Page 12, Portland Observer, October 23, 1906 ¿I Future BOXING C ham pions of America Portland Sports Arena - Nov. 8, 8:00 p.m. 8 to 10 Fights 4-Round Matches -S d fo fc jfc l General Admission $6.00 Reserved $10.00 Tickets Go On Sale Friday Ashe presents sports calendar throughout history, there have been great Black boxers to whom no one cotikl hold a glose. baseball play ers who were world series hits, lilaek track and field stars who ran circles around their opponents, Black tennis pros who served up victories, atxJ Black football Ixu xs who consistently teadxxl tlx-ir gixds Now everyone can re live the great historic moments by A lt o American men and women athletes w ith the A/ro-American Sports History ( at - •% J * endar I his beautifully illustrated lu ll color 19H6 calendar is an exciting and educational reference lo r sports trivia fans and history bulls It contains tacts documenting the m ajor achievements ol A lro American athletes in base hull, basketball, boxing, football, and field, tennis and more in both col lege and professional sports I ach m onth is introduced with a montage ol photographs and illustra lions that captures some ot the achieve ments in the careers ol great A lro Amcncaii alhk-les Week alter week, tlx- calendar gives highlights ol sports history including birthdays, important events and dates— o f memorable record break ers Hie illustrations are original prints, suitable lor training, created especially »> for the calendar bv award winning giaphu artist Kenneth Blown Biown is also responsible lor the design ol the A IP S25 (HI IH K l I S RIN'GSIDI S20 OU RI SI RA I I) SIS , $12.50. $10.00 1.1 NI RAL ADMISSION SS 00 AA All ABH AI PRO 100 REALITY CO . HALSEY GOLD & SILVER IIOl SI Ol SOI M l cA S\N |)A B ARR S I LI AMARRI I I OR INI ORMA I ION I’l l ASI < ALL-283-699J to A A Publishing, and [surehavers should allow two to three week-, lor delivery calendar I he calendar ot legendarv A lro American sports lieioes was guided and supervised be A rthur Ashe, interna tionallv renowned tennis champion and sports commentator On Inly II , I9K5, Aslie was tlx- first man ever Io lx inducted into the II veat old Inletlla tional len tils H all ot I .line Ashe is completing his book. I H ard Hoad to lilors I Ihstors o f llw t/ro A merit an Athlete, to be published next seal bv Howard I niversity 1’ iess under the direction ol (. hatles Harris Ashe's le search lor this volume inspired tlu ctea tioti ot tlx- “ I lk‘ contributions ot Alro Amcncan athletes have still not been lulls d ix it iixutcxl in tlx- history ol s|x>rts in Ainei u a ," said Ashe " I hope lilts calendat will lernind all ol us even clay alxxit tlx- significant role th is have plaved as ctiampions and tlx- pixie we tell lot tlx’it struggku aixl achievements I he A rth u r Iv/te t/ro tm e r u a n Sports llistors ( atendar is available lot $9.95 bv mail lio m A A Publishing, Wi9 I exiligton Avenue. New Aork. NA | l t ) | ' ( hecks shixtld tx made icivable World Series update Madison, Benson remain undefeated I he "1 -7 0 ” W orld Nenes between the St. I ouis ( ardinals and the Kansas C ity Kovals started last Saturday in Kansas ( its 1 lx- last time there was an all M issouri AA oriel Senes was m l ‘M4 between the <. ardinals and the Si I ouis Bi owns I he < ardinals just need two mote victories Io become baseball champs I he I a n im a ls won the lu s t game 1 I and the second game 4 2 Game three w ill be plaved I uc'dav in St I ouis I ast Saturday M adison trounced Roosevelt 61 20 to remain one ot the onlv two unbeaten teams m the I 'l l I he victors over Roosevelt unproved Madison's record to " n in I ’ ll plav Benson also im proved its season record to 7-0 w ith a 19 (I win ovet W ilson In that game. I echinan Paul l.ickson run tor tw o touchdow ns bringing his season totals to I", a total that is lead me the stale How Coors keeps Cheryl Glass leadin’ guidin’ reachm & inspirin’. •7 , W hen the lirst and only professional Black fem ale race ear driver in America isn’t on the track, sh e’s usually at a podium. E ither challenging women at m eetings and conventions across the land, or inspiring teenagers w ith her m otivating m essages. Cheryl (¡lass is no ordinary tw enty-three year old. T h at’s w in as she co ntinues rev\ ing in the fast lane, Coors is supporting her added talen ts as an eloquent public sp eak er in dem and at conventions. conferences and m eetings across America. Coors is sponsoring talented people in other fields as well, l or we believe that with proper support th eir careers will be right on tra c k -ju s t like Chery l’s. Cociá ä i ( h it s ta n d in g ta le n t m ust tx- free In s ta n d nut ‘ •? ’•< “■ • \A / . . • Mychal Thompson leaves the Chppers on the floor us the TrailBlazers stormed (MX l os Anqetes 139 89 raising the exhibition record to 6 1 Saturday night (P hoto Richard J B row n) • A.K'ivZ- . ««»X GoMr' " '** RI'4. • 1 •TV 4 Vìzi ■ •{.",, ► -i « j . ••• .*