• * s tt* « • Advertisement for Bids MULTNOM AH COUNTY When a kid joins the Boy Scouts, there’s no VP CALL FORBIDS D€S "Tunnet Cawltng InsuietMin Bids Due October 31 19ft at 2 00 P M B«1 N o B61 «ÜÜ8UH Sensed twto a MI tw rot eeawl try ftw D rertO f of Pure base Ml Muttrxwnat tv FMx. twm ny Drvswm 2 H l i S E 11th Av»« Portland OR 97202 to» A{’»**• " tie obtained town toe ataive .«tetre» ft« a V» 00 non r e t v la H r *•. PREBID CONFERENCE M andatory October 21 19». 9 0 0 A M Department 2215 SI Momaor St Prwttewwl Or»xw« P e rm is •/ • PREOUAl IF »CATION OF BIDDERS Puns «wit to toe Mutow «nati County P u l* Contrac t Review Board A dm in istra tive Rules AH 40 ( K ) 1 Prequai* .»»•«.»• i . S tw iwjoinwl tor tfie (WofBit Fto«)udfto> atwwi a ix * r post r narked to Muttrwwnah County t y not later ttiar 10 lavs (www to t * i x»« •« .j r ♦ , •• I k» • [ k ’t.wts of crwnpfcarxe an» avadatie town ttw Pun furwrxJ D ^ t * * D»xiertment of ( wwwwm I Servxrw 25lfc S E 11to Ave Ptwtlarw! OR 972Q2 (NJ3i24B 5111 MINORITY AN D Ft M A i E BUSINESS UTILIZATION A4 twtetewx ,«♦• twwel>v «I»* ifit ally advised that these . ondttions require a m inim um . >t 3 k it th e total txd a n x x jn t for M inority Huw»n.s Fnteqwtse (ia| >i I.lit I\ constant Honcstx Hcs,x»nsibiln\ ■ v w h l’iule I c.tili rshi|i < I'illlliilllii ni I’ ii >|x I pn p.ir.iiH m h >i .i tuiun lll.ll \\ ill i ll.llli llgi us .ill B m . . J i C o lu m b ia Pacific (. o iin c il lUn Scouts o f/\m c r ic . f a i ta t «\A tw rwrrwvnd tw enrwrtnmrt uns««. the te l cwitaw» a s-tatenw» t try ttw takte« « iwwt of tw» te l that the rwjurenwwi» of 2^9 3K) 279 .fc2 2^1 W i ww1 779 f h «SuA tw met I ' ■ ‘ No proposal w ill tie < onsidered unless a< • o n if Minted by a f k payat M u ltno m a h C ou n ty . e m b e d by a re s p o n s ib le b a n k or u - u there. sumty twwxl for an am ount ecjuai to ten tier, ent (10%> of ftw apqreyate (Misai The sue < essful b id d e r shaft furnish a b ond satisfa. to ry to the B <• ’ ♦ i pro ml r t tt»» h A amount of ttw < cw itiw t MuRtwwndh C o unty reaiwv*« ttw fight to repwi any < 4 I «k. DON U CH M AN FYrriwssrm ( ten« t. w - •s -‘ z . ' t .■ I te * t . JOBS, October 16, 1965, Page 7 -• % i V •» » * - S ’ • * a z ^‘ A