Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 16, 1985, Page 10, Image 10

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    JOBS Classified
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R ehabilitation Specialist
$1 778 $2,162
The Housing A u th o rity of Washing
ton County will tie accepting applica
ton County will be accepting applica
tmns and resumes through 5 00 p m
the position of Housing Rehabilitation
Specialist R esponsibilities include
working with eligible homeowners in
rehabilitating their home through the
use o, general contractors Successful
applicant w ill need to be able to in
sped properties, determine appropn
ate w ork item s th a t do not com ply
w ith housing quality standards, pre
pare w ork w rite ups and cost esti
mates, m aintain accurate records,
work directly with Title companies and
other organizations in co m p le tin g
rehabilitation loans Applications and
a formal job descnptmn may be picked
up from the H ousing A u th o rity 's
main office at
560 S E Third Avenue
Hillsboro. OR
I /
A ,
lip t a l
Z in p lo y n w n l
( V’/x triu n u v
Swap M eet
Saturday, Oct 19, 7 a m
6p m
Sunday, Oct 20, 9 a m 6 p m
Multnomah County Expo Center
Manne Dnve, Portland
All indoors, 200 show cars, 700 swap
booths, Adults $3
Complete Kit«
Large sliding door colored steel sides
24x36x10 $1,758 24x48x12 $2 372
30x00» 12 $3 323 Other sizes available,
labor quotes gladly Call Toll Free
1 800872 0070
Sign» 60% Offll
$299 Complete Lighted, non arrow,
$279 Unlighted, $209 (free lettersl)
Quality w orkm anship Factory war
ranty Extremely lim ited quantity
Salem Transit District
(Current salary $32,000 $41 000).
subject to n e g o tia tio n This is pro
fessional administrative work manag
mg the Salem Area Transit District
Responsibilities include overall plan
ning, organizing, f t dire ctin g of all
services of the district, including staff
su(>port to the board, general adminis
trative, personnel, f t fiscal functions;
management of ojierations ft mainte
nance Qualifications BA BS (Mas
ters preferred) in Business Public
Administration or a related field, ft 5 8
years of progressively responsible ex
penence involving supervision of staff
ft m anagem ent o f Public Transit
Program or Public Management Pro
grams of similar scope ft complexity
Salem Area Transit D istrict
216 High St NE
Salem, OR 97301
Closing date Nov 1, 19H5 5p.m .
Iq u a l ( )p p o rtu m t\ I m plnver
Rosponsiblities include equipment, mam
tenance, installation and supervision of
eng volunteers Need exp in maintain
ing audio equip . tape recorders, etc
Salary $1,054 mo with health and den
tai Send resume by Nov 1 to.
Eng Search
20 S E 8th
Portland, OR 97214
! (Hull O pportunH \ / m p lo w r
Equity Loans
On all types of real estate, easy quail
fying! Rapid funding Wo buy con
tracts, Call Now' Toll free
1800 537 5498
Oregon Land Mortgage
JOBS Magazine
1463 N E Killingsworth
Portland, OR 97211
(503)288 0033
Paqe2, JOBS, October 16, 1986
A *•
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P ro g ra m m e r/A n a lyst
Immediate opening for individual in
terested in program m aintenance
and developm ent Incum bent w ill
gather and analyze in fo rm a tio n for
systems modification, design changes,
and specify systems requirem ents;
construct, test, and im plem ent
changed systems; and update sys
terns operation and user documenta
tmn Qualified applicants should have
a minim um o, 2 years experience in
business application type system de
vefopment, with prior experience with
COBOL and OS JCL required
Knowledge of CICS, VASM, ADABAS,
Easytneve Plus, Natural, and IBM
like mainframes preferred. We offer a
competitive salary with excellent fringe
benefits and flex tim e w ork hours.
Please apply or send resume to:
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Oregon
Personnel Department, 5th Floor
100 S W Market
Portland, OR 97201
/ i/u u l ( >pporturut\ Em ployer
Previous phone sales experience de
sirable Half tim e evening position
available for individual to contact po
tential blood donors Aside from hav
ing good verbal and written commum
cations skills, you m ust be people
oriented and possess persuasive sales
techniques Starting salary $4 45 hr
Work hours Mon Thurs. 5 p.m 9
p rn and Sunday 12 noon 4 p.m .
Must be available to work extra hours
during evening nr (fay Please apply in
person lietween 1 and 4
Am erican Red Cross
3131 N Vancouver
Portland, OR 97208
/ <//«// ( fp p o rtu n ilv I m p lo w r
Federal and State* Taxes
On interest from savings and CD s by
investing in Oregon tax exempt munic
i( Ml bonds FREE bond list
Tom Moore