Advertisement for Bids When a kid ioins the Boy Scouts, there’s no guarantee he’ll end up ltendentof ubUc SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Merle West Medical Center Klamath Falls. Oregon Bid Date: November 6. 1905 2:00 P.M . JOHN HYLAND CONST. INC. P.O. Box 7867 Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 346-8100 W e at« an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Science III Basement Completion Biology Research Services at the University of Oregon. Eugene, OR Bid Date October 31 1985 2:00 P M John Hyland Construction, Inc. P O. Box 7867 Eugene. OR 97401 (503) 345-8100 I I , u u ' a ” equal opportunus em ployer and rei/uesi sub buh fro m sm all business and sm all disads anlaned business sub s ■ " i •• ai d rrnnonts business enterprises But I lines you never know. < lunge, (nil the I >mn iples (>t Sn mung remain .ippr< ipriateh i i i i i s t . i n i lli> n e s |\ K espt in s ib ililx I’mle I e.uleislup ( (immitinenl I’n '|x i pn p.ii.itn hi ti H .1 Inline w ill i li.ilk nge us .ill a J I I t ilu in b i. i Pacific (. o u n cil B o ' S coutsot/K nicric. TR4I INVITATION TO BIO c THAN IS «4 < opting b«H to» the port hose of bos stop sign equipment A pertn ipetion goal of 2% (>»s«** Vancouver \Nafthugt<« 9HHHB 206)flHb 44SM Seated b*K wiM tw at ««•pb’d until 2 0 0 p m Page 8. JOBS, October 23, 1965 T ueedev Noven>be» 12 19H6 VA OFFERS SPECIAL INCENTIVES TO EMPLOYERS The Veterans Administration will offer special incentives to employers hiring certain disabled veterans in an effort to "bridge any gaps" which may prevent some from being employed or fully em ployed, says Portland V A Regional Office Director, Robert L Winters Winters said special provisions of the VA s vocational re habitation program allow progrms to employers to encour age the placement of disabled veterans The payment can cover up to nine months of work experience or on job train mg to enable the veteran to adjust to and maintain employ merit Under a written agreement with the employer, VA will pay for direct expenses that result from hiring the veterans and which do not exceed one halt of the waqn jiaid to other emjiloyees in the same or similar |ol>s Only private sector employers, including non profit agen ues and organizations are eligible for this incentive program Payments may not be made to public employers, including federal, state and local agencies Employers wishing to participate should contact the Re gxxial Vocational Rehabilitation Officer, Gordon Campbell, at 221 6077 VA Regional Office, 1220 S W Third, Portland, OR 97204