Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 23, 1985, Page 13, Image 13

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    Portland Otwervw October 23 1985. Page 13
Beavers pull off
stunning upsets
;Xast Saturday the Oregon State
Heavers traveled to Seattle a .39 point
urtdcrdog to the Washington Huskies
Instead, the Beavers pulled o f f the
biggest upset in Pav 10 this season with
a 21-20 victory over the Huskies Ihe
victory by the Heavers ended a two-
game losing streak in which Oregon
State was outscored 97-0
The victo ry is sure to give Heaver
freshman quarterback Rich Gonzales
confidence Gonzales passed fo r 29ft
yards and one touchdow n. What
makes Gonzales' stats impressive is
that he did it w ithout receiver Reggie
Bynum. Bynum is suffering from an
ankle injury.
Sale prices in effect W ed oct 23. thru
Sat.. Oct 26. unless otherwise noted
23 24
NBA prediction
I am picking the I A I akers to win
the Western Division even though the
I akers got rid o f Bob M cA d o o and
Jamal W ilkes from last year's cham­
pionship team.
The I akers are stronger w ith the
acquisition of ex Blazei Maurice I ucas
and ex O regon Beaver A. ( Green
These two should blend in well with
A b d u l-Ja b b a r, W o rth y and M agic
Johnson. A lthough the T ra il Blazers
should be a goixl team this year, they
still lack what it takes to overtake
the 1-akers.
A t this w ritin g , the Blazers said
they were keeping three point guards
on their roster. If true, this means the
Blazers must let go one o f three, ( aid
well Jones, ken Johnson oi Ben
Coleman. Johnson and Coleman are
big and strong and b oth are good
rebounders. Coach Ramsey's club
needs to rebound better than last sea
son. So I am looking lor the Blazers to
let Jones go or trade one o f their point
guards for a future dralt pick
Although the Blazers beat the 1 A.
Clippers by 50 points last Saturday, I
am picking the Clippers to finish third
in the Pacific D ivision. I he Clippers
w ill have coach Don Chaney at the
start o f the season. ( haney has stated
that the Clippers plan to run this sea
son. W ith returning players such as
Noun N ixioii , Ikrrick Smith, Marques
Johnson, and the addition o f Cedric
M axw ell fro m Boston and number
one draft pick 7-1 Benoit Benjainine.
The Phoenix Suns should fin ish
fourth in the Pacific Division II hold
out L a rry Nance doesn't sign soon,
they could finish lower.
Joe Barry C a rro ll's return to the
Warriors should help, but not enough
to keep them fin ish in g fifth in the
D ivision. In order fo r them to avoid
fin ish in g last, they must sign their
leading scorers forw ard Pervis Short
and Chris M ullins then number draft
pick from St. John.
The Seattle Supersonics have been
declining in the last lew years al
though center Jack Sikma is still one ot
the best in ihe N i l A X aviet M c ­
Daniels, the Sonic's number pick in the
draft, will help the team However, the
tw o cannot prevent the Somes fro m
finishing last in the Division.
198b 1986 Prediction
I L . A . I akers
2. Portland I tail Blazers
1. I A Clippers
4 Phoenix Suns
5 ( , olden St Warriors
6 Seattle Supersonics
Educational Talent
Search Program
workshop slated
Ih e BOOST E ducational Talent
Search Program at Portland Stale Dm
versity (PSD) is pleased to present.
Planning f o r Your Future. a college
preparation workshop, on Oct. 26, at
Smith M em orial ( enter. Room 328,
from 9 a in. to I p in.
The w orkshop w ill include these
topics: admission requirements, pre­
paring fo r college, testing, fin a n cial
aid, upward bound, and mesa p ro j­
ect. ( Iregon college counselors will also
be available to provide in fo rm a tio n
and to answer any questions about
their institutions Please call BOOST
at 229-3815 to make your reservation.
I here may be .is many as 30 to 50
m illion species o f insects on Earth
at least five times m ore than p re v i­
ously estimated. I he census update is
based on the results ot the first survey
ot insects living high up in the trees ot
a tropical rain forest.
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