Portland Observer October 23, 1906 Page 3 A photographer's journal o f Nicaragua Richard J Brown. photographer for the Portland O bserver, spent seven weeks in Nicaragua learning about and meeting its people His photographs will appear here as a weekly feature 253 5138 . DESCRIPTION SHORT SCULPTURE or ACRYLIC NAILS INO LIFT 7 WEEKSI SILK W RAP NEW FILL PEDICURE MANICURE REG 52°^ I •V 24“ 22“ \ 1?* 14Kt GOLD NAIL JEWELRY WE'VE GOT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL POWDER AND LIQUIDS YOU'VE EVER SEEN THAT WILL NOT LIFT OR POP OFF. "Special 20% D.scount off Regular P n ^ " Closeness is how I describe the rela tionship of the fam ilies I met at the ixxjperative Ernesto Acunio gathering at the spring that brings water to the cooperative, or at the place in the stream where clothes are washed, or lust meeting at this house or that to discuss the N orth A m ericans w ho are sharing their homes, meals and chores (Photo Richard J. B row n) This offer good through N ovem ber» YOU M U ST BRING THIS AD W ITH YOU Call m Advance for an Appointment 253 5------ Black Panther founder debates apartheid w ith Afrikaner hv Jerry darner I ast T u esd ay at th e U n iv ersity o f P o r t la n d 's B uckley C e n te r, B obby Seale an d S tu a rt P ringle d e b a te d on the issue o f apartheid. The title ol the d e b a te w as: " A p a r th e id : B lack an d W h ite , G re e n a n d G o ld — S h o u ld A m erica pull o u t its in v e s tm e n ts in South A frica?'' S eale to ld a c ro w d o f a b o u t 160 that Blacks should be given the right to vote immediately. Seale stated that the U n ited S ta te s’ policy o f c o n stru ctiv e engagem ent is a racist policy because it d o e sn 't tak e a h ard core p o sitio n . Seale said that the policy o f President Reagan tow ard South A frica is cra/s " T h e President is trying to overthrow the elected governm ent o f N icaragua, while at the sam e time he is supporting an overt, vicious, and military govern­ ment o f South A frica that denies mil boils o f Blacks basic hum an rights." Pringle, on the other hand, said that Blacks living in South A frica must be ed ucated befo re they are allow ed the ballot. "H o w can som eone w ho can n o t re a d the b a llo ts v o te ? " P rin g le stated that he d id n 't want his country to b ecom e a n o th e r E th io p ia P ringle said disiiivestmg in South Africa would only m ake the problem s lacing Blacks worse. During the debate, several m em bers o f th e a u d ie n c e got in to a rg u m e n ts with both Seale and P ringle W hen a w om an from the R evolutionary t om m unist P arty q uestioned the sincerity o l S eale's d e d ic a tio n to the cau se o f natio nalism , Seale becam e angry and gave the w om an a spirited lecture. An A frican student told Pringle that he resented his p o rtra y a l ol all A fri­ cans as being d u m b and incapab le ol running their country. D uring the d eb ate , Pringle told the cro w d th at b e fo re a p a rth e id can be dism antled. South Africa must be cap itah/ed in order to educate many Black S o u th A frican s D isin v estm en t, says Pnngle. will only help the com m unists. Seale asked Pringle if he expects the world to si, back and do nothing while B lacks a re b e in g sh o t d o w n bv the • 4 ** Teach your children to dial "0" in an emergency for operator assistance. In old In d ia, people once believed th a t a w atch ed pot foretold the future. If a pot of milk boiled rapidly, the com ing year would be prosper ous; if slowly, the reverse. • Som e people once believed th at they could make it rain by getting a black cat to swim across a stream. W e do .i» t d o business w ith S o u th A fric a American Stute lia il h Wigland Bobby Seale, co founder of the Black Panther Party Wigs, Hairpieces and Beauty Supplies Wholesale and Retail Constructive engagement is B IS t (Photo Richard J B row nl police? He slated that Blacks in South A frica are becom ing victim s ol geno cide " I or every white soldier who gets k illed , 500 B lacks a ie killed ” Seale said Blacks should star, arm ing them selves. S eale, co fo u n d e r o l th e now de lunct Black P anther P artv, said those w ho o p p o se d a p a rth e id sh o u ld urge A m e ric a n c o m p a n ie s to p u ll o u t ot South A frica " \ k e need a h ard core legislative san ctio n th a t’s in law, th at stales an d forces the c o rp o ra te com rn u n ity to s to p in v e s tm e n ts in th a t oppressed country "Constructive Engagement is "B .S .," said Seale Seale was asked it he thinks th ere is less B lack m ilita n c y to d av than there was dining his days with the P a n th e r s H e re p lie d , " I d o n 't like the w o rd m ilitan cy I am an d have been a p o litic a lm in d e d rev o lu tio n ary E o rrn er Vice P re s id e n t A gnew was the one w ho referred to us as mill tant and radicals I am a politivul revo­ lu tio n ary ; I w ant p eo p le to have the pow er, not the governm ents We need m ore political m inded revolutionaries today. Politicians put the label militant on the Black P a n th e r P arty a n d the w hite p ress put i, out th ere I hat is w hy fo rm e r I B I D ire c to r I I Hoover once said Ilia, I was a threat to tlie internal security ol America I said, 'N o , I am not a th reat to A m erican security; you are a thre.il to the secur i,y ol hum an beings w ho live m ade ol tlie fram ew ork ol A m erica'." A Security Storm Doors "Keep out the cold ... and the crooks!" HELP WANTED WO 00 per 100 PAID y Affordable, high-quality doors with deadbolt locks from 246-1575 % N o w th ro u gh O ctober 31st, 1985 From 10 00 a m til 6 00 p m location Cdrefrt»’ 1106 N.E. Broadway ft »ss fro m S .ih ’w »y Lloyd C enter • • Andre Douglas • Eva Gatior • Rene of Pans Portland Oregon Tel. 282-1664 1000 Wigs Displayed to Choose From ♦1296 Special Nails Eyelashs Make op __ ► A • , Store Hours 10 00 a m til 6 00 p m Monday thru Saturday ALLIED DOOR CO. «" FREE ESTIMATES I G R A N D OPENING SALE CONTINUES Each door Is a . ■ SCREEN DOOR ■ STORM DOOR ■ SECURITY DOOR fo r rem aihng le tte rs fro m hom e1, Send self addressed, stam ped envelope fo r in fo r­ m a tio n a p p lic a tio n . A sso ciates. B om 96 B, Roselle. NJ 07203 AN INDEPENDENT BANK Head Obice 27 17 N E Union Pud and, Oregon 97212 SENIOR DISCOUNTS 3» St* » s, « -> > V I ■ A * a ^