Portland Observer, October 9, 1905, Page 7 Silent killer: high blood pressure Minority Report: Food spending in U.S. households * tn Rufua In 1961. th e Over 60 m illio n Americans suffer from high blood pressure I he so- culled 'silent kille r“ strikes one oul o f three Bl.uk Americans and one our ot four whiles Il uncontrolled, hvpertension, as high blood pressure is lechnuallv known, can lead to heart a ii.u k , heart failure, stroke and kulnev failure I he e lle cis are more severe among Black people two and a halt limes as mans Blacks as whiles between the ages ol 25 and 64 die from stroke, a m ajor com plication o l high blood pressure. No one knows the exact cause ol high blood pressure or whv ii affects Bl.uk people mine than whiles " In 90 percent ol the cases, there is no known cause," caul ludv fla m s , an RN and director o l nursing and health at the new Red I loss ( enter on North Van­ couver Avenue H arris teaches volunteers who in turn lead blovxi pressure classes Com muiniv residents c m gel " I he I ow down on High Blood Pressure” in a live week session beginning Oct. 21st from 7 - 9 p in at the center, f | l | N. Vancouver I he class will help partici­ pants et lev'll v ely co n tro l high blood pressure and adjust to changes in lile- s,vie that treatment may require. People who need a blood pressure check and H arris recommends a check at least once a year and as ot ten as once a month it it is elevated can get it clone tor tree at the N I Health ( enter, '129 N I I'n to n , and at Bethany I utheran ( hutch, 4110 N I c o , Ave Harris said that Inch blood pressure results when the arteries constrict or are blocked tor some reason, causing the heart to “ pump through a ii . ii rowed hose " I he pressure rises as the heart pumps harder. " I t ’ s harder on the heat I and that constant pressure causes the vessels to become dam ­ aged," Harris said. "Chronic, long term stress seems to be a factor in high blood pressure. But even it you ate a very calm, laid back person you can still have it.” she added that a chloreslerol build-up in the arteries can cause a rise in pres sure “ But there aie people who don't eat chloreslerol that don’ t have high t’ lood pressure," she said. "O n e ot the problems is that there are no symp toms, and that’ s one ol the things we need to get across to people." I he com plications ot high blood pressure seem lo i the most part to at text people over 40. Harris said "B ut a lot o f voting people have i t . " and hypertension is "re a l co m m o n " among Black men in their 20s, she said. Harris said she had noticed that Northeast residents seem to develop high blood pressure at an earlier age than norm al, both men and women \ \ hen someone comes in lo i a check who is overweight, she said, she can almost guess ahead ot tune that they w ill have high blood pressure Sui jsrtsinglv. in a studv of I . ' I l l 6 vear old schtxil children, 7 percent had elevated blixxl pressure readings, according to Harris I he effects ol hy pertension can be treated it the disease is recognized earlv, winch is where regular checks come in H arris advised those con cerned about high blood pressure to watch their weight, cut their chlores lerol and sodium intake, see a d tx io r regularlv and follow his instructions tor treatment, and not to smoke • ( ,x fkgw im enr of i.grw-ufrurr h.>u»**h.,iil» in th e p e ri.st» » ic h as s u g a r and alcoholic r-ev . r a g e s M a jo r f. x x i g ro u p s »pent home less p e r peraon on food at food aw ay fro m home and d is tr ib u tio n »pent $12 26 p e r per»- n • bow ed d a ir y p ro d u c ts fo r - ib g ro u p s lu w rs t hi Hither I1 < nhian rib 20 p e rc e n t fin»! at o f '.he incom e home co m p a re d w ith less sea sonality th a n did H ousehold» w ere m ore S ltiO d fo r household» in th e high est kelv 'o p u rchase ste a k and gro u n d 20 p e rc e n t In g e n e ra l w e a lth ie r household» spent m ore on m ost fo o d b e e f d u rin g th e su m m e r and roast» item » and |iu ic h a » e .l a I .rin g g re a te r .g h t v a n et y . o -n tly Seasonal purchase» v a n t*d m ore p e r jie m o n fo r ite m s w ith seasonal p r.x lu c tiu n jia tle m » such .1« fre sh fr u it» and ve g e ta b le s duct» used h e a vily and ! >r p ro ilu n r ig SAFEW AY ' lay " it w in te r fre s h in th e ................... f th t • ’ g th e H ouseholds t-'m a t's -s less sum m er and p ro d u c ts and on fis h and > • g.e p a re n t households headed by K»>idef t* A m e rica n » »pent an a ve ra g e ot on f.x x i in 19*1 T his n o nw hite« w eekly sp e n d in g rose fro m $12 62 ! $ 1 d I d p e r person fo r foo d at hom e and fro m food M a rrie d p e r p e rson on fo o d eaten h .it hom e and a u a > fro m hom e n » f .-pent m o re p e r p e rson th..'»e headed b> w«»men s h e llfis h $20 0d p e r w eek jv o s s ib ly b eca u se 1961 w h ite s . im p a re d w ith $16 9.1 in l'.'xo jire v a .e n c e o f hom e garde- and d id fa.I I o c re a m and b e ve ra g e (n ir I9 6 0 p o u ltry th a n h o w e v e r «pent m ore Ire ’ us.-» a . »o v a rie d seasonally In N o n w h ite s 'p e n t h lit« 50 • r fro m home couples d th»- S'. rth e a s t spe nt m st p e r p e rson on foo d at • ” ie W e 'te n ie ri» 'p « r.t th e m ost per o r- on f.m d a * a > fro m H u e v e r e id e r l) household per>-»n r- nie 'p e r t a ve ra g e m o re th a n th e n a tio n a l » t• • u . f.».-d a* w e ll as on f.H»d at h. file w ith c h ild re n \<>u work a n honest day... you get a n honest deal Regular Ground Beef Approx. 5-Lb. Chub Only Lb 79e J WORK FROM HOME $60 per 100 Inserting envelopes Information Send stamp to S Enterprises P 0 Box 1601 D Bloomfield, NJ 07003 K HELP W ANTED $60 00 per 100 PAID for remailing letters from home" Send self addressed, stamped envelope for infor m ation a pplication Asso ciates. B om 95 B, Roselle, NJ 07203 1-Pound Betty Crocker Sliced Bacon Brownie Mix Seneca Apple Juice Smok- A-Roma Brand Look for your 12-Pg. Shopping Guide in ‘This W eek’ Prices effective Oct 9 thro Oct 15 at all Portland Metro Area Safeway Stores Sales limited to retail quantities only th a n SAFEWAY