< « Jobs PERSONNEL ANALYST City of Salem $2.144 $2 742 mo Under the direction of the Personnel Director, responsible for administering classification and compensation, labor relations, fringe benefits, testing, trail mg, and other major segments of the personnel program Poor experience and interest in labor relations activities par ticularty desirable Considerable expen ence in responsible personnel work; 4 yr degree with major cours«*s in jier sound. business or public admin or any equivalent combination of experience and training Closing date 11 22 86 Apply City of Salem. Pers Dept 566 Liberty SE., Rm 226 Salem, Oregon 97301 Zx/uoZ ()pportumty I m/^oser LOSS CONTROL REP City of Salem »1.689 $2.144 mo Technical administrative assistance in maintenance and im provem ent of City's employee safety program Morn tor and analyze w orker's compensa tion claims. Four year degree in Safe ty, Business Admin or related field or any equivalent combination of educa tion and experience Knowledge of state and federal safety codes proper safety work practices and methods workers compensation laws and appli cations. Skill in technical writing, de velop training progrms; express ideas effectively orally and in writing; estab lish and maintain effective work rela tions w ith employees and public Closing date 11'1,86 Apply City of Salem, Pers Dept 566 Liberty S E , Rm 225 Salem, Oregon 97301 Z qiuil Opportunity I mplovcr BILLING CLERK Heavy Manual A R ledger, invoice insurance com parues for services 3 yrs exp billing acctg Salary $11 234 to $11 700 Call for application 2398871 Minorities encouraged Closing date Oct 23. 1986 I dual ( tpportumtv I mplovcr Classifieds RESEARCH ASSISTANT A 1 Year Half Time Appointment with possibility of annual renewal Be ginning salary $14 340 $15.000 com munsurate with qualifications Appli cants siiould lie experienced in collect ing and culturing of insects Minimum of B S degree in Entomology or Bi ology w ith an emphasis in Entomol ogy Deadline for receipt of applica tions is October 31 1985 For details contact Dr Jeffrey Miller Department of Entomology Oregon State University Corvallis. OR 97331 fircvon State I niversilv is an lip ia l Opporturuts [ffirmative \etton h n plover and complies with Section of the Rehabilitation ict o f IV7t if, plications from females and minorities are eneouruKed HELP W A NTED $60 00 PER HUNDRED PAID for re,nailing letters from hom el Send self addressed, stamped on velope for information application Associates Box 95 B Roselle, NJ 07203 TELEPHONE Interviewers Wanted for monthly research project No selling involved Call Hope at 1 800 538 7393 txrtween 12 and 1 only DATA PROCESSING P roduction S upport Analyst A major health insurance comjiany is seeking a production support analyst to perform EDP operation at tivities wfix 1i include • Id e n tify in g . d o t u m e n tirtg a n il re solving problems relating to produc tx in processing • Proi essmg requests to implement changed programs JCL or documen tation into production • D efining and recom m ending en 1i.incements to produc tion job streams or the a u to m a tio n of m anual pro , ixlures •• Z . . • • » •’ 1 ■ Qualifitx, mdividu.ils must flave knowf edge o f M VS. JCL and utilities, VSAM TSO SPF, and I ibranan *> Know ledge of FDR C l IS T V SA M ASSIST, am) data set m aintenance .mil recovery techniques a jilus Indi vidual must tie avallatile for sei ond and third shifts Qualified ajijilii ants may tie < onsidered for a senior production sujijxirt analyst (xisitxin « • r • • •/ Blue Cross and Blue Sfueld of Oretjon offers an exi ellent employee tienefits package, flex time work flours and ( o m p e titive salary Please a jijily or send resume to Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Personnel Dejxirtment 5th flix ir 100 S W M arket Portland. OR 9721), ! ,p ia l O pportunity / mplovcr WORK FROM HOME $60 per 100 Inserting envek^xr*. Information Send stamp to K S Enterprises P O Box 1501 D Bloomfield NJ 07003 ■ SITES FOR SUCCESSFUL Business Expansion in Southern Oregon New Industrial Park offers purchase programs w ith terms I 5 North of Grants Pass Call your broker or call us for details 15031478 77V 4 » k. 1 , - t - I f y » 4 r • Ì • • '..- I ■t . , F . » • 1 • 1 • : - i? -’- ’A''.? DO YOU NEED Office Space. A secretary letters written someone to mswer the phone and more? ONE STOP fias the answer1 Don I wait until you can t rfford us1 Call after 6 p m today 620 7080 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES R V s For Less! Komforts, King of the Road and Sun raders LOWEST prx.. around Ocean Way RV McMinnville Call 1503)434 6606 It f JOBS, October 16, 1985, Page 3 .