Advertisement for Bids SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Merle West Medical Center Klamath Falls, Oregon Bid Date November 6, 1986 2:00 P M INFO RM A TIO N A L A D VE R TISE M E N T PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS S e a l« ! bids Mill I»' . « uiviMt until I O O P M on the dales m d ii iite d in the Pun hasmg Departm ent Multnom ah C ounty Schoo, District * , J 5 0 , N Di«on Rrxtland Oregon lor the items listed herein BID FILIN G DATE JOHN HYLAND CONST. INC. P.O. Bo« 7867 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 3458100 D E S C R IP TIO N We Nov 19 1985 Nov 19. 1986 Nr 'v 19 1985 Relngerated Foods tor Warehouse Stock 19H5 86 iHequirements C ontracll Frozen fo o d s for W arehouse S tock ,98 5 H» i,requirem ents Contract) M e a t a n d M e a t Food P ro d u c ts tor W a re h o u s e S to c k 19 85 8 6 IftoQuirernents C ontract, I ormal annount ement del ailed specifications and bidding doc uments may be obtained a, the above address For additional into» etio n please contact Michael J Hutchens Dins , ( X O, Pure hasing 2 4 9 3305 an equal opportunity employer and request sub bwls from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises © Port of Portland An Equal Opportunity Employer SUB-BIDS REQUESTED North Electrical Distribution System Washington Park Zoo Portland, Oregon Bid Date: November 6. 1985 at 3:00 P.M. Tice Electric Company For Information on current job openings, call our Employment Information Desk. (231-5000, Extension 700. W ASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM CORPORATE PROCUREMENT P O Box 15009 Portland, OR 97215 <5031 2338801 NOTICE TO BIDDERS H r are un equal opportunity employer a nil reque\t \ub huh fro m \m all bu \m e\\ and a ttilli d i\a d i an ta n n i bm inew \uh < <>ntrai Io n , and *om en and minoriti buanew enter fwetiy grven tfiat Washington Pubte Power Sukppfy System, here r'after cafted Buyer mvrtes seated tads for Steel Pipe and Fittings as set forth m the Invrtatxm for Bid Ard. from im « // Auunr-u jrul Mfhlll .It^ h u n ld g n i fruunru .uh. iMifru, l i e jrul jiu l minority buunew enlerpri\e\ Invitations for Bid may tie examined at the officers) of Buyer W N P 2 Bldg HH Richland Washington 98362 Sets of Bidding Documents can be ob tamed from Roger L White« re Senior Buyer W NP 2 Bldg 89 Richland, WaHfxtyti v Each ted shell be accompanied by a Bid Bond or by Certified or Cashier s C/ww k as a bid dapoart m an amount not less Thai' five percent (5% ) of the total anxMint Al t*ts must tie sealed and tiled with the Buyer at W NP 2 Bkfg H9 R k h land Washington 98362 at or before 2 00 P M Pa< rfx Local Time Thurs day November 21 1986 The bids will tie publicly opened and reed at the atxrve time arxj (Am e The Governing body of the Wash.ngton Public Power Supply System re serves the right to refert any and ad bids and to waive irregularities or in hrTTwArties ttwrem W ASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM Rx bland W ellington 98362 J A O Donne* Su<»