- »i unces Scjoan-'.cacpaper ..ooa University of OreRon Library .ur ne, Oregon v/*¡.'3 lobby Seale speaks Cawthorne interview Sports Pages 12,13 Page 4 Page 3 PORTLAND OBSERVER ~ C«nr ¿WNtoARf C» .Aar /«to Palestinian students hold memorial for massacre victims N A A C P concerned about OLCC Rep. M argaret Carter " I'm p ositively outraged it undermines the essence of w hat the death o f Dr King means to all people, not ,ust Black people (L R) Rev John Zn \u ih u n ie l S. t i l l Chris I yons, director ot retail oper aliens w ith Oregon I iguor I o n tro l Commission (O l ( ( I, said. "AAe arc trying to gather inform ation concern ing M a rtin I uthet k in g ’s b irth d a s . when asked why O l ( ( was laking a "customer opinion p o ll" in the N m th Jackson, Ora Nunley and Carter at press conference i ailed try N A A C P and Northeast I he p oll is asking p o te n tia l cus lomeis " D o sou prelei to base the liquor stores slay open ot closed lo r M a rtin i uthei k in g ’s birthdas ?" I sons maintained the inform ation is needed in order tor (>1 C l ’ to de ter mine whethei or not liquor stores should remain open or closed " I I no (P h oto Richard J B row n ) action is taken, the stores w ill remain open,” she said. "AA«- llm ughl oui N orth I'o n la n d customers would be interested in this," she said, when it was pointed out that the opinion jx.lls were mils being con ducted tit two areas ol the state I he opinion (soil began circulating last week, ami Monday the National Assixiation lo t the Advancement ol ( o lo ie d People ( N A A l I’ l held a news conleieuce lo voice concern oser O l ( ( N action I he press conference included slate Kep Margaret Cartel; Kcs lo h n ll I.1« kson, co chairman ol Portland’s chaplet ol the 1(1,uk I titled I rout and sice piesident ot (I k Albina Ministerial Alliance, and O la Nunles, president ol the N A A( P Res Jackson said, " D r k in g ’ s birthdas ought lo he a holulay like .ms <>ther holiday I >> me it ’s an insult io sas lila«. k people in this d istrict would rathet go to a liquor store than oh .e ivi M a rlin I uthei k in g ’ s b u lb «las It the sloies .lie open, we w ill boycott," he said Nunles said, " |O | ( ( | was sowing seeds ol dis«.out hs polling (he sloies." She added that the poll would " fu e l bitterness between groups." Kep ( liter, the duel sponsoi ol the legislation dial m ade Di k in g ’s bull) «las a legal holiday, said, " I ’ m post lively outraged AAe must lig h t this because n is precedent selling Rep ( a rt« said. " I t undermines the essence ot what the death ol Dt king means to all people, not inst Black people " " O u r concern is whs single D i king o u t," she said, adding, “ to do ibis without the consent ol the I egtsl.i tute is a disgrace ami a m ix kets Kep I .met said (>1 ( ( has no tight to oset,ule the legislation on whethei oi not liquoi stores should lx1 opened or closed I he I lin e n e r inters tewed sesetal residents wh«> reside in the N otth and Nottheast community I lies sirougls resented the O l ( ( ’s actions. Mats W ashburn said, "W hs not |x >11 AAashuigtoii’s btididas It’s limns tlies would hold .1 p>’ll now Most o l Ihe people were shocked that O l ( ( would do such a thing h i R o h e rl Z o lh iu n I or three days in September, 1982, Palestinian lelugee camps on the out skitts ot B eirut, I ebanon, were the scene ol one ol the worst tragedies ol mans in a pad ol the wot Id where men seem to do then worst lo each other. Right wing Christians surrounded the Sabia and Shatila camps and mas sacred over a thousand defenseless Palestinians I lies also desltoyed hotties, schools, and «limes, wiping out the iis ili/.ttio n the Palestinians had built in the «.imps I .ist week, the General I m o il ot Palestinian Students at PSI held a m em orial lo t those w ho died In a loom lined with posters, the students played a video ol the 19X2 Israeli insa sion ol I ebanon and siege ol Ben ut leading to the massacre, and a slide show ol the camps alter the massacre, shown were almost incomprehensible images ot death and destruction ” I he tr.igeds is that the same thing is happening a g a in ,” said B aket, a Palestinian student from Iordan and piesident ol the Palestinian students' union. " I t 's an ongoing thing fro m .ill sides in the Middle fast from the 1st,n ils and then .lilies hi the A ru b governments " B.tket said Ihe latest round o l at ta. ks against Palestinian «.mips is com mg fro m the S hiite A tn a l m ilitia in I ebanon I lies want to dfivc Ihe Pal eslimaus out so tlies «an emerge as one ot the dom inate gtoups in I ebanon, lie said. “ I hey are our people, they are being killed u n ju s tly ,” he said "W e aie protesling Ihe silence ol the Arab governments And the American gos eminent, which claims io be w inking lo t peace, ihx's nothing about th is ." Bilker said that Amenc.in media lends to hide the tiu th about the plight ot the Palestinians by slanting the news in tasoi ol Israel, under pressure from the "Zionist lobby” in the U S. According to Baket. Palestinians base been iXTscculed throughout this century, and especially since I94X, when they were d rive n fro m then homeland when Israel became a state Massacres punctuate then im gi.itious, similar to that ol the Jews, as they are shunted from country to country in the M id d le I asl and forced to live in camps, he said. I here were massactes in I94X, in 1970 m lot dan, and in 1976, I9K2, atul 1985 m I ebanon, Baket said Several ol his friends were killed, and he hasn't heard from others in years. A sotnpulci science student at PSU, Ikiker said dial he and about KM) other Palestinian students in P o rtla n d are leal mug skill in the I S so they «an go hack ami help then people. "O u r goal is a democratic, seculai state in Palestine where people ol all taces and religions, including lews, could live nt peace " H ow ever, he said, " N o Z io n ists co u ld live i l l a democratic society.” " I would like lo ask Ihe Amencan people to seek the truth tro in all sides ami not just the side the media ami the Z io n ist lobby presents here. I would like also to ask the A m en, an people lo recognize out tight to have a homeland as much as any other nation luis theirs." Baker declined lo comment on the ship hijacking, sac mg o n ly . " I 'm not supi’oiiive ol ten ot ism ." Eliot-King residents voice frustrations at city officials hy Jerry ( turner I asl Wednesday at the king Neigh borhood fa c ilit y , residents voiced their fru s tra tio n s to a panel o l city and county o ffic ia ls concerning the problem ol «hug trafficking and pros I Hut ion in their com m unities I he panel included Portland Mayor Bud I lark. M ultnom ah ( outily ( omrnis sinner Gretchen kalourv; Susan Hunt er, Program ( oordtnator, ( ouncil lor P ro s titu tio n A lternatives; Harley I icber, C o m m u n ity Service, M u ll nomah C ounty C o rre ctio n s; M u lt nomah C o u n ty D istrict A ttorney Michael Schrunk; and Sherry Sylves ter. Program Manager, ( rim e Pte vcntion Program. Many in the audience told the panel there is a lack o f law enforcement in their neighborhoods A man in the crowd shouted to the panel th.it the police a re n 't doing their jo b in this area. "T here are more than 11«) drug dealers and many are armed How are we to protect ourselves ’ AA hat about our k id s ? " Ih e crow d applauded the man I t C la rk ot the N o rth Precinct replied, "W e ate continuing to make cases against drug dealers, but we are restrained by the lim it ot the system and the crim inal justice system itself, just as you are. We are arresting the dealers and serving warrants when we «an (iisen the lack ot jail sjiacc, they are released because ol the nature ol tlieir ol tense Sieve Anderson, a local business­ man asked M asoi ( lark it he would loletate a «lope house o p e ra tio n in fro n t o l his home lo t nine months. I here «as no response fro m the Mayor M ultnom ah ( outily District A llo t ties Michael Schrunk told Ihe crowd that Ins o ffice has made some cases against drug dealers Schrunk told the audience to not blame the Correc (tonal D ivisio n A bout 97 percent are convicted, but they are consul ered bs the penal system as being non violent tvjx’s "Ih e refo re , they are the first ones booted out ot the d o o r." Schrunk said, " S nee there is not enough tail sjsiice, the community must ask this question, do sou want us to keep the rapist ot the drug dealer in ja il'1 Ih e y 're doing the best they can." Mayor ( lark said declining revenues ol local governments and changes in the d is trib u tio n o f revenues at the lederal level are part o f the reason fo r the crim e problem s A rresting criminals is not the only solution to the crime problem Attention must be fo ­ cused on some o f the causes o f crime. I here needs to be more jobs and qual ity schools to teach young people skills io be successful in this society. r '- i 1 J l ’ hi i 1 1 L. • » . ' II f1 Mayor Bud Clark at podium addressing rnsKjflnts o f the King and Eliot neighbor hoods about the c ity’s street crim e eradication plan (P h o to R ic h a rd J B ro w n ) said ( lark Nut only were citizens upset about the drug dealing in th e ir neighbor hixxls; they also angrily voiced com plaints to city and county officials tor not addressing the problem ol prostitu lion in the area I t ( lark said that hi the last three weeks N o rth Precinct attested 9( iiishvuJu.ils on jvrostilulion charges, (0 customers and 61 prosit nites