Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 30, 1985, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10, Portland Observer, October 30, 1906
Biblical Miracle and Healing
Send nonet o f tour church adivines
and events Io
Religión Editor, Portland Observer
P O B o x iU 7
Portland OP 9720b
ov I tee Armstrong
International g ift festival o ffe rs
un iq u e c ra ft item s fo r sale
I he annual Inicrnaiional (nil les
tisal featuring tra d itio n a l tr a ils Iron,
ilurd world countries will be lield ai the
Portland Meininonile ( hurch, S.l
ixih and Main, on I ndav and Salur
day, Nov Hand9
I he In lei national (nil I estisal is a
unique and intriguing experience. I ess
events oiler qualils cralls Irom around
the ssorld ai such reasonable prices
I or the shopper, the functional and
decorative Hems make excellent gills
I or the artists and craftspeople ol de
seloping countries, the event is an op
porium ts io make a living through
then traditional cralls As further en
ticemeni, the I estisal o tters ethnic
Meunoniie baking dem onstrations
ex ir )i tree coffee and samples ol delici
oils Russian German zwieback io all
st toppers
I tils is an event to sslnch one ssill re
turn nine and time again Because the
crafts are both usetul and artistic,
there is something lor everyone, in
eluding children I tie shelves will be
lull ol brilliantly embroidered linens,
hand carved wood products, baskets
ot mans natural materials, jute mats
and plant hangers, tooled leather,
dolls, toss, handmade greeting cards.
( hrisiuias ornam ents and natisits
scenes, brass ware and lacquer All
Hems are hand crafted bs artisans
Irom osei 20 developing countries
around the world, as well as American
\p p a la c hia I he Hems ate obtained
through xl I I III I P ( rails, a pro
gram ot the Meiinonite Central C orn
nnttee. which is a relict and service
agency ot the Mcnnonitc and Brethren
m t tu isi ( hurches in Nortli America
Because XI I I HI I I’ ( rafts lakes
no profits Irom tire sale ol these tiandi
cralls through churches, it is possible
to give the craftspeople lair prices lor
their traditional crafts All proceeds
are returned Io third world artisans
and their families. I asl year the
lcvliv.il raised more than $21,000 ill
supplemental income lor over JO, (MM)
I lie wood carvers ol Haiti, needle
work artists ol the Israeli West Bank,
and the homespun tosmakers ol Ap
palaclna. have joined with others ol
mans countries to firing an exciting v.i
riels ol gilts to P ortland tills year
Hie Portland Mennomte and Peace
Mennomte < hurches have joined to
gel her to make these items available to
tlie people ol Portland loin in the
pleasure associated with giving and
receiving I estival hours are V a in to
9 p in on Ind us, Nos K, and 9 a in
10 X |i m on Saturdav, Nov 9 As ex
pressed bv one participant, " I his is a
jos I can gel simple or elegant gills tor
family and friends while helping third
world craftspeople
all at the same
( host Memorial ( hurch ol God in
( tirisi, 42 V N Mississippi, at Xkid
moie, will hold a singing and praising
sei v ne I i idav. Nov 1. 19«x, at 9 I x l
I' in I or more inform ation, call
2XX l-irw» Roc I I ate is the pastor
A Public Service of the Portland Observer
A lbina M inisterial A lliance
284 6023
Corner of 8th and Skidm ore
S u n d a y S< h o o l 9 30«im
S u n d a y W o rs h ip 11 00am
C h ris tia n Y o u th F e llo w s h ip 6 00 p m
s im o n d a n d fo u rth S u n d a y s ’
E lo n zaJ Edwards (Pastor)
N E First b Schuyler • 284 1964
John H Ja< k»on Minister M Ed M P
9 » A M Church School
11 00 A M ( *onyrf*yational Worship
5 00 P M
10 U0 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday
11 00 Communion Ea< h First Sunday
The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of
Oregon I ott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National Oregon
Portland Ecumenical Ministries, American Bible Society. M trM
G reat H y m n s o f F a ith ’
at C o lu m b ia C h ris tia n C ollege
Dr David Davenport, president ol
I’cpperdine I nisersils in Malibu,
( allforma, will be one ol the keynote
speakers lot ( olumbia ( hristian ( ol
lege’s 19XX Bible lectures, Nos 5 M
I heme lor ihc lectures w ill be
"(.real Hymns ol Faith." Davenport
will bung the final evening keynote
message Ihuisdas, Nos. 7, al 7 p.m,.
on the hymn "Amazing Grace,"
I he lectures will open al 7. K) p.m.
on Iuesdas. Nos 5, wilh " I he (nil ol
Song," an introductory lesson by
lens Rushford ol Malibu, ( alilor
ma, who has done extensive research
about ( hrisiian hymns Doug Par
sons, pulpit minister for the Golf
Course Road of ( hnsl in Midland,
lexas, will speak Wednesday evening
on the theme "Worthy An Ihou."
Morning kevnole lectures Irom the
Psalm s w ill he delivered Wednesday
and Thursday by Rick Alchles. minis
ler of the Southern Hills ( huch ol
(hrisl in Abilene, lexas Stuart I use
ol A goura, ( aliform a. will present
the Friday morning kevnole address
Irom song lexis in Ihe Revelation.
Evangelist W. Pritchett
Lose also w ill jo in a slate o f class
levutiers that includes Russell N. Squire,
noted church music historian; I ran
Armour, popular w om en's speak
er Bill f lail, Harding G raduate
School ol Religion prolessor; and
John () York, ( olumbia Bible proles
Also on the program ate John Ms
Keel. minister in Glendale, ( A. Drew
Brown, south minister tor ihe $'an
couser. W A. ( hutch ol ( hrisl; Dan
Rhodes, chairm an ol ( olum bia's
Bible and religion division, and Neldon
Watson, minister for ihe Meiro
Church of Christ in Gresham, OR
FROM 8 00 A M • 8 30 A M
C o m e a n d le a rn d ir e c t fr o m
w o rd t h a t i t is his w ill to h ea l y o u and
t o m e e t a ll y o u r n e e d s.
L e a rn how to c la im G o d 's p ro m is e s and
re c e iv e y o u r needs.
T h e re w ill b e a q u e s tio n a n sw e r tim e .
Saturday, November 16,1985
Campbell Soup
boycott called
A hovsoll ol ( amphell Soup ( o.
products was voted ( kt ' by lire I ml
ed Melhodisl ( h u ic h ’s ctnel social
action agcitsv
Sponsors ol ihe move said n was de
signed lo j'ui pressure on ( amphell lo
lake a more active role in settling a
seven year dispute between tom ato
and cucumber growers in pails ol
Ohio and Michigan, and migrant
I. ii m w or kei s I he bos col I sole will
lie ies lewed in a sea,
In a separate action, directors ol the
I tilled Melhodisl Board ol ( hurch
and SiKiels declined lo endorse a bos
colt ol non union ( alitornia table
grajx-s Instead, ihe agency's directors
said rlies would suppoit efforts by iwo
regional units ol the 9 2 million-
member denom ination to reconcile
diltcieus.es between growers and
Hx- Campbell hoycoit was approved
by aboui a 2-1 margin among ihe
appioximalels bllcleigs and las le.nl
eis present when the sole was taken
Ihe table grapes boscoll was re
levied bs a similar margin
I lie boscoll ol Ihe lood coinpaus
was callcxl m 1979 bs ihe I arm I abor
< hgauizmg ( ommiiiee 11 I ( K |, whit I,
seeks io represent ihe woikers m con
ir.nl negotiations
"W e leel this is the lime lo bring
pressure on ( amphell in order that
agreements can lx- reashed before lire
next growing season," said the Res
Susan 1‘ Davies ol Pleasant Dale,
Nebraska, who chairs the Boaid ol
( hurch and X.xletv’s depaiimeiil ol
stx ial and economic luslice I he sic
parimenl uilnxluced ihe boscoll pro
|X «Sill.
In Mas ol this sear an "understand
mg" worksxl oul hs a commillev ot ihe
National ( ourisil ol ( hutches ol
I hrisl was imlialesl hs ( amphell,
II. e growers and I I < >( Among oilier
G o d 's
From 2 00 lo 5:00 P.M.
1030 N E. Union Avenue
things, ihe "understanding" provides
lor a commission lo seek a resolution
io the issue
Ihe Res Richard Parker ol New
York ( Hs, supporting ihe boyeoll
call, said that "w e need lo say lo
( amphell that we are not going lo lei
ihe company oil the Inx'k. we need lo
keep the heal on the company .”
Bishop I eonline I ( Kells ol San
I rancisco said she believed Ihe bos
coll to be in Ihe "historic tradition o f
Portland, Oregon
P re s e n ts
R T h o n k s g iu in g w e e k e n d m u s ic a l fe a s t
“ F e a tu r in g '
In C o n c e rt
The Rrsf Lady of Gospel
ihe church."
X|x-akmg against an immediate table
grape boscoll. Bishop Kells said ihe
"econom ic policies ol the countrs
base so skewed Ihe econom y" that
mans small I aim ers and ihe union
"will lose even more" hs boscoll at
this lime
A bossoll ol Ihe non union ( ah
forma table giapes was sailed tor hs
Ihe I mled I aim Workeis. Ihe union
slain,s that ihe ( alitor ma Agricultural
I abor Relations Asl lias bioken down
lo such a degree that it has become
d e trim e n ta l lo labor o rg a n iza tio n ,
Riso R p p e a rin g
(.row ers, the union claims, are en
gaged in " a deter mined anil union
Mr Perfect Peace
A sariets ol religious bodies, u,
eluding I lined Melhodisl umls in
( aliforma. have been working io settle
the present dispute Ih c action here
aligns Ihc Board o f ( hurch and So
wilh theseefforts
Irene Irsing ol ( oncotd. N II .
said, "W e must make a strong stale
meiil ill support ol luslice when there
is a lack ol justice W orkers must
have freedom Irom tear that Ihev
cannot supply Iheir families with basis
necessities that should be theirs."
Ihe Boaid ol ( hurch and Xixicls is
expected io review e llo rls toward
settling the dispute al Hs March 19X6
F rid a y N o u e m b e r 29, 1985
B e nson High S ch ool A u d ito r iu m
5 46 N. E. 1 2 th R uenue
Time 7 00 P M
Purchase Your Tickets Soon!!!
Gmited Seating Available
For t ic k e t s o r t ic k e t in f o r m a t io n c a ll
C H R IS T IA N SUPPLY 2 5 6 - 4 5 2 0
M G E R 0 IR R N K 2 2 6 - 1 6 0 5
t l 1 .2 5
HOUSE DE SOUND 2 B Z - I 9 6 0
SIÉ U E N 5 0 SONS 2 8 4 - 2 1 0 1
S I 2 .0 0
RE IHE 0 0 0 R
202 N E Skidmore
281 5678
284 56M
9:45 a.m., Sunday School
11:00 a.m., Morning Worship
7:00 p.m., Evening Worship
7:00p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting
Victor R Brown, B Theology, Pastor
'P i ¿lises
7 ^ i ‘'Annuni (Joneer^t
84 N E Killingsworth • 281 0499
"A warm spirit of fellowship always"
I he Ark of Safety
( hurch of God in Christ
Z 30 p m
7 OOp m
' Sunday School 9 1 5 a m
11 15a m
6 » p m
y P w w
blessed ^ tê ^ lie y
^Vljo &ing^Piâises
im ite s you und your fro n d s to
1III IK f \ Af (/.
SI M> n . M ) l EMHER III, Í985
/ .PM p.ni. In 4 mi p.m .
E vanqehttfc
|Tuesday Friday
fkt‘ Ptk( «»<14*-
t'a llo u ’ pc it i e
all m en t
u ’ilh o u l u
mun shall
llo ró
( IH RT dl 12
/ lie D ouiihters o f Isis
T//A I
Bibto Bend
Choir B M tearw i
'O r.
Dr Hazel L Brown Sr , D D . Assistant Pastor
C,4, Gü,
8 00 p m
Noon Day
F ndav
The Pastor Speaks
7 »p m
Mornmg Prayer
4 00« m
'Pi¿uses ...
I'R I\< / / Z f / / V
T h :\tl'I K
lift \.K . R ussili Strevt
‘PS. 47:6
*11 e u n ’ liHiKinii / o m a n i to sis ui^ you*
At tb * I
Twropfo Full Gn«p«l Pm itm oU «! Church
103? N Sumrwr
Portland Oregon 97? 17
Phone K J 2223
Bishop A A Wells Pastor
Saturday Nov 9 1 » 7 00 P M
I i i m 4 u I. H m un
( hair mun
(elona It. Ilroun
III. ( omrnanrfn n
• _
** > ’
* • •