Portland Observer, October 23, 1985, Page 11 l K \ t r i A \ ( H l( \ 6 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned 7 tablespcxms all purpose flour I 4 teaspvxvn salt Ikisli cayenne pepper f tablespoons bullet ot margarine I lablcspsx'ti oil I medium size tomato I ’ cup pitted ripe olives I package (9 oz.) Iro /e n artichoke hearts, thawed I can (4-oz I sliced mushroom», drained I « cups chicken br»Mh I 4 cup drv while wine I tablespoon W orcesiershire sauce I ,eas|xxm sugar Pound each chicken breast halt between tw o sheets o l plastic wrap, w ith fla t side o f meat ham m er, to I 4 inch thickness. Coat with mixture ot I 4 »up tlour, suit and |ieppet Melt butter w ith o il in large skillet over medium high heat Add chicken and cook » minutes on each side, or until chicken loses its pink co lo r Mean while, chop tom ato and slice olives; set aside Remove chicken to serving platter and keep warm I ook arti chokes and mushrooms t minutes in skillet S p rin kle rem aining t table sjxxmis tloui into skillet Graduallv stir in chicken bioth, wine. Worcesteishire sauce and sugai I ook and stir until thickened \d d to m a to and olives and heal through Serve over chicken. Makes 6 seisings Emanuel sponsors new hotline Kids have a special place in I maim el Hospital's heart. th a t's why a new hotline and sup port group for parents o f children with heart disorders begins this ta ll at I manuel Hospital “ Caring Hearts” offers a hotline lor parents with questions ab»>ut their chil dren w ith heart problem s and a monthlv support group. I he h o tlin e telephone number is 2B0-KIDS (2RO-5437) I he program is sponsored through the Oregon Children's Medical Center at 1 manuel Hospital A support gioup w ill meet the second Wednesday ol each m onth in the f i l t h I looi t on ference R.xnn at I manuel Hospital "W e have put togethei a whole cardiac pro g ra m lo t ch ild re n at I manuel," says Cmdv Eubanks, Pedi a tric (.a rd io lo g y Nurse ( lin ic ia n " In the treatment ol any ill child you have to hx>k at the lainily at the same tune Along w ith any diagnostic pro ceduies, we want to be sure we’ re helping the fa m ily as w ell as the child." I lie com prehensive cardiac p ro giam not only includes the fa m ily support, but also d iagnostic prove duies such as echo cat diagrams, caidi ac ca th a tc ii/a tio n s , cardiac surgical sets ices, fo llo w up on the ch ild and home health cixvrdmation. A good cookbook at a budget price I he cost ol cookbooks is heading higher, but there are still some great bargains to be found in the paperbacks published bv fix x l companies One ol the newest is fre n c h 's .4 w r r ii u'v C/rx'A wtfrc/ii’r'v ( iiiu n e , a 112 page spiral-bound book that concentrates on tune saving recipes You can get it d ire cllv fro m the company fo r $5, but p ro m o tio n a l coupon available in supermarkets will reduce the civst substantiallv. A good example o l the kind ol recipes contained in Im e ra u ’v (7