Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 30, 1985, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6, Portland Observer, October 30, 1905
Miss Tan Portland entries
The Miss Tan Portland Scholarship Pageant wil hold and celebrate Us 20th
year o f pageantry in the city o f Portland on Dev. 22. 1985
The 1985-86 pageant committee asks all interested A fro-Am erican young
women between the ages o f 17 and 25 to contact the Miss Tan Portland Scholar
ship Pageant fo r entry inform ation: Miss Tan Portland Scholarship Pageant,
P. O Box 11095, P o rtla n d ,O R 97211, phone(503)282-7436.
To qualify you must be a high school graduate and in gixxl standing within
the community Please write or call today ( ontestant deadline is Nov .15
Joe "Hean" Keller, tnlertummenl Editor
A Jazmin success story
Ramsey Lewis trio in concert
Adrienne Dixon, IK years old, a graduate o f Grant High School, is now at­
tending Southern University in baton Rouge, Louisiana Adrienne is a Jazmin
Marching Band member and also played flute for the Ja/min Jazz Combo. She
is majoring in music and is now studying under M r. A lvin Batlist. The N orth/
Northeast C om m unity Music Program , the non p ro fit incorporation name
under which the Jazmin C om m unity Marching Band is the prim ary musical
unit, is giving a Jam Session every Sunday at the Royal Esquire Club from 3 - 5
p in. I he Jam sessions are raising funds to send two additional band students to
Southern University. I here is no charge. Donations arc welcomed. The Jazmin
Jazz Combo is the standing band for these sessions, but many musical friends,
such as the "1 ove C ongregation,1’ vocalist Mary Reynolds and saxophonist
Dennis Springer have come up to join in supporting "Scholarship Sunday."
Die hanqnest room ol the Royal ( .squires Club lias been extended without charge
to the music program by A D S. Incorporated. Children can attend and Sunday
dinner is served from the kitchen.
The Ramsey 1 ewis T rio w ill make its Oregon Symphony Orchestra debut
for the second set of M errill Lynch Pops series concerts on Sunday, Nov 10 at
3 and 8 p in. and on Monday and Tuesday, Nov 11 and 12 at 8 p in in the
Arlene Schm i/er ( oncert H all I he concert w ill be repeated on Wednesday,
Nov 13 at the Smith Auditorium ot W illamette I University at 8 15 p in . in Salem
Dx- first half o f the concert will be conducted by Txxon Arts Endowment Con­
ductor Neal Gittleman and John Mack will take over the podium when the Trio,
consisting of Ramsey 1 ewis on piano. Bill Dickens on bass and frank IK'naklson
on drums, join the orchestra for the scvmxl half ot the concert
Albina/Interstate Arts Festival
PassinArt A I heatre Company, w ill present its first Albina Interstate
M ulticultural Arts festival at the Interstate firehouse Cultural Center, '140 N
Interstate Avenue in Portland ( In Met Routes 5 and 71). I I k - festival leatues an
art exhibit which opens (K t 31. and thro- nnr-art nlavs which open Nov. 22.
PassmArt’ s multi-m edium art exhibit w ill depict the interactions between
color and class, social and political factors that impact various relationships,
with emphasis on the fam ily unit, The display w ill run Oct )| -.Dec. K, and
includes sculpture, paintings, photography, weavings and masks by several com
muriity artists including Obo Addy, Richard Brown, M ario Caoilc, Glen I a
I ontaine. Rose Niguina, l erdie Sacdalan, Dodie Setola, (h o n ita Smith, Greg
lalton, Vince Wannesay and Roberta Wong. Gallery hours are Id a in 5 p in .,
Monday through Saturday, and before and during weekend performances in the
IK ( I Hcalre. An opening reception for the art exhibit will be held on Sunday.
November It) Irorn 4 6 p.m.
PassinArt w ill also present an evening ot three one-act plays which reflect
the same themes mentioned above, playing weekends from Nov . 22 Dee. 15.
they are: "T h e Dutchm an” by A m iri Baraka (l.eroi Jones), produced and di
reeled by Eugene Hughes o f The Troupe; "H o w Do You Do?” by I d Bullins,
directed by Clarice M. Bailey; and "funnyhouse ol a Negro” by Adrienne Ken
nedy, directed by Michael Grant, f eatured in one or more o f these plays are:
Anne A lvarez, Jenny Ayers, Rita Bankhead, (o n sta n ce ( arley, M onique
Douglass, Nathaniel Haynes, Eugene Hughes, Marvin Johnson, Shirley Peck,
Brenda Phillips, and Karen Wells.
Admission to the one acts w ill be $4 tor each individual play, or $10 tor a
festival ticket to all three. Starting times on friday and Saludav nights will be:
7:34) p in., " D ie Dutchman;” 8:30 p in., “ How Do You D o?;" and 9:30 p in,,
" I unnyhouse ol a N egro." On Sunday afternoons the plays w ill start at 2 00
p h i ., 3.00 p in and 4:00 p.m. respectively. fo r further information, call Passin
Alt at 284-4108. I ickets are available in ails .nice at all Bass I icket outlets, and
reservations w ill also be taken at the II ( ( (24) 79)0) from 10 a in
' p in
Monday through Saturday
Ihe Albina Interstate Aits festival is supported in part by a giant Irom the
Metropolitan Arts ( miinussion
O.F.C. weekly programs
We at the Olympic fitness ( enters, IK29 NT Alberta, wish to inform you
ol our weekly events A t present we have social (unctions for the kids with no
I I) required. I liese events are on I nday and Saturday nights We had out first
function on Saturday , < Kt. 19, 1985, and it was a huge success I his inspired us
to do this each week, and our next function will be I ridav, Nov I, 198', and
Saturday. Nov 2. 198'. beginning at 9 («) p m I liese events will continue on a
regular weekly basis
There w ill be no charge for these functions tor kids who are involved in
Family memberships at O f .('. fo r those who are not members there w ill be a
$1(I) lee
We wish to extend an invitation to all patents to come and tout out lacility
I or more information, please call R Scott Chase at 28' 988)
' The Dutchman"
'The Dutchman" will run for two weeks at the Man Dishman Community Cen
ter, Tt N E Knott St . Nov 1 Nov 10 Show times are Frxlay at 8 p m , Sat
urday, 6 p m , and Sunday 4 p m (Nov 1 will be Preview Niqht
$1 00 at
the door I
This is the first of Baraka s (Jones ) suci esses, and the cause of his critical ac
d am A lascrvxxis blond tna6 every vulgar way she knows to pick lip and seduce
a decent Negro youth in a subway car Failing, she resorts to humiliating him
This breaks the facade of his decency, as he descends to her level for spitfire
fight and decries murder of the whites, by Blacks would make us all sane "
She stalls him, and as other whites dispose of his txxly. primps for tier next vie
te i
Gene Hughes will ('lay the male loud. Clay A Chicago native. Gene moved back
to the Northwest after three years of glorious southern California living Gene
was last seen in Ttie Musical Company's produi turn of Westside Story, as
Pet>e. last spring
J e n n y A yre s w ill d e b u t as th e lo ve ly a nd m ystica l Lula This In d ia na n a tive fin d s
th e N o rth w e s t (8eus.»nt fresh and (Mans to m ake herself rig ht at h o m e here
Miss Oregon Coed search on
Applications arc now being accepted for girls who arc interested in partici­
pating hi the third annual Miss Oregon American ( oed Pageant which will be
held at the Portland H ilton Hotel on Mav 2, 3 and 4, 1986 Girls between the
ages ol I ) and 18 who are active ill then sctlixils or communities and have a gixxl
grade aveiage can apply to participate in the state pageant
Die winner wil be crowned Miss Oregon American ( oed and receive a $'00
cash award, crown, banner, and trophy plus an all expense paid Dream A acation
to Hawaii She w ill Slav at the Sheraton Surfrider Hotel on W aikiki Beach in
Honolulu where she will compete tor the title ot Miss American Cocxl
Die leigniug Miss Oregon American l oed is Ravna Ritchev ol Springfield
I he reigning Miss American ( oed is I vnn Jenkins ot ( lastoma. North l aroluu
I or an application and further inform ation write Miss American ( ixxl
Pageant, 3775 I mma I ane, A ista. ( A 9208)
NKiiMiiniasa m
j m h .«iuinmiMiniwKiui
"Turkey Down” dance
.« ■ n
Blacks in Government is sponsoring then second annual no host bat,
"Dance Tout lurkey D ow n" at the Portland Au Base Officers ( lub, 6801 N I
( ornloot Rd., on Saturday, Nov to, 198'. Iron) 9 tit) p m until 2 <<• a m Ad
mission is $) 50 per person I here will be prizes and new officers will be installed
I he public is invited
Stop! Look! Read!
m um m i
KBOO’s 4th Annual BOO Ball
Friday, November 1 ,1 9 8 5
Portland Union Train Station
The Portland Prisate Itxlustrv ( min
cil monthly Boaid o f Direclors Meet
mg w ili be held at Salishati, Nos
r. io» Miiifi
» « .rin iiiM iiu in iN in M iiiF iira «».iiviNCNifvw ««rWiuiAMiiiHinN
198' al 11 <«).i in
$10 K BOO Members • $11 In Advance • $13 At Door
Available at;
K BOO Radio • Music Millennium • Bass Outlets