Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 23, 1985, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page8, Portland Observer, October 23, 1986
ov Dee .4 rmstrong
M ore than 700 lives have been taken as a result o f apartheid in South
It is tune for God's people to do what they do best in tunes like these and
Send notice o f your church activities
and events to
Religion td ito r. Portland Observer
P O B o t 3137
Portland O R V 72011
that is to pray.
A “ N ational Das ol Prayer lo i Peace" was called hs Bishop Desmond
M I utu and clergymen from various denominations recently
'T u tu , winner o f the 19X4 Nobel Peace Prize, and other worshippers were
forced to lease a prayer service at St Mary's Anglican ( alhcdral in Johannes
burg alter two anonymous telephone callers warned that a homh had been plant
ed in the church. As the worshippers continued their service in a nearby build
mg, llic police, using dogs, searched the cathedral but found no explosives.
" I utu, who liad initially suggested a weeklong work stoppage it the govern
ment tailed to take steps to dismantle apartheid, later returned to the cathedral
"1 eaders o f nearly *()churches, including Black, Inglish-speaking while
and Afrikaner clergymen, announced Iasi month that dies would urge ( hrislians
io stay home Wednesday to give the dav to repentance, mourning and prayer
tor those sinful aspects of our national life winch liave led us to the present crisis
“ I lie churchmen said they were seeking the release of political detainees, an
end to apartheid and the stale ol emergency proclaim ed by the government,
and negotiations between the government and Black leaders they regard as
authentic They later stressed that they were not calling for a one day strike but
were asking ( hrislians to request the day o ft Ibe churchmen suggested that
those who could not take the day ott ask lor tune Io attend prayer services.
" I he action hs the religious leaders quickly drew controversy and some
BI. k k organizations and labor unions criticized the churchmen lor not consulting
them before making the call I be I uiicd Detm N talic I rout, the main non
parliamentary opposition group in the nation, said it supported the move in
principle but would not urge people to stay away Iroin work
"A s South Africans praved lor peace, the police reported the deaths o t two
Black men in violence that has continued in this nation lor more than a sear
Reported by Sheila Rule ol I he A ) lanes
Project Linkage will
hold annual auction
On Saturday, Oct 26, I9K* at 1020
N .T. Jrd Ave. ( I canisters Hail), P ro j­
ect I.inkage w ill kick o il its annual
auction f ins year’ s theme, M editer­
ranean Medley, will set the stage lor an
evening o f light authentic Furopcan,
A frican and M iddle I astern eatables,
spirits and entertainm ent. I he eve
rung's main attraction, the silent and
oral auction w ill begin at 7 p in. and
w ill commemorate the project's fifth
Project I inkage, a volunteer service
to senior citizens in Northeast P o rt­
land, is a vital program by and lor the
com m unity it serves. F riendly v is it­
ing, tra n sp o rta tio n , housekeeping,
m inor home repairs, respite tare and
ya rd w o rk are the most frequent re­
quests fo r servîtes that P ro je t! I ink
age volunteers are able to provide.
I ome browse “ The M arketplace,"
sample assorted Mediterranean delica
ties and bid on that special something
you've been yearning lo r. Paiking will
be available just n o rth o l the hall.
Iickels cost $10. Call or write Project
I inkage for more in fo rm a tio n , 2200
N l
24th. P o rtla n d , O K 97212.
249 K2I5.
I nr i onanents, /ilease write Io Religion t /vlate. P .O B o \ V.OI, Portland,
( tregon V72t)l
A lb in a M in iste ria l A llia n c e
284 6023
First i t S ch u yler • 284 1964
I* • •
* ‘
John H Jackson Minister M i d
9 3 0 A M Church School
11 00 A M Congregational Worship
’ 3
" P M
10 00 A M
’ •
Baptism Fourth Sunday
New minister welcomed
by Allen Temple CME
11 00 Communion ta c h First Sunday
The A m e ric a n B a p tis t C o n v e n tio n , A m e ric a n B a p tis t C h u rc h e s o f
O re g o n L o tt C a re y F o re ig n M is s io n C o n v e n tio n N a tio n a l, O re g o n ,
P o r t la n d E c u m e n ic a l M in is t r ie s , A m e r ic a n B ib le S o c ie t y , M H M
B o a rd
C orner of 8th and S k id m o re
Sunday S chool 9 30am
Sunday W orship 11 (XJarn
C hristian Y outh fe llo w s h ip 6 OOprn
(second and fo u rth Sundays)
E lonza J. E d w a rd s (P astor)
84 N.E. K illingsw orth • 281 0499
"A warm spirit of fellowship always"
JPb « i .
The Ark of Safety
( hurth of (iod in Christ
Bible Band
Choir Rehearsal
, Sunday School
11 16 a m
W o rth ir>
6 30pm
H 00 p m
I Tuesday f relay
9 01)» m
202 N.E. Skidmore
281 6678
284 6669
I he Allen I eniple < M l ( hutch is
making a jo y lu l noise lo t the coming
ol their new m inister and his fam ily
who came to our cits and church,
bunging a spirit that revitalized Oie
entile congiegalion
Rev P h illip Ssoti Nelson is intei
lectuallv equipped as well as “ spirit
fille d .” He holds a Has helm ot Arts
degree in Psychologv tro u t AAayne
Stale I'D ive rsity, D etroit. M u llig a n ,
and a Master ot D iv in ity Iro u i Gat
rett I vangelis.il Seimnaiy He has been
Pastor and I xecutive Pastor II,rough
out the states ol ( a lito rn ia , M iclu
gan. N o rth C a io h n a . O h io , Illin o is
and Alabam a In ( harlotte, N orth
(a io lm a , lie was the founding pastor
o l I aitli ( hiistian Methodist ( liurcli
Mai i led to ( ilaslv s Anderson Nel
con.they have two children loshua. 1.
and Christina, 10 months Mrs Nelson
has a m in istry ot her ow n as w ile ,
mother and lirs l lads ot the church.
Professionally, she is a teacher ol
the deal w ith a It S in 1 ducation ot
the deal fro m the U niversity ol
North I arolma
Rev Nelson lias also been involved
in an in te in atio n a l ministry He was
one ol 1*0 participants traveling io
P oll Au I'tince. H a iti, lo t the lo illld
mg conlerence ol the ( M l ( hutch
and later traveled to 1 ausanne,
Switzerland, to observe the ( ongress
ot AA orld I vangelisin.
the A llen Temple lannlv invites
vou to come and praise the I otd w itli
Oils dynamic spun tille d nunistei at
any tune I he doots are open to te
ceive vou
Noon Day
The PattOf Spoeta»
Morning Prayer
''t/u A c u io v I ii I noise u nto the
I ord, all ve I ands ''
Pslam 100 I
9:45 a.m., Sunday School
11:00 a.m., Morning Worship
7:00 p.m., Evening Worship
7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting
Victor R. Brown, B Theology, Pastor
Dr Hazel L Brown Sr., D O . , Assistant Pastor
4822 N. Vancouver Ave
Women's Aglow Fellowship
schedules conference
A number ot local women are plan
nmg ti> attend the I9K* Inlet national
Conference o l W omen's Aglow I cl
lowsbip scheduled Nov 1 6 in Alia
heint, ( alitornia
I hey w ill jo in Ito m sis to eight
thousand delegates tio m Women s
Aglow I ellowships in the I X and
around the w orld to t the lo u t day
meeting ot ( h tis lia n women at the
Anaheim Convention I enlet
I vangelisin w ill be the conlerence
theme H ighlights w ill he ptavet to t
revival in all nations and unity among
I hl 1stlails, repot ts ol ( rod’ s IIIov I l l g
throughout the w o rld , plus praise,
worship, piavet loi healing and tellow
Guest speakers w ill include Pal
Robertson, founder and piesident ot
the ( htislian Broadcasting Network
and host ot I A's I he "310 ( lub. David
W ilkerson, the “ gang pteaeher,"
whose le t'll ( hallenge drug rehahihta
lion p ro g ia u i is in le t nationally
known, and John W im b e r. an out
standing figure in the held ot chinch
growth, who is also known widels lor
his teaching on signs and wonders,
healing, and the immstrs ot the Hols
Spun and I Its gilts
I hete w ill be about 20 women Itom
the P orlland P M Aglow Fellowship
attending the conference. I tie Port
land P M Aglow I ellow shtp meets
esets 4tli Mondas evening at 6 M) p in.
at I lie Salvation A rm y on M oore
s u e d I cllowslnp president is M clvia
( uiiitinghait'
Also speaking at the conference
will he Aglow International President,
lane Hansen, and Aglow t S. I icld
Representative. M atilda k ip le i I he
international vinging group, “ I ight
wave," and their speaker, Marty Ber­
ry, w ill also m inister to conference
ite legates
Women's Aglow is an inlet national
interdenom inational fe llo w sh ip ol
women that empha tzes ( hristian
u nits, personal wholeness, and the
charismatic g ilts Headquarteted in
I dmonds, Washington, the IK seal
old organization is now more than
1,750 I ellowships strong in the I X
and totals more than *00 I ellowships
in *4 other nations AAAI also pub
lishes literature lo t women, both na
initially and internationally, through
its publishing arm , Aglow Publiea
Burnside area
Loaves & Fishes
celebrates renovation
I lie public is ins ued to attend a re­
ception celebrating the renovation ol
Burnside I oaves & I ishes ( elite, Bill
Nailo, Burnside aiea developct, will be
on luiikl to I k T| s L iu ik I i tile new lacihlv
Hie ojx.n house is staled lor Wednesday,
Oct 21 front 4 to 6 p in Burnside
I oaves A I ishes is located at fatl West
Burnside, Second I loot
I ast sear, Burnside I oases A I ishes
served ovei 25,000 meals to indigent
and homeless senior citizens who con
giegate in the Burnside O ld town
neighborhood In a d d itio n 1.1,900
Meals on Wheels (Meals on Heels)
were versed to the shut in elderly who
reside in the area's apartm ents and
hotels I oases A I ishes has operated
a meal site ill the Burnside atea since
197* I wo bundled twents meals are
seised each das. 40 percent ot those
.lie to lioinebound elderly who vets
otten have nocooking facilities
I lie $K*.OOO le n o va tio n project
included tlie building and cquipiltg ol a
kite f id and meal service aiea In addi
non. a storage aiea was added and the
dining loom was spruced up
P re s e n ts
H T h a n k s g lu ln g w e e k e n d m u s ic a l fe a s t
" F e a tu r in g "
In C o n c e rt
The First Lady of Gospel
Also A p p e a rin g
Mr Perfect Peace
F rid a y N o u e m b e r 2 9 , I9 B 5
Halloween celebration slated
N a th a n B a rn e tt, Pastor
IB Tkw»k>yy • M Drvm»Tvl
Benson High School A u d ito riu m
9 30 a m ., Sunday School
11:00 a .m ., M orning Worship
6:00 p .m .. Evening Worship
I unds lor the project came Itom the
L tides I oundation, M ultnom ah Aiea
Agency on Aging. I lie t ollins I oun
elation; I he t lark fo u n d a tio n , and
Oregon ( (im m u n ity F o u n d a tio n
Also, many in d ivid u a ls, including a
I oaves A l ishes s ta ll mem ber, d o ­
nated to the renovation’s capital fund.
I oases &. Fishes ( enters, Inc. is a
priva te , n o t- fo r - p r o fit, lax exempt
corjxiration which provides hot, nulri
lions noon meals and sanely ol sup
poit iv e set vices to people age (Kt and
over I oases A fishes has 10 centers
serving ovei 1,200 meals daily in
C lackamas. Multnomah and AA ashing
ton counties.
I’aiticipatits gather at centers whete
ilic s take then noon meal and enjoy
friendship and activities Hottiehound
eldeily receive Meals on AA heels
meals delivered to them at home bv
I oaves A I ishes volunteers
A oluuteets give approxim ately
24.IXX) hours cacti month in all areas
ol the program and at every decision
making level
5 4 6 N. E. 1 2 th R u en u e
The Barnetts E»
Berean welcomes
your family
At Berean w e emphasize building
strong families You’ll get solid
Expository Biblical Preaching Er Teaching
Hallowe'en game's, prizes and photos
with the (neat Pumpkin ate tust some
ot the surprises planned at the P rovi­
dence Montessori School Halloween
C arnival, Saturdav. O ct. 26 fro m
11 (Mia nt to 4 o t p.m
Activities nisi right lo t goblins aged
2 to K include l.ne painting, a bal
loon walk, a candy grab and lots more
I he C a rn iva l w ill take place at
Providence C h ild ( enter, KM) N I
47th Avenue. A nom inal tee w ill he
charged lo r all activities Sponsored
by the Montessori School parents,
the carnival « ill raise hinds lor school
Time 7 00 P M .
Purchase Your Tickets S o o n 1!'
Lim ited Seating Available
For tic k e ts or tic k e t In f o r m a t io n c a ll:
C H R IS tIR N S U P f l * 2 5 6 - 4 5 2 0
M lltH
0 tR H X K 2 2 6 - 1 6 0 5
( I 1 .2 5
M QllSf OF 50U N O 2 R 2
I I Í U f N S (1 IO N S 2 8 4
112 00
I9 6 0
21 01
Rl IH l 0 0 0 8