Portland Observer, October 23, 1986, Paye 9 The conference field Saturday at the J a n t/e n Beach Red Lion attracted over 200 parents and students from Oregon and W ashington (Photo Richard J B ro w n ) IF YOU THINK ALL HEALTHCARE PEOPLE ARE: of in one monthly payment. Put you know better Vou know it s the /xo/Vcot Kaiser Permanente who really make a difference. Qualified specialists and primary care physicians. Nurses and tedi nicians with up-to-date training. People who live up to Kaiser Permanente s standards Even single day. si title d as a re s u lt o f a m in o r u i|u ry th a t m o r n in g K in o s h ita U N w a s h a p p y to o b lig e M a ry after th e spent I of cours«' YOU ALREADY USE THIS: QUALIFIED CARING COMMITTED EXPERIENCED FRIENDLY THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING AND EFFICIENT Congratulations Asa memlx'rof Kaiser IVrinanvnte.xou ve discovered the reasons behind our success IVople who care Sure, Kaiser Permanente s other a.S million members may talk about our medical facilities Comment on our convenient hours Ot simply state how wonderful it is to have their health needs taken care • r>»' M • f*-’«uir» » speech site m e n tio n e d th a t a te ta n u s s h o t fia d been pre H A IM l i in U M A N I NTT II you have friends who are still looking lor this kind of health care, this kind of commitment, why not give them our number Wed be delighted to have their name on one ofourcards W e re Kaiser Permanente Tlie health care plan I he health caring people Portland ( 50 s I 2K0 2 0 5 1 Salem ( 5 0 5 )5 ~ 0 *500 Longview Kelso ( 2 0 0 ) (> 50 0211 KAISUT? P E R M A N E N T E llu h c illh t iin/ihm ihe Iwallh Hiring In n/ili • «Mn Debbie Gardner (Jr , Lincoln) Arnell Brow n (Jr W ilson) Melissa Ja ckso n (Jr Linco ln) and Aida Teferi (Jr Lin coin) look at yearbooks from the Black colleges that took pa rt in th e S ix th A n n u a l B lack C o lle ge s C o n fe re n c e W hen O regon Labor C om m issioner M ary W e n d y Rot) erts agreed to speak at the d e d ica tio n o f the new Kaiser Perm anente Rot k w o o d M ede ill O ffe es near G resham , she d id n 't a n tic ip a te b e in g its firs t p a tie n t D u rin g her