Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 30, 1985, Page 15, Image 15

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Environmental Specialist 3
Rogers Cablesystem s
(G ro un d w ater Q uality Specialist)
Career Q pp o rtu nity in
Personnel M a n a g e m e n t
Has an opening for a Dispatcher for
coordination of prom pt and efficient
action in response for requests for
service This person will receive corn
plaints and inquiries concerning serv
ice, receive requests for installations or
change of service, coordinate the time
ly completion of all work pertaining to
service department and maintain and
produce proper reports
Must have high school diplom a or
GED and experiem e in CATV servi« es
or related custom er service field is
preferred Must he able to work non
standard hours including weekends
and must be bondable Interested
persons shook) respond in w ritin g
no later than November 8, 1965 to
Personnel Director
Rogers Cablesystem s
3075 N E Sandy Blvd
Portland, OR 9723?
I qual ()/>/>> irttirim I mphnvr
O ffice Supervisor A n im al Care
$12 52 $14 40 per hour, supervises
Animal C ontrol o ffice staff and per
forms related administrative duties in
volving pet licensing, pet adoption,
spay neuter program, fee collection
and customer service, requires tw o
years of animal welfare or animal con
trot experience; apply by Nov 8 1965
D irector Em ergency M ed ica l Svc
$29,817 $38.753 annually dins ts the
administration and enforcement of or
«finance and rule provisions regulating
ambulance companies and providers
of prehospital lift“ support, requires re
lated Bachelor s degree and five years
of progressively responsible expenen« e
in emergency rnedu al services apply
by December 31, 196!.
$2650 M o n th ly
The Departm ent of Environmental
Quality has a current opening for a
Groundwater Quality Specialist, En
vironm ental Specialist J Io« ated in
Portland The purpose of this position
is to carry out essential groundwater
quality activities needed to develop
and im plem ent a comprehensive
groundw ater quality m anagement
program or for protection and mainte
rvim e of groundwater quality The po
sition will establish groundwater qua,
rty standards and policies, monitor and
assess groundwater quality and pollu
tion source impacts on groundwater
quality; c*valuate and re« nmmend cor
rective actions ne« ess,try to protect
groundw ater quality and provide
te clin u al assistant e to water quality
program staff
TO QUALIFY You m ust ha ve four
years experience in environm ental
control or resource management pro
grams including tw o years expeien« e
in developing water quality standards
or tw o years experience hi ground
water quality studies and evaluatxms
AND a Bachelor s degree w ith ma|«>r
ctxirs«“work in environment.il or jihysi
cal science, one of the natural si i
ent es, environmental geology engi
neermg, or other closely related field
or three more years of Die required
If you are interested and meet the
stated qualifu ations i all the DEQ Per
srxinei offi« e at 229 !iJK2 by Novemtx-r
1. 196!. for a State |ob announcement
and applu ation form Die deadline to
have your appli« atx.n to the
State Personnel Division in Salem
is 5 p m on Novemlx“! 5, 1986
! quail >/>/>< .r/i«ziz/i / luphm r
Carnatx.n Coni|xiny is seeking an indi
vidu.il to fill a n«“wly created (.«.sition
w ith in their D ivision Personnel De
Job requirements
1) Edu« ation or ba« kqround in Per
sonnel M anagem ent Human R«“
sour« esor Industrial Relations
2) Experient e in training program
ilevelo|Mn«“nr and im ^enientatxin
31 A bility to w ork w ith and tram
|xx)|.l«“ at all tsfui atx.nal levels
4l A bility to « omnium« ate « learly
lx.tfi vertsilly and written
5) Travel approximately 25 ’■ Send
resum«“ including io m p e n s a tio n re
quirements to
Carnation C om pany
Personnel Man,x|er
3 ,0 S Balsam
Moses Lake W A 96637
N eighborhood Crim e Prevention
Will assist neighborhood «iti/ens and
neighborhood staff in organism«) and
« oordmatmq street crime prevention
,« tiviti«“S and «ixirdinatinq street «rime
prevention a« tivities and projects and
will tram citizens in street « rime pre
vention techniques A b ility to w rite
i learly and make putifii presentations,
knowledge of neujhborhood associa
lions and « «immunity organisations,
familiarity with street « rime issues and
«(im m u n ity «rime pre ve n tio n te« li
niques D ie p o sitio n is funded for
one year Salary $19,656 Apple a
txms are av.ulat.le at
Offi« e of N eig h b o rh o o d Assns
,220 S W Fifth R«xim4O5
Pixtlarxl QR 97204
248 4!. 19
L)*“<x lime Nov 12, 5 p m
M u ltn om ah C ounty C ourthouse
/ q u a i l > p p u illin il\ I u q > lu \i r
102, S W Fourth Ave Rtxxn ,34
Portland, OR 97204
/ (,'ii<// ( )pi*>rtumt\ I tn/Uawr
$32,500 4 Bdrms, 2 Bath
Rain C ountry Realty
A rro w Signs
50% O f ," $299 co m p le te Lighted
non arrow $279 Unlighted $209 (free
letters1) Quality workmanship Factory
warranty Extremely limited quantity
1800)423 0163 anytim e
Paying Federal and State Taxes
On interest from savings and CL) s by
investing in Oregon tax exempt mum
iip a llx in d s FREE Ixmd list
Tom M oore
1 800 45x2 09bb
JOBS, OctotMtr 30, 1986, Page 3