Page 6, Portland Observer. October 16,1986 Jazmin Jam E N TE R T A IN M E N T NETW ORK The Ja/rrnn Jazz Combo is hosting a Jam Session every Sunday at the Royal Esquire Club from .1 p.m. until 5 p.m. Children are able to attend Stu­ dents and instructors make up the Jazz Combo and musical friends sit u with gospel, standards and contemporary music. The Jazmin is also starting an adult women's band for those IN and older on Wednesday esenings at 7:00 p.m. at the B.E.C., 1640 NT Alberta 7oe "B e a n " Keller, Entertainm ent E d ito r Mary Wells' local appearance Coming to Portland Wednesday & Thursday, Oct. 16 & 17 She was a founder and architevt o f the world-famous “ M otown Sound." She lias been ranked by critics and Ians as one o f the best female singers in Ihe business Her " M y Guy” single ended ihe Healies’ historic early 60s’ dominance o f the number one spot on Ihe pop charts. She was — no, she is — the incom parable Mary Wells. fresh and resled alter seseral years o f semi-retirement. Mary returns to the recording scene with a new | pic Records I P, In A n il (h it O f Love. I he album should prove to be a warmly-welcomed one, especially by people who arc com­ plaining about the lack ol gixxl songs tlicse days. In A n il Out O f Love is full o f good songs. Ihe sound hasn’ t been heard very much lately, and w ith good reason. Mary, the mother ol three children, was concerned about being home to be a parent. I hat, ol course, is nearly imprrssible to do juggling a rough touring and recording schedule. Hut, the kids are older now, and that’ s good news for all o f us It means that M ary’s back. Mars Wells grew up in poverty in Detroit She says she was a sensitive child and still remembers how she hated seeing her widowed mother scuffle and strug­ gle trying to make end . meet. Mary helped when she could, even selling home- nude soft drinks around Ihe neighborhood and turning Ihe proceeds over to her mother It was this same inner drive that would later lead Mary Wells from ob­ scurity to prominence. A t 16, Mary heard o f an up-and-coming young songwriter named Berry Gordy Jr., who had worked closely with Jackie Wilson, t hrough a friend, she readied ( iordy in hopes tlu t lie might W p her start a songwniing career. Mars will be appearing for two shows at the Key I argo on ( k t 24th. Poolside Records' new release Pixilside Records is proud to announce plans for the release o f a second single Irom the Nu Sluxrz cassette, Iha's Right. I he " A ” side o f the record will contain an alternative mix o f " G o in ’ Too f a r , ” while the “ H " side w ill be "M a ke Your M ind l ip . ” T he release follows on the heels o f the Shoo/ No. I summer hit, " I Can’t W a it." Pixrlside President Rick Waril/states: "W hen the excitement over " I C an’ t W ait” started to die down, all the radio stations that had been playing the record started asking us about a follow-up. We had always tell that "G o in ’ I ix i f a r " was a strong tune, so we decided to go ito the studio and beet it up a little. W e added some new drum parts and brightened the vocals some, and just basically added a little more punch to Ihe track We’re just really happy that there seems to he a demand lor Nu S hixi/ music out there.” fhe package for the single will include a fold o u t poster and w ill be avail able net 21. Please call 281 1814 lor further information. v i» Wayne Shorter Quintet Currently holding the #1 Jazz Album in the Country! 2 Shows: 8 p.m . ft 10:30 p.m . Motown's Famous Mary Wells 2 shows: 8 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. Ronald K Charity, President and founder of the Black Teenage World Scholar ship Program congratulates 1986 winner. Sharon Cort. 17. of Freeport, NY . during crowning ceremonies in Antigua West Indies, site of the 19H& program Sharon is Vice President of her student council, a cheer leader and manager of the varsity football team at Freeport High School Hampton University present ed her a scholarship Benny Bell to perform locally A pair ol Portland per torming and directing talents, actress-ditector Vic toria Parker and dancer choreographer Benny Ik-Il. will combine to pre sent Nlo/akc Nliange's ctiorcopoern, " I or ( olored (a ils W Im Have ( onsidered Suicide When Ihe Rainbow is I n u t," the tall Portland State I nivetsitv theater arts production, November 9 ?1. in I uuoln Hall Auditorium I he show will plav I hursday through Saturday at x p m on the auditorium main stage I ickets, al general and $.1 ' l l students and senior cili/ens, are available (tom the PSI HoxOttice, 22944441 Parker and Ik ll lit si discussed staging Nlo/akc Shange's collection of nat rative pieces some nine ago and began planning the pnxliiciion Iasi spnng I lies are listed as co directors, with Ik-Il choreographing the stage movement lot the seven Black actresses who make up the cast " I or ( olored (m is " evolved trout early presentations ol poeliv and dance in lk-rkelev bv Shange and a group ol collaborators It was lust pnxluced in New l o ik bv Joseph I’app, opening on Broadwav in the tall ol I9 '6 I In- work is described bv Shange as, " I he words ot a young lilac k girl's growing up. tier triumphs and errors, our struggle to become al, that is torbidden bv our ell vironnient, all that is lorleited bv out gender, all that we have lorgolten ( o-direvtor Victoria Parker was last seen in the PSI Summer I estival I hea ter production, "Agnes ot God " \ graduate ol I'S l , she has taught theater classes at Portland State and elsewhere and has acted in and directed many local and regional theater pieces She won "W illie " awards tor lx-st direction and best production with her I9 ’ 9 show , ' W hen 1 on ( om ul’ Back, Red Rvder Benny Bell, who now choteographs and perform s w ith Ins Benns Hell Dancers, has performed and taught dance in I uio|x- and the Northwest He has been a featured artist with the Katherine I lunharn I Jaiicc ( and the Keith Martin I lance ( omjiauv S*1 Raw , . Raw Every Fri. & Sat. Nite 9 00 p m .2:00 a.m . Where: 1708 N T Alberta (Royal Esquire Club) T une: 9:30-2:30 Date: (Ktober IB, 1985 • I tghtm g •D is c o U n it Et D J sirun ixriHixixMixr *ttn*r r,(¡s- netwoa « BEAN and CLEANCUT inc presents Contact Joe (Bean) Keller • Home 232 9871 • Office 288 0034 A TWO DAY Hair Show, Fashion Show LASHAY'S PLACE Our Professional Staff Welcomes you. Come In and let us Relax You! and Musical EXTRAVAGANZA October 18th & 19th 1985 Lung Fung Dragon Room 8001 S.E. Division (at 82nd) 9:00 p.m . until W e have the latest trends, styles and cuts to suit your hair care needs. Remember Being comfortable and having the right facilities plays an important part of haircare NO COVER at the Portland. Oregon Members and guests o f the Royal Esquire ( 'lub are cordially invited to come celebrate in a birthday party C oen fo r Ms. M ona I.. Moore by her Parents and Family • A c to rs • P A Equipm ent NO COVER 1708 N.E. Alberta Come Celebrate With Us! • - •Bands • Dan* ms M ^ b w T a n d Guests ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB We're Having a Party •M a n a g in g • Booking •P u b iif ity • Protec 1 l eyouts Holiday festival of Black dolls Citizens' Groups for the Month of September present Raw of the Raw at the Royal Esquire Club. 1708 N E Alberta I’OH I L A N D ’S LIVE Ml SIC P A R A D ISI- • • C o m p ia te E n te rta in m e n t Services Interatate Firehouaa Cultural Cantar. Portland's moat unique cultural cantar ia the parfset locale for the moat uniqua doll show ever hald in Portland. "Holiday Faatival of Black Dolla" is mora than a mara doll show It ia a showcase for dollmakers. artists and collectors to exhibit and market to their diverse clientele. Black dolls of every hue and da scriptfon including paper, porcelain, clothespin, soft sculpture, sock and antique Many of the dolls are one-of a kind. All are colorful and baauti fully made Soma of the collectibles and antiques are dated lata 1800s and early 1900a "Holiday Festival of Black Dolls." Sataurday. October 19. will ba excit­ ing, educational, enlightening and entertaining Dollmakers. artists, col lectors and entertainers for this most unique festival are Pacific North west residents. However, some artisans residing outside Washington and Oregon will have their works of art on display Anyone wishing to participate, may direct inquiries to "Holiday Festival of Black Dolls," P O Box 1212 Bellevue Washington 98008 1206)323 9329 31 NORTHWEST FIRST AVENUE I 223-9919 BETWEEN COUCH & BURNSIDE IN HISTORIC OLD TOWN COME IN TODAY' L I 3006 N. Williams Ave. 281 3136 Friday, Oct. 18th Saturday, Oct. 19th • Hair Show by LASHAY'S PLACE • Wigs ft Make up by Mrs C's Wigs • Fashion Show by CleanCut Fashion Troupe • Music by the Raw of the Raw Band • Disco by the Musical Technicians • Velvet • Strawberry Gamblers • CleanCut and the CleanCut Band • Disco by The Chaz • A Special Guest From L A , California ONEDAV TICKET •6°° in ADVANCE •8°° AT DOOR LaShay s P iare House n t Sound 281 3136 2H7 i960 TWO DAY TICKET 121 and Ovari Available at ’ IO0® IN ADVANCE '1 2 « AT DOOR Mrs C’s W igs Musx: M illennium 281 6626 231 8926