Page 6, Portland Observer, October 23, 1906 "The Brain Cage" appearing For your Halloween treal, ihc Surry Nighi present “ Ihc Brain t age," a cosmic rock musical written by Portland artist Benny Bell, choreographed and directed by Benny Bell and Pattie Benson I I k - music for "T h e Brain Cage" »as written and arranged by the DaDa Writers Group, comprised ol A ll Rider, Brit ton Zander, Stephen Sharp, and I duardo Marquez fix- music will be performed live by DaDa and special guests. Dress as your favorite cosmic ghoul and expe­ rience "T h e Brain ( age” at the Starry N ight, 9:00 p in., (K t 29, 30 and 31 Adults and children over 12 are invited I ickels are $7 50 and are available at ( il h e ’s outlets, and the Jean Machine at the Galleria DaDa is a 7-piece band which plays original n x k music. I he band includes A ll Rider, fo rm e rly o f the Unreal Gods, Brazilian recording artist I duardo Marquez, and B ritton Zander and Stephen Sharp, form erly ol the Usual Sus­ pects and the Drastics. Da Da will mark its o fficial Portland debut at the Stairs Night Halloween Party, Oct. 31. following ttie final performance o f “ The Brain (a g e .” "T h e Brain ( age” w ill be Bell's farewell performance to Portland audi­ ences; fie will be leaving Portland to become the assistant director of a perform­ ing arts academy in Belgium He has performed and taught jazz and Dunham dance techniques internationally, and is the artistic director of Portland s Benns Bell Dancers. Pattie Benson is well known to Portland audiences. At the Portland ( ivic theater, she has choreographed Cole. I he Hoyfrtend, Marne, (»i/rvv, Guvs anti ZXWZv. / anny (itrl. and Jevuv ( hrtst Suftenlar (lot which she received Hillametle Heek 'v W illie award) Pattie has choreographed for the Miss Portland Pageant, the Rose festival ( oronation, the DMSO Benefit at ( ivic Auditorium and the Norman I eyden Singers, and has assisted IXinald M ckavle in setting choreog raphy for the Alvin Ailey Co. Six- has performed in Vietnam, Spain, Italy, and other international lixalions with U.S.O. shows. Stic has also performed with tlx- New Oregon Singers, the Benny Bell Dancers, lit«.* ( arol Maun Dancers, and I he ( ompany We Keep. "Black Energy" presents Rance S pruill, Director ol Albina Youth O pportunity School Saturday , Nov 16, 5:00 p.m , Channel 7 and 13 Peggy Russ Williams, Co-Owner of Gingerbread House Wednesday, Oct 30, K IMI p in., ( flannel 11. and Friday, Oct 22 , 7:30 p in , ( flannel and 13 Roosevelt Robinson, IX-puty District Attorney for Multnomah ( ountv and I rnest I sles, Deputy Public Defender lor the Slate o l Oregon: Wednesday, Oct 6, K:(K)p.m , Channel I I , and Friday, Oct. 29, 7:30 p.m . Channel 7 and 13 Saturday at IFCC brought together young and old to see the largest single sale and exhibit of Black dolls in this area There were dolls in every hue, size and made of many different materials Prices ranged from $2 50 to several hundred dollars Dolls on exhibit came from Florida, South Carolina, Ohio, Washing ton, Texas, California and Oregon If you missed the exhibit, the next stop on the tour will be at Seattle Center on Oct 26 and will end Nov 2 in Houston Texas (P hoto Richard J B ro w n I New BINGO In Town C l e a i i C u t (Vocal & Fashion Group) P.O.I.C. Sponsored Wed. EtThurs. Evenings I f f A N and ( lean( ut would like to send out a “ Thank You” to all the people who came out and supported the I ctravaganza field this past weekend Despite a tew m inor problems, the event was very successful. We would like to thank I he Ga| . Squire Shop, Grodms, ( asual ( orncr, Bohemia, Jeans West, Mariposa, Nudelman's, and W ¡Icon I ealfier lor the live of the clothes for the fashion show field on I ndav with a special thanks to ( honitia Smith and Mane Bliven tor their private line attue I tie music on I nd.iv was played by the Raw of the Raw Band Saturday night the show opened with disco bv the ( haz, only to bring on the sounds of Velvet who brought the crowd to then feet witfi tlieir dance music while warming up llie stage tor tlie Slrawberrs Gamblers I lie ( le a lli ut vocals did. in ta d , have a problem with a portion of the show due to actions o f the t leant ut Band We apologize A new ( leant ut Band is being formed and tin . toup will continue to present a dynamic vocal show ( leant ut \o c .il and I asluon Group will be presenting more shows in tlie next lew months Doors Open at 5:00 p.m. Melvina Bldg. - 286-6308 (Comer of Interstate b Ainsworth I Refreshments A variable KMHD-FM Radio presents: An exclusive evening w ith tlie sophisticated Ms Nancy W ilson, “ Song stylist extraordinaire.” Opening the show w ill be Portland’s own lo rn Grant Band, back in town alter an extensive two-month tour o f the United States this concert is a benefit for K M H D , the non -commercial jazz radio station at Mount Hood Community College Nancy has recorded over 50 albums since I960, and has been voted Best female Vocalist by the Downbeat Jazz Poll. Nancy W ilson the jazz singet the blues singer tlie pop singer die consumate actress the complete entertainer, w ill be p e ilo rm in g at Arlene Sclimtzer ( oncert Hall on Friday, Nov 22, K (Mlp m I icket < billets: ( ivic Box ( mice, BASS I ickets and ( i I Itx-s I icket prices are $14 25, $15.75, $17.25 (prices include 25 cents cits user feel, M ( .V IS A ac cepled RADIANCE in Concert Key Largo celebrates No. 7 With Special Guest DIVINITY Comedian: HARRY LACY Key I argo is currently celebrating its seventh year of business as downtown Portland's favorite tropical live music club and restaurant. Monday ,