» ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS JOBS Classified M U LTN O M A H COUNTY NURSING CALL FOR BIDS O ccup ation al H ealth Nurse 2 < 2 N D b B UR N S ID E S T O R M S fW F H Du« N ovem ber 12. 1Mb at 2 00 P M Btd N o B«1 MX} 0821 Srafc.1 I. ) » « 4 I v .. . « « « ! 1» ttv |Xn. 1.» p„„ „ Mlihoonwli 1« » , tvPuntiwwHjDnrtMoo 2506 S £ 11th Aye P,vita,a O H S /a tH b v R em oval o f an ealettng IB culvert and c o n a lr jc lio n of a 3D culvert Plena and S | v . ,fi, ationa aix tiled with the Pun hauny Dim. to. and opvs may t v obbwwxt from ttv alxnie «Klowt | IH PRFQUALIFICATION Of BIUDFHS Purauant to It... Multnomah County Pikfa Conttact R e v * « H.«tnl Atlmtrxalraliv» Rulm lAR 41) U30z Ptequabf. (atom sfwrf fwrt (w rraimr««) h «r tfi« pnjfHtf Pnai.^eb. at>n ata*. .n rv n iv «ativvw.ts muat t v pmnweit i * k » m the i n u l ot one year pool to the bid date and muat t v a. tually m, eived ot poat martuat to Muflrxaoafi County tiy .ait after ttian 10 ttoya |aaa to tad .«M ang Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance com pany, is accepting applications for a Registered Nurse currently licensed in the state of Oregon to provide com petent nursing care, treatm ent, follow up, and appro priate referral, to the employee popu la tion of Blue C ross and Blue Shield of Oregon lodivido.il will also l»e required to • Establish policies arid procedures of the OHN font tion • D evelop re c o rd keeping, evalua tion. and rejxirting systems • Develop and p ro vid e ed uca tion al OHtaaaof cum ptatveare avnOatac from the Pun tuaeraj IX v w .., Department of (in n e ra l S e n v .e s 2‘ j O*) S F 11th Avenue Portland OR 9770? i5O3l a*4h bi 1 1 program and services p ro m o tin g self care anti health awareness MINORITY ANU H M A iF H U SIN fSS UTILIZATION A l teftaaa are Iwreby W»« ifaaliy aitviaeil dial ttarae I .»..taaara naio iu-,1 ■ • tin ,, total brd amount to. Minority Buaineaa Ente.pr.se part« ipation in one of more of the folowtny subcontract otvta « « 1 0 % ,,f t t v total tad anaemt hi, fem ale Huamesa Ente.pnae part« ipatKin in one Ot mote ot die lolltnymu * 4 « iXTtraci arm * Qualified candidates must have a mini m um o f 2 years experience as an Ot t u p a tio n a l H e a lth N u rse in v o lv in g health education, workers compensa tion , ant) a fu ll ra n g e o f em e rge ncy N O N D IS C R IM IN A T IO N Hahkva i n the naat « 4 t v to . rxnpZy vorrt the ixovtanna of l.«1era and Contractors are «xjXavmil a. the Spot ifx-atmns and em ployee health skills Additional re q u ire m e n ts in c lu d e p ro fic ie n c y in public spe aking. ex< e lle n t in te rp e r xtnal skills .tod a thorough kltowlr>dge o t O S H A a rid w o r k e r s ’ c o m p e n sa txin law No tail will t v .1« ervrat... , ooardered uoleea the tad i ontatna a statement by ttv *»yaw ,ra lavt of he le i dial ttv fratuMtaiaaifa o t / a . 2Z9 362 2X1 H i »■1Z /9 J66 t » n»«t No I» o |a .a a l Will t v I ooaiitervt uniats a< con .panted by a liet h payable to Multnom ah County ( ertiferd by a teapot.vble bank m . Ian. the.eot ,t aurety bond for an amount equal to ten pen not 110 * I ot the ayittepate proposal The successful tmldei shall furnish a Ixm d aatistai to.y to the Brand a. ttv tut anaxiot of ttv conttact Applit ations and resum es w ill be at. t epted th ro u g h M on da y. N ovem ber 4, 1985 Bine Cross and Bine Shield of Oregon oftee. an ext ellent em ployee benefits pat kage, flex tim e w o rk hours, and c o m p e titiv e salary Please a p p ly or send resume to MVtraa’ wrb Cl array roamnot ttai ixjlit *’ ' ,MP« t any a ai lets IX IN F IC H M A N Puri U ra i kj Darn tiv )' 100 S W Market Portland, OR 9/201 / i/itib f l/'/x ir rzzrrzf i / zzz/i/mt r Reath Over I Million Readers With A Statewide Classified Ad . • t nut All 1*1,11 t’ll In M I N i esp jJM C Ihn ,i. Mil, mt I >1. e • Alum It ,.11, .44 0 0 0 liit.tl I .........• • ( ixnlxtvtl Krottrlyhiji .,1 I S ,-I I . It K cattery Pei Houveb, ild • We l i n e Ihe Ail In All Ml N c e s ju p c n CASE M A N A G E M E N T t »OU A like I Inly t l l v Phi«» I .,11 \ y\ ,,t,- ( ),». , • A l l I t IK ( IN I V J l / S PIK .' , v \t IK II AD W o m en 's Shelter Ftx Homeless Dom estic Violence k Resumes only W est W o m e n s Hotel JOBS ( all (Jt lot Drtailv M agailna 545 S W 6th Ptxiland. OR 97209 288 0033 >»«»<" I li a Ila]« Page 6, JOBS, October 30, 198b Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Personnel Departm ent, 5th Floor