• W H . V Z -, •• r i •Prom otions •M anaging •Booking C o m p le t* E n te rta in m e n t S e rv ic e * •Publicity •Protect layout« •Program Coordination •Bands • Dancer« •A c to n • P A Equipment •lig h tin g •D isco Unit it D J I,„ v ENTIRTAINMI n T *TTR*CTlOHS MTWOA» Portland Observer, October 30, 1985, Paye 7 i i i Contact Joe IBoenl Keller • Hom e 232 9871 • OHice 288 0033 KMHD F.M. presents äoinWe Oct. 31 — 9:00 until. . . T h e M y s te ry M a n D isco S h o w p r • MâM • Si M| The Battle of the DJs Wed thru Sat 'R a d ia n c e ' to a p p e a r lo cally li is, guile xmiplv. u rate awciublange ol remarkable musical talein, a seven man aggregate Iroin one ol Xmenca'v premier musical ciliex, ( i.tkl.md, making memorable modem music ihai catches and bolds Iroin the very lirsi listening I be group is Radiance and uexei has a sound so clnselv matched a name the smooth, sophisticated and delimielv danceahle approach ol then debut album on Qwest Records is a shining example ol the xerx best in contemporary creativitv bx a group with a xeix bright Inline indeed /*»« A \ ( 7n«is<' is the title ol Radiance's lust x mx I Killing and with a selec lion o: si/yling original (lines, some ol the tightest arrangements and most electn Ixnig iXTtorinancex anywhere on record, n max xxell lx- die debut ottering ol die season Prixluced bx Rcggis "R eg” ( irillin . / ’/< X \ ( /nxixr highlights a spectrum ol state ol the art rhvlhmic and melodic blends, mixing sassx lyrics with piopul sixe, driving dance music " \ l l N ig h t" is Radiance's lust Qwesi single, but cuts like ‘ ‘ Where Da I rcakv \i." " I lecira ime I ads." "I ollipnp I oxer," and ''( an’l keep My Hands lo M x s e ll, ' guaiaiilee dial il won't be the last I ’nk \ ( /loow' is a er.ukling, high eneiex. nresistible album lim n a gtoup .xho ate ins, Ix’ginniiig to change the sound ol loinonoxx Radiance will lx’ appealing in Portland on Sunday, Sox lid . at the Ma sonic I eniple, 11 Id S W Park al 8:111 p m Ml ages ate welcome Nancy Wilson Friday, Nov. 22, 8 P.M. Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall Available at: Civic Box Office B ass Tickets G.l. J o e s Tickets: $1425 $15.75 $17 25 W o rld C o m m u n ity D a y Sponsored by M iller Brands. Pepsi Cola B ottling C o m p an y M o u n t Hood C o m m u n ity C ollege Foundation \ \ orhi I ommunitx I )ax on I rid a v. Sox I , is a naiional observance spem soied annuallx bx ( liureh Women United dial mules ( hnstian women in an ecumenical experience that tnvuves on issue’s ol world |X’ace and their individual and collective part in that prexesx I his seat's service, written bx churchwomen Iroin the lartn Pelt nt America Sebtaska. kansa,. Missetuti, Iowa. North and South Dakota is entitled "Hatxest e>l Blessings " Il expresses values bom ol closeness to and rexeience lor die eaidi that pnxluces loexl ten die hungry ol the woild I he setxice also reflects die challenge tell bx llies- i uial women as they recount then blessings, then leeliugs ahmii I.mills, home, land, and then own responsibilities in light ol a broadened w oi|J consciousness In Por Hand, W odd ( m iilu u n i tv I > i\ nb,ci value w ill la k e place al the Sunnxside I lilted Melhixhsl I h u rd i. " 2 0 S I > anthill al 9 11) a in Speakers lor the celebration will lx- Bar bat a I W mans, I xecutixe Direetoi ol I ISH 1 met genex Setxice. I l k . and Dave Wl.illls, < licgmi Stati I llix e t -ilx I xlension Serxice ol Miiltuouiah ( iunits Sunday Afternoon Music S c h o la rs h ip S u n d a y Music by the Jazmin Jazz Combo & Musical Friends Every Sunday R O Y A L E S Q U IR E C L U B 1708 N.E. Alberta Portland, O regon The Royal Esquire Club's Community Service Statement by A.D.S. Volume XIV I all is here for sure, and wilder is coining on. Don’t forget io winterize your ear and home healing units. I lie Holiday Season is approaching. In order Io fully enjoy il, you must remain eool, calm and sober. I lie Royal I squire Club, through its assoc iated memberships, will he here to help you have fun. In November, (he elub will hold a talent show which will I k fun; in October the club held a Halloween costum e parly which was Inn In December the club will host a num ber o f parlies I am sure they will all he tun. More on dates later. Golden Rule Beauty Salon Presents Pat Mary (Pnumwti w I IO,n»atixl S()«;ializiny in the latnst ftng«r wave stylus from Los Angeles N e w B IN G O In T o w n — 3:00 - 5:00 P. AZ. P O.I.C. Sponsored Sponsored by the Royal Esquires as a Community Service of the Club Wed. EtThurs. Evenings Doors Open at 5:00 p.m. Sprxaalizmg in the latest curl styles So what are you waiting for? Stop in, or call, and get Fresh Today I iîfcU" Bnng in Ad for Special Treatment! Melvina Bldg. - 286-8308 (Comer of Interstate f t Ainsworth) Refnshrncnts A vailuble !71H: at the 412 N.E. Alberta ii.c. Mbrrta 281 7063 Res 282 0064 natural and stmiplit lod.iy. Project of the Week ST. VINCENT DE PAUL THRIFT STORES Celebrates The A bookcase to encourage reading GRAND OPENING by Steve Ellingson Of Our New, Larger Milwaukie Store. Located At The All New Shopping Center at 32nd and Harrison in Milwaukie. I el this unique bixikcase help you encourage your children to discover die joys o f reading at an early age. Manx children who do not develop their reading skills while still young ■fall behind later on in their educa ftion. Introduce them to Sain the St. •'Bernard bixikcase and he'll soon be y o m c one o f their best pals sharing Jus stones o f adventure to faraway 25% OFF Of Our Entire Inventory At All Of Our 7 Locations OVER 10.000 ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM AT EACH LOCATION C lothing - Home Furnishings - Appliances - Much More places. ; "S a m " stands t ' ; feel tall and 2 Teel wide I he shelf depth is a goixl J l inches to easily hold even largc- •si/e picture books as well as a lew •fa vo rite d o lls or stuffed anim als .'Step by-step directions and fu ll si/c Traceable patterns make this a quick 'and easy project even fo r the be ginning w ixxlw orker Also included ‘ on tlx- plan is a color guide for paint­ ing Sam’ s features. To obtain Doggie Bookcase, Pal tern No. 777, please send St 95 Tor a collection o f five different pieces o f children's fu rn itu re such as a robot dresser, child’s rocker and more, ask for No. (.19, Kiddie Furniture, $6.75 (N o . (.19 docs N O T include N o. 3 DAYS ONLY FRI, NOV 1-SUN, NOV 3 •MILWAUKIE • PORTLAND 777). A ll prices include First Class Postage and handling A lso avail- able is our Patterns fo r Hetter Living catalog, p ic tu rin g over 700 w ood- w o rkin g and h a n d ic ra ft projects. $2.95. ( altfornia residents please add 6 percent sales lax Send check or money order to Sieve F.lhngvon, c o Portland Observer, P. (). Box 2WJ, Van Nuys, ( A 91409 2.18.1 10574 SE 32nd 2740 SE POWELL 740 NE KILLINGSWORTH 21935 SE STARK • GRESHAM 646SW Oak • HILLSBORO 231 E 1st • ST HELENS • OREGON CITY 700 MOLALLA AVE VISA - MASTERCARD WELCOME MON-SAT 10 00AM-6 00PM SUN 12 NOON-5 00PM Thank You For Helping Us Serve Oregonians Since 1869 NEW 7 P»6CB Stain'e’.*' ‘j ’ " prated B " " ' " Coppe' COOKWARE SET 74 Aber OlSCfH*0' & mied Qua"” ” ; I «• A FV 4 / • J WP* 4 t » ' . • >1, 'J 5^ v i » • Tl-