Page 8, Portland Observer, October 30, 1986 AIDS strikes Blacks at high rate h i Henry Huvull \ close look at the victims ol AIDS ( A cquired Im mune Deficiency Syn­ drom e) reveals a d isp ro p o rtio n a te number ol Blacks struck by the deadly diseases, while more than half o f the nation's children w ill, AIDS are Black ( iimy recent data from the ( enters lo r Disease C o n tro l (< D ( ), Dr Wavnc Greaves, d u e l ol the division ol infectious diseases at Howard I ni veisiiv in Washington, I) ( , notes that he has found " a lot more cases among Blacks than we p re v i­ ously thought " Nationally, Blacks comprise 25 per cent o l all victim s ot A cquired Im inline Deticieiicv Syndrome more than double the 12 percent Black jxip illa tio n in the nation And some 56 percent ol the nation’s children hit by AIDS are Black, Greaves emphasized in an interview Since the A ID S virus was Inst re­ ported in this countrv in l9 N I,rn o rc than 15.4INI Americans have been a f­ flicted hv the disease, which destroys the body's immune system and is ulti ni.itelv fatal Blacks account for more than 5,5(>1 the known "pediatric cases" comprising children under 15 107 ol 191 ch ild re n w ith A ID S have been Black, he adds, noting that children in.ike up about one percent o l all A ID S cases reported in the I lilted States I he epidem iologist points to the state ol Mat viand as a good example ol the disp ro p o rtio n a te ly high inci deuce among Blacks In that stale. 116 ol the 222 know n cases have been Black victims, accounting lor 52 |X*t cent more than double the 22 per cent B l.u k pop u la tio n in M a iy la n d , lie stresses. I ike the disease itself, mystery shrouds the reasons why lltere is a high \ l I )S incidence among Blacks I here's till beliel (in the Black , om m unitv I that A ID S is a white man's disease," savs ( ireaves. who is also an assistant ptolessor ol medicine al I low aid " A l DS is color blind " \n o lh e i problem is that Blacks ollcn tend Io seek health care when a medical problem has reached an ad vanccd dageof development At I low a i d l mveisilv H ospital, when* most AIDS victim s Healed thus tar have txvll III.ic k . MI )S sulleiers have gen erally lived about six to eight mouths alter diagnosis o l the disease I he median su rviva l n a tio n a lly is IN months from diagnosis to death W hile Gieaves is on what he calls "the Iro n ! lin e " ol Healing AIDS patients. Ins colleague. Di Winston I rcdcrick, assistant ptolessor ol medi C ontrol awarded a $250, (MX) gram to Howard over three years, launching the Sexually T ransm itted Disease I taming Program for senior medical sludentx. H ow ard is one o f only six universities nationwide funded by the C IX for such training, says Greaves, noting that training is conducted in cooperation with local health depart- menls. " I f my tune weren't fu lly taken up with oilier academic dunes," (ireaves notes, " I would devote it to lobby­ ing hard fo r addressing Ihe issue or studs mg the problem ot why there’s j disproportionate number o f Blacks attested (by A ID S ), par'icu la rly the pediatric cases." Dr Wayne Greaves, chief of infectious diseases at Howard University Hospital, consults w ith Dr Soon Young Park of the university's College of Pharmacy and Pharrnacal Sciences on drug treatment of AIDS patients, most o, whom are Black at the Washington, D C., hospital Greaves emphasizes that nationally Blacks comprise 26 percent of all AIDS victims more than doulNe the 12 pm cent Black population o, the nation (Photo: Harlee Little) ciik * at Howard, is trying to unUxk i I k * secreis ot AIDS Ihe lormer National institutes ol Health researcher is con dueling research io lin d certain para meters or "re lia b le m arkers that may give clues to the disease s devcl opmeni. S o la r, AIDS has prim arily struck homosexual and bisexual men, intra venous ( I \ ) drug abusers and recipi cuts o l contam inated blood B ill in these high risk groups, a stark d ille r ence etneiges betwen while and Black All)S v ictiins According lo Greaves. ahoul N' |x*r cent ol the nation's whiles with the dis ease are gav ami eight percent are intravenous drug abusers Among AIDS victims, 49 |x*rcetlt aie gav and 5 n percent ate IV drug abusers He believes that more a tte n tio n needs Io lx* given lo d iu g abusets Di Alyce G u lla tie e , director ot H ow aid I Diversity H ospital's Insti line lo t Ding Abuse and Addiction, agrees, pointing out thai imrovenous drug abusets may pose a greater risk ot spreading the virus to the general pub lu than homosexuals D ing abusers can he, homosexual, bisexual or prostitutes " a m icro coslll ol ihe populaliout " she stresses “ So many lives aie touched bv ding abusers," she continues, adding that they geneiallv have children mote Ire quently Ilian homosexuals or bises uals. ( hildreu can contract ihe dis ease hetore 01 dining b irth hv Hans mission fro m in le cle d expectant m otheis, as well as through blood transfusions I he high coneenti a non o l Black Memorial Center Day Care À • Kindergarten • Pre-School 4 year old kids at Grace Collins M e m o ria l C an ter learn b o w to m ake cookies À • ■ ■ I • Mon rn n k) .im e üt) pm Call 281-6930 128 N.E. Russell St. ; 5 year old kids at Grace Collins study h ard on school w o rk before going outside to play Grace Collins U AIDS victims is loiind hi urban areas that have l.urlv large Black popula lions, savs ( neaves Many w lio c o n trad ihe latal disease, lot which there's no cure, are in Iheir «k (neaves believes public education is the kev to A ID S prevention and io overcoming ihe tears, uncertainties and m is in fo rm a tio n about A ID S People need to know that AIDS is deadlv and spieading “ You're selling yourself up for earlv dea th ," Gullailec tells hei thug palienls, intonnmg them that lliev ale­ ni an AIDS Inch risk gioup (neaves suggests i hai "s a fe se x" practices should prevail avoiding m ultiple sex partners or prom iscuity which can inciease the iisks ol con trading (tie la,gels sexuallx lia iism il led disease And blood transfusions should be performed mils under “ dire (medicali circumstances ( (ne edile anon piogiam al Howard, allhotigh not taigctcd to the general public, Iranis medical students indiai* nose jn d manage patients with esn'a' Iv transm uted diseases, including AIDS I asl veai. ihe ( euleis lo t Disease - Memorial Center Day Care ( ompleie dentures al a suhsianhallv reduced cost are available Io new pa licnts at the Oregon Health Sciences I mvervily (O H S l I School ot Den tistry " I he dentures are constructed bv denial students in Ihe < >HSt ’s Denial clinic under the direct supervision ot faculty demists,” said Di Sebastian ( ampagna. chairman ol ihe schcxil's departm ent ot rem ovable prostho- doniics "We can accept new patients right awav and can lake as mans as ado patients each veai in this special pro­ gram ," he added Ihe cost lo patients toi this service is siihsianliallv reduced Services pro sided include a complete oral examma lio n , \ ra w and a complete set ol high qualily up|x-i and lower dentures Palienls w ho are accepted lo t treat ilienl must he able lo visit the < H IM Denial ( him twice a week toi live lo six weeks " I his p io g ia m serves a dual pur pose." ( ampagna said " I t helps till fill ihe ixx-d lot dentines among people who could not otherwise a lto rd them, and i, also allows our students lo gain ihe needed experience and H auling required lot Iheir professional cduca lion I oi m oie in fo rm a tio n about Ihe deni me piogiam , contact ihe ( HI si Sc liool ol Deiiiisii v al 225 NN 15 W hat you should know about taking everyday drugs Most di ii| old m phai iliac ic in ihe I tilled Stale's ale sale and woik as intended lusl die same, it's besl hi ex erase great care when hiking any mexli cation d o n 't lake m ore than the recommended dosages and walch out lor undesiiahle side etlects I hat advice should he espa tails heeded when hiking such commonlv available oxer the counter m c d ii.i lions like aspirin and cold lemedies, oi frequently prescribed drugs like birth control pills and iianquilizets Here are consumer lips on ID com monlv used ding types • 'Latch Key Program tO 1 1 VTS. “ Aging Relatives. Your fam ily and Y o u " is the title o f a free fa m ily fo ru m , sponsored bv M e tropolitan fa m ily Service, to be held W edries day, Nos. 6, at 7:30 p.m . at Augus­ tana 1 utheran Church. 2710 N f 14th Avenue. fa m ilie s who are facing the chal­ lenges o f finding appropriate care and housing alternatives for oldct family members are encouraged to attend Representatises fro m a variety o f fa m ily service agencies w ill answer questions and share in fo rm a tio n on their services and programs. The subject w ill be explored in depth in a six-part series to be held Thursday evenings beginning Nov 14, also sponsored hs Metropolitan fam ils Service A small fee w ill be charged fo r the series, which includes disais sion o f changing fam ily roles and responsibilities, available care options, family communications, understand­ ing the older relative, and developing effective contacts w ith service pro viders. Those wishing additional informa Iron, or registration, may call M etro­ politan f amily Service at 22N 723N OHSU dental school make dentures available Grace Collins Children 6 wks. Free Family Forum: 'Caring for Older Relatives' is/'/r/h Nccei take more than two a grain tabk*ts every tixn hours tor a maximum o l 10 davs three lor lever Before h ikin g another drug or undergoing surgery, lell vom dixtor it you've been hiking aspirin S ouk * potential side ellevts: stomach |\un and nausea Kinging in die eats is also possible, b ill (hat's geneiallv die sign o l a high dose and goes awav when von slop hiking die drug • h e h irn in o fh e n Allhough Ibis aspirin substitute is geneiallv tree ol side etlects, a l.uge overdose can lead to serious, even latal liver damage I he recommended dosage is ihe same as for aspirin • Idiui/i/s l i \ hesl to lake lliein oik * hixir altei meals and not with olh er medicines I xcessive use can lead to constipation oi diarrhea • C old Medu a tio n \ No drugs can cure a cold; tiles can, however, relieve symptoms. I hus, d your d ix to r pre scribes cold medication, ask whv II it's an aniibioiK which will not cure the cold ii may be a waste ol mmx-s • 4ZZ«rgi/)n/gs I ike cold niedica lions, generally they only relieve symptoms Antihistamines should not be taken bs people with glaucoma, or bv men w ith enlarged prostates, and not combined w ith alcohol Besides drowsiness, Ihev can cause* drv moulh, nose and throat • \n lih io lu i Because these pre svrtptinn drugs work overtime, h's mi portani lo keep taking them even alter Petty Cat "« p * jc "«'O' fMtvxxrx^ ««ga by NAOM< * M S A N D A I D O U G LA S NA T A l I f C O U 8 M tf H A f I YVf f P S AD92 JULIE H801 N ow q 5oo N ow $2495 Reg $35 00 Roy $18 96 M R S . C ’s W IG S 707 N.E. Fremont 28*1-6525 Closed Sun. « Mon. OPIN Tuoa. thru Sat. 11:30 AM to 6:00 PM YOUR WATER: IS THERE MORE THERE THAN MEETS THE EYE? mm syinpionts disappear Also, read the label lo lind out it Ihev should be taken o n h on an empty slomach AA ahh oui loi allergies, and hccatctul ol oveiusc. which mas lead lo the development o l lesisianl shams ol micro oiganisiiis • H i'lh < m il'n l I ’ll!-. " I lie P ill" is ihe most widelv studied drug in his lo iv A lle i iw o decides, scientists liave learned dial Ihe risk ol heat I disease and slioke increases in women over age 5A who smoke w bile on Ihe pill Il's not recommeiidixl loi women with high blood pressing, diabetes, liver disease oi a fam ily Ihisiorv o l hear, disease, rcgaidlcss ol age H o rm o n a l flu e iu a iio n s in p ill users can alleviaie symptoms o f de­ pression in some women and worsen them in others. I here's no lin n evidence dial die pill causes cancel Newei torm ula pills contain mg lowei doses ol esirogen and p ro ­ gesterone are less like ly lo c a lis e weight change, breast tenderness, abdominal cramps or skin discolora lion, hut more likelv localise menstru­ al irregularities • D iet I h Z s I he I ood and Drug Administration il D AI is still weighing evidence hetore deciding d phenylpro­ panolamine ( I’ P A) contained in diet aids is completely sale I Ihe I D A Hnds PPA sate and effective for a short lim e use.) Iw o Washington, D ( , consumer groups, however, recommend nor using it. • Ira n i/iiiliz e r\ Overuse ol drugs like A ahum can lead lo tolerance, making you need more ot the drug. And sudden w ithdraw al can lead lo unpleasant symptoms. • S/ee/i izrr/.v Ih e I D A has ap proved sleep aids to r "o cca sio n a l use" olds I nless inslrucled lo do so hs iheir physicians, people with mild or in fre q u e n t sleeping d iffic u ltie s should not use potent chugs prescribed lot patients with chronic or severe in somma. PACT: PACT: PACT: PACT: PACT: PACT: /S THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN DO? YES! A pure arid sirrijile solution to improving water quality « the Amway ‘ Water Treatment System Effectively removes Pesticides, Herbicides Industrial Chemicals, Chlorine and THM's (suspected cancer causing agents at high concentrations). Giardia Lamblia, and a host of other contaminants For sjiecific information, call 287 3298 Financing Available