Portland Observer, October 16, 1906, Page 3 A photographer’s journal o f Nicaragua Richard J. Brown, photographer for the P ortlan d O b aerver, spent sesen weeks in Nicaragua learning about and meeting its people His photographs will appear here as a weekly feature Many of my experiences in Nicaragua will stay with me forever Among them will be meeting Rosa Mana Munoz I first n oticed the p re tty and shy 14 year old Rosa with a couple of other teenagers as we got o ff the bus at Er nesto Acuna I later met Rosa in her capacity as "nurse" of Ernesto Acuna, less shy, but com petent and profes stonal in her manner as she arranged little boxes and bottles on the shelves of the poorly stocked Puesto Medico. Rosa has had no medical training except what she has learned from her father Ramon, a health "brigadista She is lo oking fo rw a rd to going to Matagalpa to begin a year of training and then returning to Ernesto Acuna as a real nurse (P hoto Richard J B row n) . • V — y ’ W LikPtLJ Hl SAH ' [ NAU k i-C J 1-« NAH AMAI1 A special das lot approximately «Ml students, parents, teachers, counselors, and other interested parties is planned for Salutdas. (Kt IV, 198' at the Red I ion Inn lant/en Beach in Portland. I lie Black C olleges C om m ittee, Inc , insites sou to participate in their Sixth A nnual Black C olleges ( on fcrence. I his s e a t’s theme is “ Black C olleges: A clneseinent Against the O dds.” Dr. Sam uel D P ro c to r, P asto r, Abvssmtan Baptist Church in Harlem, N V , ss ill present the morning address during the opening general session at 8:00 a.in. Thirteen Black colleges and untset cities in the I tilted States will he lea lined in the morning L ollege Spotlight session. Afternoon workshops include: f inancial Aid, \ |s leleth a Benia mm. I inancial Aid Specialist, Port land Cominunits C ollege; Becoming a Successful College Student, Di C lai ice I osse, P rolessoi, C hair. Depart mem ol C o m m u n icatio n s, Iex as Southern I m vetsily; ( areers in the hit's, AB Merna Andetson, Managei. C its I icket ( lltices, I astern Mrlines and Ms M arsha I ay lo r, ( light At tendant S upervisor, ( astern Air lines; ( drier ( tpporlunilics in the le d eral (io se rn n ie n t, Mi 'cam I so n s, I qual 1 mplosment Opportunity Olli cer, I tilled States Department ol I ish and Wildlife; testing in sour I tie, Dr IXirothy Alexander, 1 valuation Spe cialist, Northwest Regional Education I ab o ra to rs; fin a n c ia l \td, Mr Ken Mian. I inancial Aid Officei, Portland Community C ollege; Si tenee ( an he I un and Profnahle, I )i C icorge Neels. P io le sso i ol P h ssics, I i'k I nisei sits, and \lu m m . Mi I hom.ls IXuicIi, It . President, C ouncil ot Na lional Mullini Sssixlalions I lie conlerence sass to soung pen pie that sou can make soul life bellei through attending college and that the Histoiic.ills Black C olleees and I in sei cities o tte i sou a m echanism lot achieving your educational goals Io pie register lo i th e O c to b e i 19 Black ( olleees ( o n lcic iu c, contact I’e.irl S ( n a s . ( o rsallis, 754 5 5'6 (8 a m Io ' p m I oi lune Kes, P o ll 1,11111,28' 9669(aftei 6 p m I C ost lo t the all das conteience is students $9 ' ' and ad u lts SI t 'l l R eg istiatio n he gills at ' a.m in the I o s e i, Red I ion Ballroom Albina Library — a lot to offer Despite the lecent departure ol the li.idcw cll store and the counts health clinic from N I 15th and I re nioni, tlie Albina Bianch I ib iais is still going strong at that location M ultnom ah ( om its I ibiaiv leels a siiong commitment to provide library seisice in this co m m u n ity , and no immediate plans lot change liase been made I ib ra n a n s C andy B ertelson and Bobbi lackson encourage everyone in the neighborhood to use the library AAe would like Io see it become a buss, .ictise, mlcgial pail ol the local com inuuits ( idling a libiais card is easy it sou aie a resident ol M ultnom ah ( om its adults need som e II) ssith then current addtess, children need then ixuent’s signature As a result ol a recent change in book ordering, see aie receiving more ness books, paiticiilails best selleis, taster I or children, see hase movies on N ilm dass al 2 50 p ill and a Hal losseen Pails coming up on S atu id as, Oct 26, at 2 '0 N ovem ber brings National ( hildicn’s Book Week, and see’ll base puppet shows and banner making on Ihuisdav, Nos 14 at 4 ttl p in I All library program s are tree ) AAe also base a meeting room as ail able to the public, a manual typewriter tor public use, and see m ake p hoto copies at 1(1 cents a copy A ideo equip nient and videotapes aie available to use in the libraiv tot people studying lot the til Dies! I here is a lot going on ai the Albina Bianch I ib iais come m and check it out) k CALL Anti utxxtioo and pro choice supporters converged ixi down town Portland Saturday with signs and chanting At a fund raiser at the Arlene Schnrtzer Concern Hall, Sen Bob Pack wood IR OR) and Rep AuCoin ID OR) spoke to the Oregon chapter of the National Abortion Rights Action League Not far away at the Portland Hilton Hotel. Oregon Right to Life wat. holding its annual convention (Photos Richard J Brown) H IM * Thursday evening, O cl. 17, 7-10 p in for ages 1 6; I riday, Oct. 18, 10: 50 a in for ages 5 5. Preschool S torytim es, 512 N K illingsw orlh, phone 284 '622. Preschool Storytimes HELP W ANTED « 0 00 per 100 PAID fo r rem ailing le tte rs fro m home!I Send self addressed, stam ped envelope fo r infor m a tio n /a p p lic a tio n . Asso elates. Box 95 B, Roselle, NJ 07203 W DESCRIPTION SHORT SCULPTURE or ACRYLIC NAILS INO LIFT 2 WEEKS) SILK WRAP NEW FILL PEDICURE M ANICURE REG 52- 24* 27* 17* \ 14Kt GOLD NAIL JEW ELRY WE’VE GOTTHE MOST BEAUTIFUL POWDER AND LIQUIDS YOU'VE EVER SEEN THAT WILL NOT LIFT OR POP OFF.______ ■Special 2 0 % D .s c o u n t o il This offer good through N ovem be.- » YO U M U S T B R IN G T H IS A D W IT H Call m A dvance foM .n A p p o in tm en t 2S3 a1-g_ • I 1M 2.\K1(VS7 ■ rci7 :A \:\o i7 :co \' • M .1 NW WON \ f » ’ ' - 1 H f . W I ’ IH , A l ) , S A . •,.« f N ’ £M The W rig h t B rothers' initial flig h t spanned a d is­ tan ce sh o rter th a n th e w in g s p a n of a B oeing 707 ju m b o jet. S a g u a ro s , w h ic h a re h u g e c a c tu s e s fo u n d in A riz o n a , are o fte n c a lle d "a p a rtm e n t h o u ses o f th e d e s e rt" b e c a u s e th e y p ro v id e livin g q u a rte rs for so m an y bird species D ia m o n d s — th e h a rd e s t n a tu r a l s u b s ta n c e fo u n d on Earth — g et th eir n a m e fro m th e G reek term udarnas, m ean in g "u n c o n q u e ra b le ." We do .lo t d o business w ith S o u th A fric a American State Banis AN INDEPENDENT BANK H ead O ff e 27 17 N E Union Port and, Oregon 97212 Wigland I he M ultnom ah C o u n ts I ibraiy announces the following schedule lot tlie month ot < Ktobei Saturday, Oct 19. 2:10 p in., 5605 Nl 15lh, phone 287 7147, ( Inldren’s films “ Drummer H olt” ; “ Seasons C hange” ; “ I he Mole and the I olli P<>P " i C H IN A SILK NAILS •A M Sixth annual Black colleges conference / Wigs, Hairpieces and Beauty Supplies Wholesale and Retail G R A N D OPENING SALE CONTINUES N o w th ro u gh O ctober 31st, 1965 From 10 00 a m til 6 00 p m Location 1106 N.E. Broadway '