Page 8, Portland Observer, October 16, 1986 SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS Edrth Ballantyne (center) speaking at P.S.U.: "It the world is going to be saved, woman have got to do it." Pictured with Ballantyne are Twila Jacobean (left). National Board Member, Region I WILPF and Johnm Freeburg, co-chair Port land Branch WILPF. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) WILPF officers speak about United Nations conference by Jerry Garner Fast Wednesday, I dith Ballantyne, Secretary-General o f the W omen's International I eague fo r Peace and Freedom (W II PL) spoke at Portland State U niversity campus about the U .N . Women's Conference that was field in Nairobi, Kenya. Ballantyne said the following facts were revealed during the conference: Women do almost all o f the domestic work in the world; women grow hall o f the w o rld ’ s lood supply; women make up h a lf o f the o ffic ia l w orld labor force and are concentrated in the lowest occupations; women are un­ employed more than men, and women provide more health care than the health services combined worldwide. A nother interesting observation made at the conference was that with «mt peace and stability, there can be no development in the world Peace w ill not be lasting w ith o u t equality. In ­ equality should be elim inated at all I' vels, between men and women, be tween the haves and the have nols, w ithin countries and between coun tries I his was the first tune that such language appeared in a United Nation document, said Ballantyne. Ballantyne said that women made some achievements between 1975 and 1980, but conditions o f women deteriorated considerably Iro in 1980 to 198' In tact, the conference stated that the U N Decade to r Women could also be named the U.N Decade ol Recession and Crisis. It was decided in October fo r the conference to meet again in the year 2111) to see it the goals ol women have been met. A document entitled / or- ward Z nnkiny Slraleyies In the Year 2000 was adopted by concensus vote at the U .N women's conference. Bal lanlvne said they also voted to put in resolution a paragraph calling fo r sanctions against South A fric a I he United Stales was the only country that vetoed the resolution. I tie United States also said tliat it the word Zion ist wasn't taken out ol the document, they w ould have vetoed the whole measure. This demand was met and the document was adopted on co n ­ census. Ballantyne says the document should be looked at very carefully to develop a plan in order to reach their goals by I tic year 2000 I he document contains some 370 paragraphs. Ballan­ tyne said i f the w orld is going to be saved, women have got to do it. When asked how other countries reacted to the United States Delegates Conference, she replied that the U S. delegation was very isolated, it was so obvious that the United States was completely out o f step with the rest o f the world The U.S delegation came to Nairobi feeling they had this money clout because the Kenya government was dependent on the U nited States lor contributions. Ihey had the H eri­ tage Foundation Document with them to explain what to do if the United States didn't get their way. Ballantyne slated, ''I think that alter they got to N airobi, Ihey soon found out that things w o u ld n 't go their way. " T h e United States just stuck on that one paragraph about South A fric a but ihey d id n 't walk out like they threat­ ened." There were about 2,000 U.S. women in the forum o f which 2tX) were Black The Black women circulated a state ment on what their position was as Black American women The women collected about a thousand signatures for their position papers, but couldn’ t get a single U.S. delegate to receive the paper. The U nited States w o u ld n 't touch it and it didn't get into the con ference I he women did get press conferences and were written about in the local papers and the wire service I he U.S. women ill Nairobi d idn't consider the U.S delegation as their representatives “ I think it was a pity that the United States was represented bv a delegation headed bv Maureen Reagan," said Ballantyne. “ She be tiaved obnoxiously, she was very rude, it was really a pitv ” Blazers 5-1 in pre-season play OSU suffers another shutout The Portland Trail Blazers defeated the Seattle Supersonic! 177-113 last Sunday. The victory improved the Trail Blazers’ preseason record to 5-1. The OSU Beavers suffered another embarrassing shutout fo r the second week in a row. I he Beavers were rout­ ed 34-0 by the Washington Stale C ou­ gars last Saturday in Corvallis. In the last tw o games, the lifeless Beavers have been outscored 97-0. Not only did the Beavers lose the game, but their main offense weapon. Flanker Reggie Bynum , in ju re d his leg. X-rays showed that Bynum did not suffer a fracture. Forward Kiki Vandeweghe led P ort­ land w ith 33 points. The Blazers w ill host the I A. C lippers Saturday in the Coliseum. The Chicago Bears and the Los Angeles Rams remain the only tw o unbeaten teams in the N FL. A fte r six weeks o f play, both the Bears and the Rams are sporting 6-0 records PIL update Benson and Madison High remain the only tw o unbeaten teams in the P ll Both Benson and Madison have a 6-0 record The Techmen shut out Franklin 26-0 last Friday . Paul Jackson scored one to u ch ­ down to bring his season total to 15; his 90 points made him the leading scorer in the state of Oregon. Spinks stripped of one title The W orld Boxing Council (W BC ) stripped newly heavyweight champion Michael Spinks ol his lightweight title. Spinks' crown was taken by the WB( because the Boxing Council rules slate that a cham pion can hold only one title at a time. Spinks still holds tw o light heavy­ weight titles w ith the W o rld Boxing A ssixiation and the Internal Boxing Federation Demonstration planned for U.S.-Soviet game Those attending the U.S. Olympic- Russian volleyball game on Wednes­ day, ( k t . 21, 1985. 7 :3 0 p .m ., at Me­ morial Coliseum w ill have the oppor­ tunity to do more than watch an ath­ letic event. Members o f the W orld Jewry Task Force o f the Jewish Fed­ eration o f Portland plan on distrib u t­ ing literature calling for "F air Play for Soviet Jew s" outside the coliseum prior to game time. The task force is taking the action to call attention to the unfair and dis­ crim in a to ry treatm ent accorded to Jews in Russia Individuals attending the game w ill be asked to encourage President Reagan to place the plight o f the Soviet Jews high on the agenda o f the Geneva summit scheduled for November 19th A rnie Westerman, one o f the spokespersons fo r the W orld Jewry Task Force stressed that "T his is not a protest — rather, we welcome the So­ viet athletes, and the spirit o f sports­ manship and la ir play the volleyball game represents. We o n ly ask that Soviet Jews be accorded the same fair treatment." Jews in the Soviet Union today face increasing harassment and persecu­ tion by their government Arrests, trials and im prisonm ent ot Jewish religious and Hebrew-language ac­ tivists have increased m arkedly in the last year State sponsored media attacks on Jews, Judaism, and Z io n ­ ism have grown Immigration from the Soviet U n io n has decreased from a high o f 51,320 in 1979, to just 896 in 1984 We are witnessing a deliberate Soviet policy to bring about Die grad­ ual disappearance o f 15 percent o f world Jewry, or more than two million Jews. American pressure tias been success­ ful in the past in easing the plight o f Soviet Jews 1 he crisis lacing Soviet Jewry today mandates that America maximizes its e ffo rts on behalf o f the Jews o f the Sinici Union W O R K FR O M H O M E Auburn's Jackson falls short of all-time record Heisman I rophy candidate Bo Jackson rushed fo r 176 yards against Florida Stale last Saturday and scored tw o touchdowns as the 12th ranked l igers routed number four I lorida 59-27 $60 per 100 Inserting envelopes Information Send stamp to K. S Enterprises P O B om 1501 D Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Jackson's 176 yard rushing against the Seminóles gave him 991 yards in Five games, nine short ol I,(MX) which would have tied a record set by former USC running back and Heisman I ro- pliv winner Marcus Allen Golden Rule Beauty Salon Presents Bears, Rams undefeated I I k - Bears defeated last sear's Super Bowl ( humps, the San I ratictsco 49ers, bv 26 III W aller Pavton led the unbeaten Bears bv scoring tw o touchdowns the NF I all tune leading rusher ran lor 132 yards against last year's Super Bowl champs I he I os Angeles Rams remained undefeated by beating the winless Iampa Bay Buccaneers 31 27 ( o ilie r Back I eRoy Irv in o l the Rams intercepted a Buccaneer pass and rail it back 33 yards fo r the game's winning score In other N i l news. Ions Dorssett became «inly the sixth player hi S I I history to rush lo r ID,(MX) yards in a career I tie others are () I Simpson, Jim Brown, lo h n Riggins, W aller Payroll and I ranco Harris. Dorssett reached the milestone last Sunday in Irving, Texas, as the ( owboys beat the Pittsburgh Steelers 27- 11 Football classic to benefit famine relief I he first annual A tla n ta I ootball classic lo r Die A fric a n Famine Relict w ill be held Nov 9 at Die Atlanta l ullon County Stadium I lie idea to hold an annual football classic tor the A frican relief came from Granihlm g Umversitv President and fo o tb a ll coach Fddic Robinson A plan was devised to raise the national conscious new of college loothall tor Atncan rebel sujiport. "W e were determined to do our part Pat M ary '(JpBTWUf > (Propnetix) Sjwciali/ing in the latest finger wave styles bom Los Angeles Specializing in the latest curt styles So what are you watting for? Stop in, or call, and get Fresh Today I Bnng in Ad for Special Treatment) 412 N.E. Alberta 281 7063 Res 282 0064 today. w ithout fa n ta rc ." the G ram bling president said W hat started out as a lixke r room discussion became a con sinner mission Hie November classic w ill feature M orris Brown and Albans State. Grumbling and Alabama State G rum bling coach Robinson said about Ins team's participation in the classic, " I t is the most im portant jiarne in mv 4) vear civic lung cateer." Weatherization workshops in Northeast neighborhoods I he Com m unity I nergv Project is holding tree workshops on home weatherization in inner northeast and southeast neighborhoods through laniiatv (5 orkshop participants learn mans low cost and no-cost wavs to lower fuel b ills and slay w anner. Income eligible households receive $50 worth ol tree weatherization ma tenais including caulking, weather­ stripping, and plastic storm window kits. I he workshops are held at various community centers and host homes in H u m b o ld t, Boise, F lio t, Kerns, and H osford Abernethv neighborhoods I his project is sponsored by the city Bureau o f Com m unity Development and the Community Energy Project. The next workshop is being held at Malt Dishman Community School, 77 N I K nott, Tuesday, Oct 22, from 7: p.m. Participants must pre register. Io pre register for the above workshop or find out about other scheduled work shops call the F liot I nergv House at 284-7868. The annual Northwest Car Collectors Show and Swap M eet will show 200 vehicles on display, including this 1938 Indian motorcycle N.W. Car Swap M eet/S how Witness to W a r Clements in El Salvador On Ihursday, (K t 17, Dr Charles ( lemenls, author ol B irzrecv in H'ar: •In American D octor in H Salvador, w ill make two public appearances in Portland At I to p .m ., D r. C lem ents w ill talk w ith students at I incoln H igh Schixil, IN«) S U Salmon, in the au d ito n u n i on the main flo o r. A t 7:30 p.m , Dr Clements w ill speak at the Northwest Service Center, 1819 N W Iverett An Air I orce pilot in Vietnam until refusing to continue fly in g in 1970, Dr Clements served in 1982 as a sol unteer physician in a rebel-controlled zone in I I Salvador, responsible tor the health care o f over 10,000 civilians, guerrillas and captured government soldiers. Dr (. lemenls is currently director o f “ Am ericans fo r Peace In the Americas.” On Fhursdav he w ill dis .uss his recent fa c t-fin d in g trip to C entral A m erica, in w hich he led a delegation o f Vietnam veterans through I 1 Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras; his experiences serving as a physician in FI Salvador and parallels between U.S policy in Central Am er­ ica and Vietnam The Northwest ( ar Collectors An- nual Show and Swap Meet expects to have about 500 swap stalls filled with cars, parts, antiques, and collectibles. T he event, which attracts both hobby­ ists and the general public, w ill be Saturday and Sunday, (K t 19 and 20, at the Multnom ah County Exposition ( enter on N. M anne Drive near the 1-5 freeway. I his is the second year that the swap meet has been part o f the event. Its popularity and appeal last year made it a permanent fixture. The swap and show w ill be open Saturday at 7 a.m. until 5 p in., and Sunday from 9 a m. to 5 p.m . Adm ission is three dollars for adults with children admitted free. M ore than 20 local collector auto clubs jo in e ffo rts to o ffe r the public this chance to view interesting vehicles in a pleasant indoor environment. This is the eighth year for the Northwest's largest in d ixir car show, which offers a full range o f cars, including antiques, classics, hot rods, muscle cars, luxury , economy, and imports. There arc even toy car displays and a stationary gaso­ line engine exhibit o f power plants used in mining and fanning. Several clubs present special dis plays o f cars in various settings that ty p ify the era o f a featured vehicle. More than 2(X) vehicles are on display, plus a number o f automobiles for sale in the swap meet. One o f the show ’ s beneficiaries if the P ortland Sunshine D ivisio n , a charitable organization o f the P o rt­ land Police Bureau I hey share in gate receipts, and also invite the public to bring canned food to the show to place in donation barrels at the entrance The Sunshine Division pro­ vides food and necessities to the needs and the coming holiday season is the greatest time o f need •» ' .7 . S- e »t an