Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 09, 1985, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8, Portland Observer, October 9, 1985
Membership drive
I he Portland section ol the Nation­
al ( ouiu.il ot Negro Women * ill begin
its annual membership drive w ith an
open house to be held on Sunday.
October 13. IM S . fro m 1:00 to 4 00
p in at 4910 N I Mallors
fhc council extends an ins nation to
all women who are interested in ad
I I k - average person has a 61» percent
higher chance o l dying while asleep
than while awake, but no one seems
to know w hy, said a sleep research
expert who spoke in Portland recently.
According to D r. W illia m ( De­
ment, P rofessor o l Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences ai Stanford I m
versity, sleep is a m ysterious state
which everyone needs but which even
few experts know much about.
Dement is one o l the tew experts
who has studied sleep He co-lounded
the phenomenon know n as HI M
(ra p id eye m ovem ent) sleep in the
l95Os. I he name comes (torn the rapid
eye movements Dement observed in
subjects who seemed to go in and out
o l this special state in 90 minute cy­
cles I he discovers was an important
one, said IX'inent, because it showed
that contrary Io popular opinion, the
brain doesn't turn o ff during sleep but
remains active, sometimes more ac­
tive than during the day.
According to Dement. Kl M sleep is
a m ysterious, im a g in a tive , almost
magical state very different from real
ity , where " th e very active brain
creates a w o rld and then perceives
it . " HI M dreams, if remembered, are
often spectacular, and in general Hl M
sleep leaves us feeling exhiliarated and
ready lor a new day, he said.
D uring K I M sleep. Dement con
tinned, the brain is twice as active as it
is during the day, and the most active
ot any period during the day. I he in­
credibly com plex com puter o f the
brain seems to need to lapse into this
stale “ Die neural network needs ac
nvity io blast through it to sort ot clean
it o u t," Dement speculated
IX'inent played a video ol subjects
in H IM sleep I hey appeared to be in
a b e a u tific. almost ch ild like stale,
laughing, ta lkin g sometimes u n ­
in te llig ib ly, cursing and m oving like
I he popular belief is that going to
sleep is like turning the car o ff, said
IX'inent. " I t ’ s not like that at a ll," he
said. " I he sleeping brain is an active
brain. I he brain does not turn o ft, it
changes what it is doing.”
IX'inent was the second speaker in
the Oregon Museum ot Science and
Industry’s hugely popular "Mysteries
ot the M in d " lecture series on the
brain the Neurological Sciences Ceil
let at G ood Sam aritan H ospital co­
sponsored the series
Good Samari
tan lias been a pioneer in stitu tio n in
sleepteseaich, according to IX'inent
I lie purpose o f sleep research is to
help people sleep better so they leel
healthier and live longer. Dement
said People need sleep lo t good
health, and HI M sleep appeals io be
linked w ith mental health, but over
one m illio n Am ericans s u tle r fro m
Send notice o f your church activities
and events to
Religion Editor, Portland Observer
P O B om 3137
Portland OB 97208
sleep disorders, according to Dement.
He cited studies which show that peo­
ple who get seven or eight hours o f
sleep arc half as likely to get cancer,
and they live longer than those who
sleep less than six hours or more than
eight hours.
Sleep rhythm is important
awakened repeatedly is almost as bad
as not getting enough sleep People
are sleepiest around 3:30 in the a fte r­
noon and ' m the morning, and sleep
loss is cum ulative
it lakes live or
six days to fu lly recover from a bad
night's sleep, tie said.
More research is needed, only about
10 specialists are w o rk in g on basic
sleep research, according to Dement.
"T here's something going on, we've
got to know what it is.” Throughout
his ta lk , Dement made jokes about
putting his audience to sleep and he
concluded by wishing them a good
night's sleep
D r. Jcrrc I cvy, professor o f Be­
havioral sciences at the University o f
Chicago, opened the scries with a talk
on s p lit-b ra in research. Levy was a
member o f the team that pioneered
right and left brain research, earning
the team leader a Nobel prize in 19K I
She put to rest some myths that sur­
round right and left brain speculation.
She said the popular belief that men
arc more left brain, more analytical,
and women arc more right brain, more
a rtistic, " is absolutely and to ta lly
talse "
A ll claims o f crude differences in
the two hemispheres o f the brain are
talse, as arc the " 10 m illio n ” person­
ality tests based on such falsehoods,
Levy said. Logic is not a pro p e rty
confined to left hemisphere, nor is
creativity solely a property o f the right,
she added
I tic true picture is much more com­
plex, according to Levy. Each side
can function well by itself, although
with limitations In experiments with a
very limited number o f people whose
brains were accidentally damaged, or
whose brains were separated surgical
Is, she said, some subjects lost the
ability to draw simple shapes clearly,
some set only hall ol a face in pictures
shown to them, and others have Iron
hie carrying tunes Something "chops
o u t," something in the wav ol abilitv
contributed bv the other side o f the
"Heal learning means the two sides
are w o rk in g to g e th e r," said I evv.
Tach side has specialties, she said,
but no task is the projxTty ol just out­
side ol the brain I ach side improves
the o th e r’ s perform ance and the
brain's overall performance I or ex
ample, " I anguage involves an in ti­
mate co lla b o ra tio n between the tw o
hemispheres,” said I evv. She added,
" D o vou th in k the M ona I tsa was
jxniiited bv nisi one side ol the brain ’ ”
N E First ft S ch u y le r • 284 1964
Jo hn H Ja< kson M inister M Ed M l )
9 31) A M C hurch School
11 IX) A M C ongregational W orship
5 (X) P M V e sixif Service
10 IX) A M B aptism Fourth Sunday
11 (X) C om m u n io n ta c h F irst Sunday
The American Baptist Convention American Baptist Churches ol
Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National Oregon,
P o rtla n d E cum enical M in is trie s , A m erican B ible S o cie ty, M ftM
A new series o f grants to n o n ­
profit organizations that help elderly
people continue to live at home has
been announced
Seven foundations have launched
the new " l iving at H o m e " p ro ­
gram, w hich w ill make available as
much as $350,000 over a three-year
period to at least 12 organizations
operating in cities w ith the largest
number ol elderly people.
I ising-at Home hax four goals: to
encourage collaboration among exist­
ing organizations to meet the needs ol
elderly people at home; to help family
members responsible fo r the care o f
elderly relatives; to help elderly people
keep active in the community , and to
create a national awareness that it is
jsossiblc fo r elderly people to remain
at home, which will stimulate replica­
tio n o f the projects supported by
Betty Letzig, president o f the Na
(tonal Interlaith ( oalition on Aging,
which has endorsed the program ,
said, " T h is is an o p p o rtu n ity lo r
church-based programs interested in
expanding their outreach to elderly
lieople to connect w ith other social
service agencies to apply for a grant "
C om m unity centers and even retire
inent homes will be eligible il they meet
the requirements, she said
P rio rity w ill go to groups w ith
"p io ve n success in service delivery to
large number ot frail ot isolated elder
Iv, and io those that demonstrate the
capacity to consolidate old serv ices and
create new systems o f cate that till a
lull range o f need," she added
A premium is put on creating pan
nerships w iih other services and mvii
284 2334
by Rev I Brown
God loves us and has a wonderful
plan for each life . Io find God, the
Bible leaches these simple steps Be
lievc that G od is. Realize llia l God
loves you U nderstand that G od's
love found expression in the giving ol
his son Jesus C hrist, to die lo t man
kind. Therefore " I I we confess our
sins, he is fa ith fu l and just to forgive
us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness" (John I 9) fo r by
grace are se saved through faith; and
that not ol yourselves It is the gilt ot
Therefore those that ate saved are
saved by the grace ot God and not by
their own works, but they are saved in
order to do good w orks I huv the
riches o f G od’s grace will he manifest
fo r all times through His redeemed
church, " H is workmanship " Paul's
emphasis is that salvation is ot God,
both in its planning and its accom ­
plishment, and it is to His glory
Salvation is altogether o f grace from
first to last. I he plan o f salvation as
originally devised bv the Savior who
wrought it out lo r us, is Ihc accept
ance o f his vicarious sacrifice in out
behalf, and the faith whereby we arc
made partakers ol his sacrifice, aie all
the gifts o f free and sovereign grace;
the foundation and the superstructure
arc wholly ol grace.
Redumption is the central theme ol
Ihc Bible. It is the crimson strand (hat
is woven through all the Scripture In
the Pentaterich we sec it in the sacrtfi
cial system, w hich symbolized the
atoning sacrifice for sin which Christ
was to make on the cross.
Nathan Barnett, Pastor
IB Theology • M O v m ity l
The Barnetts ft
Berean welcomes
your famify.
(utions, including hospitals, visiting
nurse associations, other voluntary o r­
ganizations and local government.
No funds w ill he available for con­
structing, renovating or altering fa ­
cilities, or to finance prc-cxisiing oper­
ations, o r fo r sersice to in d ivid u a ls
under age 65.
"T h e program is p rim a rily to get
new things g o in g ." said Ms. I etzig.
"P ro g ra m s already operating w ill
have to have a new component or start
in a new d irection." Ms I etzig is co­
o rd in a to r fo r p roperly and mission
personnel support in the National D i­
vision o f the United Methodist Board
ol ( ilobal Ministries
C o lla b o ra tin g on the I ivmg at
Home program are the Pew Memorial
T rust, the C om m onw ealth I m id,
A rth u r V in in g Davis In u n d a tio n s .
Duke Endowment, John A H artford
Foundation, New Y ork C om m unity
Irust and the t lev eland I oundation
The program has been endorsed by
the American Association o f Retired
Persons, ( o u n o l o l Jewish I edera
lions. N ational Association ot Area
Agencies on Aging, National C o uter-
ence ot ( atholic ( hatities and I .S.
( onference ot M ayors, as well as
Ms I etzig's organization.
"R e m a in in g at home is the first
choice ol out nation's elderly,” report
ex! Dr Bogdonofl. who is prolessor ot
medicine at C ornell I diversity Medical
t ollege "Vke intend to make this
possible bv p ro vid in g the s'tinulus
and support lot non p ro fit organiza
lions io create alternatives io the insti­
tutional residences that ate so often the
elderlv’s last and onlv place to tu rn ."
Smile — God loves you
South African
protest in N.Y.
4822 N. V a n co u ver Ave.
9:30 a m ., S u n d ay School
11:00 a .m ., M o rn in g W o rsh ip
6:00 p m .. Evening W o rsh ip
allen tem ple c m e c h u r c h
Martin Bogun president of the Metro
poirtan Council of the American Jew
ish Congress addresses massive rally
against South African apartheid held
at United Nations headquarters in New
York Crty on August 13
At Berean we emphasize building
strong families You'll get solid
Expository Biblical Preaching If Teaching
Z. N
'» • "vT
» • ».
It seems to me that the greatest
need in the world lodav is hie; spiritual
hie that is given to uv only through
( hrisl " f o r God so loved the world,
that he gave his onlv begotten Sun,
that whosoever believeth in Hun
should not perish, but haveeverlast
mg h ie " I John 1 16)
*4 I-
C o rn er of 8th and S k id m o re
S u n d a y S c h o o l 9 3Gam
S u n d a y W o rs h ip ,1 OOu'n
C h ris tia n Y o u th F e llo w s h ip 6 00pm
se c o n d a n d fo u rth S u n d a y s '
Grants for elderly
Living-at-Home programs
Mysteries of the mind
unfold at OMSI
by Robert I othian
m iE iL m iiw r
saucing the interests o f Black women,
their fam ilies and com m unity to a t­
tend their open house. Council mem­
bers w ill be available to discuss the
purpose o f the organization, its p ro ­
grams and goals w ith all interested
Elonza J Edwards (Pastor)
A Public Service of the P ortland Observer
A lb in a M in isterial A llian ce
284 6023
202 N E Skidm ore
2B1 5678
284 5669
9:45 a.m., Sunday School
11 00 a.m , Morning Worship
7 00 p.m., Evening Worship
7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting
Victor R Brown, B Theology, Pastor
Dr Hazel L Brown Sr., D D , Assistant Pastor
84 N E Killingsworth • 281 0499
"A warm spirit of fellowship always"
The Ark of Safety
( hurt h of God in C hrist
T uesday
Bible Bend
Choir Rehearsal
7 30 p m
7 00 p m
Sunday S chool 9 1 5 a m
M o rnin g
11 15 a m
W o rsh ip
6 30 p m
8 Of) p m
W o rsh ip
N oon Day
Tuesday Friday
tke BiWx Action— Friday
ífollou’ pi‘D ' O lli The Pastor Speaks? 30 p m
all HKD. i
M o rn in g Prayer 9 00 a rn
without u
man shall
llo ró
. .
<jf W b m «/V
" im y
t«T « ) M
S W tu MAAR 4 H A M M
Assets of th e o ffice of the fu tu re an in vestm en t
in people over m achines
A c c o rd in g to a re c e n t s u rv e y , th e to p s e llin g
soup in A m e ric a n restau ran ts is veg etab le soup
Rev V Brown
(Xrr greatest privilege is to come to
God. I bus our sins have separated us
from G od, but God so loves us that
he gises us this privilege “ Come unto
me, all ye that labor and are heavy
laden, and I will give vou rest" (Matt
II 2S)
W hen G od forgives and saves a
sinner, he does not give him a suspend­
ed sentence or parole him on good
behavior, but grants him a fu ll and
complete pardon.
C alorie counting? W h e n a recipe calls fo r cream
s w e e t or so u r — s u b s titu te p la in u n fla v o re d
y o g u rt It ad d s p ro te in , c a lc iu m and B v ita m in s
instead of excess fat
b u s in e s s w ith S o u th A fric a
American State
Ba nli
Hoad Office
27 37 N E Union
Port and, Oregon 97212