIP A1 84 N.E. K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 “ A warm spirit of fellowship always" J* *4. ej ■ The Ark of Safety ( •outere (lurch of (iod in Christ i*»iivk»wU>c * * * '* ” • t h f f$lWc A U lp- T uhviay Mitri« Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal DONI MISS IT /3 0 p m Z 00 p m ONE DAY Sunday Sunday Schrx»l 9 1 5 a m Morning 11 15 a m Worship 6 JO p m Y P W W fcvengebstir 8 0Í) p m Worship Friday ,„ „ .v DONT MISS IT Biblical Miracle and Healing Noon Day Prayer f o l l o w pence w ith Th’’P*'""<*’7 3O„m all m en. f. h oliness u’ Hr O lli U ’ l H k ' i ) I l Morning Pragm 9 0 0 a m mun shall see lue w • ’(J(JU Cord A M ' 4 » r ■ AAA >4RiAM I « FACT: w ’ • • • • . I • A I • -w FACT: FACT: • A •'• ,.,•• • • ' FACT: *• *«• A » • A ’ •• • ’ I •» 'f t f » » J A ’ • • FACT: , • , • •' . * A < *• 1 ' 4» • ’ ’ »'» K I , ' « ' I ' ¿ I ' ' «4. ” . •' ” • ' • t * ’ Evangelist W. Pritchett ’ I ’ . N» A ’ ' , » ‘ A • ' W HO HAS A PROVEN NATIONWIDE MIRACLE MINISTRY AND IS HEARD EACH SUNDAY MORNING ON KAAR RADIO 1480 AM FROM 8 00 A M 8 30 A M . C o m e and learn d ire c t fro m G o d 's FACT: • a « , ' A o*' , r- » .» I • . . ’ I ■ f. •••» .»• ’ I ’ j. . i « ’ • -s » 1 r w ord th a t it is his w ill to heal you and , to m eet all your needs. /S THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN DO? f uneral H om e has a stu ff dedicated to the fam ilies m their hour o f need with low cost funerals with dignity anti liberal terms. Z / ’y Ztci w u v«’ C a t Oeorge Quanker Charlene T. M right 2736N.E. Rodney 503-28! -4891 Portland, Oregon 97212 Learn how to c laim G o d 's promises and rece ive your needs. YES! A pure and simple solution to improving water quality is the Amway* Water Treatment System Effectively removes Pesticides, Herbicides, Industrial Chemicals, Chlorine and THM's (suspected cancer causing agents at high concentrations!, Giardia Lamblia, and a host of other contaminants For specific information, call: There w ill b e a question answer tim e . Saturday, November 16,1985 Rom 2 00 to 5:00 P.M. 287-3298 Financing A vailable COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL 1030 N E Union Avenue Vi.sT T* in ; Í2 » - Portland, Oregon •>*» • • i V i / • a e