Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 06, 1985, Page 7, Image 7

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    Portland Observer, November 6, 1985, Paye 7
South African protest vexes
Reed College community
*»• Hotter! I ulhian
\ group ol Reed t ollege students
occupied the college president’s ollice
over the weekend, prolesling Reed's
investm ents in com panies that do
business in South Africa.
Seventeen students took over the
ollice ol Reed College President Paul
Bragdon at 4 p m ., I ridas Ol the
original group, only lise rem ained
when the occupation was called off
early Sunday morning
The office occupation stin ed up
considerable controsersy on the cam­
pus, as students, faculty and a d ­
m in istratio n continued to discuss
dis est ment
Al a Salurdas aftern o o n rails,
student protesters demanded that the
Reed Board of I rustees state then in
tent to dis est I lies also demanded
that the board's I xecuttve t ommiltee
hold an emergence meeting to discuss
the issue
Ihe Board ol I rustees was su p ­
posed to discuss the issue during a
meeting in January, but the protesters
said that was too long to wail tor so
urgent an issue. I lies charged that
their tuition money was being used to
prop up an oppressive regime that is
killing Blacks I lis college has $8
million invested in businesses involved
in South Africa
I he protesters were supported in
their efforts bs Ron Herndon, himself
a Reed graduate who organized an
occupation ol the Reed a d ­
ministration building as a protest ol
college afliim atise action policies in
At the Salurdas rally, H erndon
pointed out the irons ol an institution
that teaches subjects in the humanities
hasing investments in a country he
called "the antithesis ol humanity
M eanwhile, another group ol
students at a rally on Sunday ex­
pressed then disapproval of the oc­
cupation l hristophei Phelps, a
student member ol the Africa ( o il
cerned (. ommiltee, said students ap ­
parently had an agreement with the
board that they would wail to discuss
the issue during the lanuais meeting
Phelps, who disl not approve ol the
occupation, said the protesters should
hase waited Ills' period leading up to
the lanuais meeting was supposed to
be a time ol discussion between
students, faculty , administration and
the board I he board has members
throughout the country, and will not
meet sooner than lanuary. said
None ol the protesters were
at rested the occupation will be han
W hen
y e a rs
got m
th in g s
w o rry
to b e
died bs the college judicial board, said
Susan t rim , dean ol student ac­
tivities. I ollowing their departure
from the ollice, a meeting was held
with protesters, adm inistrators,
faculty and about 2tN) students t tint
said the ad m in istratio n 's attitude
throughout the occupation was non
confrontational. "W e are working as
carefully as we can to talk with
students, to negotiate with them," she
Bragdon said that on the positive
side, the protesters' action showed
that Reed students care about op
pression in the world
I he students were supplied bs
lnends outside the ollice during their
«2 hour occupation I lies were not
allowed to use a nearbs bathroom at
first, using instead a bucket in the of­
fice A banner leading "Disesl Sow "
was draped from the administration
building dining the protest
DMAC awards
Karen Powell and Sbernan Haggar
were presented plaques "In honor of
D esegregation
Monitoring Advisory Committee, Port
land Public Schools and the Children
of Portland Powell and Haggar were
am ong the fo u n d in g m em bers of
(P hoto Richard J B ro w n )
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