ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM W N P 2 FUEL CHANNEL MEASURING SYSTEM CONTRACT NO C 20601 PORT O f PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID Seafral lets wik h r 'm erverl by dar Purr heearg Manager of the Prat of Prat larvi M i N i MrAiwanah Sneet Pianarvi iinalng addraaa P 0 Bo» 3b£) Portiera! Oregon 9 72U8I ha ite r » detailed tremai unni the awtivnluall» x w • N<1 , latra e v i nr m e »»taetnl e v i n vanadi. i« a * f y opened « « I meri Plan» ar^d at**’ 'h< airone may tre o«eminerl and or obtained at the above aikkiee (aartan tfw Pun twerig Detemrasa at 231 5000 Eat ‘fti Hvk, must tar ufi ttie tad ham lanvsled to |.iv»a»-trwi larktere ara! w tw Hid Surety le required m uft tar accompanied by a certified ix cashier e check itim i, on a Orated Stati» bank, of a tad bora) intyafea to the Prat of Pratlafal fi Si arm van s p ia to at wan 10 penanti of the total amount tad NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Washirryton PuWn Power Supply System a torn’ operating agenr y ot the State of Washington invitee tads from eqawiem ed and quakfaal firms an ttar toknwmg Itna ntaal wrak to tar m i ■«■ aa«tan 1 fia the Suptrfy Systems Nuclear Project W N P 2 located in Benton County Hanford Reservation North of the City of Richland State of W ashington Offerers are hereby laittfied that laoveaais ot ctiapters 42 2U Mecnndui I of Putokr Offn ers » a t 42 23 Code of Ethic» ha Mona i[>ai Offn era Contract Interests of the Revised Code of W ashington apply to employees and oft,, ers ot the Supply System Wfnni laertuakfnatnai a lequaed thè (aequalifnatnai statenwits «fnvikl be e« rnvrnl at vaisi 10 day» poca to tfwt tane set ha bel openmg Apphr^tvais ha prequakf» atnai may be xrbrmttod r u than 10 ilay» trehas tari openmg but naiaateratsai try thè Piai i arava be asm aeri XuHed latxa to suiWv and rMrve a Quality Class II Foal Channel Measuring System This work is further lies, ntaal by the Bidding Dor urraait and Plans Attentvai is i alteri to thè pfovtafona of thè Oregiai Hevised Statuto» 279 3WJ inivnkng tildi wratefs lai lievi laevakmu wnge rati» Dvr Inyttatvvi Fra Bid may tar examawal at and c o p « iititaered fnan The work r onsists of providing dll materials equipm ent serv and S(W rfv dtvms craitaaaal herewith D ESC R IPTIO N BIO O P E N IN G DATE Corporate Contract Department Attentkai L H Wasarmnan. Contracting Officer Mid Dtup 496 Piallarvi Hikatnan Aiqnat (klotaa .11 19tt> Wiakiaigtiai Putjht Powra Supply System Wret Perni vai» Rivai arai 2 OCp m 3040 Garage Waahargfiai Way arvl Rai’ ip Rrviawtnataa, IMHE) Irveritrve Program Richland W A 98362 Scope Wvterung arai overteymg Xkaoivmrrray 2.210 lineili teet of 12 frati wvle asphelt conc rete road wrth curbmg and e ic jv a tm y and rebuildmg « s o is n a te ty 2. /D a m a r e vanta ot ari rati ran», paverrasit P, atland Shp Riaver Yanf Evwt Waaf ungimi Ciane No 7 IMBEI IrvfW’Irvar Prrsjrwn es and Questions concerning this Invitation For Bid should tar submitted in ac cordani e with the Instructions to Bidders Corporate Contracts Dept Attentkai I H Wasserman, Crartracfing Officer at the above arklress Each tad Shall tar at r ompamed by a tad bond or tiy a i unified or r ashier s i fun k aa a lari ile( visit in an amount not less than five |»«i out 15%, I of ttie Ocfubef 31 1986 2 0 0 p rn total anvvint of The Bvl Scot» Tranxairting boom, machinery house trucks counterweight and gantry to Berth 304 aivl erect Wastvngtivi Crane No 7 All Bids must tar sealed and filed with W ashington Publu Powei Supply System Contract Department Attention L H Wasaerman, Contracting Officer at the above arklmw. at ca larhae 2 0 0 P M CITY OF PORTLAND kval in n November 8 I9H6 at which tsne amt piece the Bvfc wik be pubkefy uprated aivl teed INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS The Supply System reserves the right without queetaai to rliter t any and all BvJs end Io waive inegulanties or informalities therein Only those com PROPOSALS DUE 2 CD P M O N V A R IO U S DATES peniee w h o heve previous evpenenr e Iverifieblel In the m a n u fa ctu re S taked Proposals will tie received at the Bureau of Pun haste and Stores Renan 412 City Ha« Piatland OR 9720» fia the Protert .tetaaenl trefcrw urrtk 2 ® P M on the itetae o k l t n l end supply of the rsq uirad Fuel C hannel M e aa u rln g System w ill be c o n s id ere d however companies that have a new oatiumeot and , an satrsfar tia lv dennaistrafe ivatomiaoce and cranpkaiv e with the %an ifk a nuns ptwa to contiar I award will Ivr given i(aisakaatvai Each Bvl shall tw IV » » e a t Scan ifn e tw e may be oteaaied at the rk»se arkksaa Fra erkktaavk rttarmeean takat/navr Buyer ia rvi'Yva kaleri submitted only on the piesi nbed forms and txiund as a i oinpleted bid L H W A SSER M AN Crsrtractmg llffir ra imknaa otbnrwtea stated n ttre vvlrvntuaf tai w e a ls Hated tarrem no protnraal IV lad will be i laisrrletBrt unleea at ilanpanied by a tad aurefy fia an amount ma war, than ten percent 110%l of the aggregate amount of the prcweal Dvr City erv outages Iwklatg try M H f » and F Bf s «><1 will assist sue h films to i«»kestdrnl aivl petty »rate at harms taddmg ia>« raaaa, NUN D IS C R IM IN A T IO N No piopoael or tad will be rtaisalraed uoleaa the taikter a t ratified es so EEO Affirmative Action Empfciyet as prear otaa! by IJseSer J 1 ® of the Codetrf Car Cay of Pi ream! BID NO J> DESCRIPTION lrk»x Marisas ft FrkJW’ vsrl to Craeeurl Nt SB A wane Strain Sewer System MkfaSe Ackerman 24B4191 PraquRrfira tssi S' i less H Sewer Lane innl M B I Oar Rrsrnawl Page 6, JOBS, October 23, 1906 O PENING DATE 11 6 86