Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 09, 1985, Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6, Portland Observer, October 9, 1905
•Prom otions
•M anaging
•B o o tin g
•Protect Layout*
•Program Coordination
• Bands
•A c to n
•P A Equipment
Complete Entertainment Service*
Joe "Heart " Keller, Entertainment Editor
Fundraiser slated
•D isco Unit b D J
Contact Joe (Been) Keller • Home 232 9871 • Office 2880034
I he H ercro D a n /c rv /A lrik a n A m erican D an/e Theatre w ill sponsor a
fundraiser on Sunday, October I Ilh , 7:00 p m , at the Dancers W orkshop
Skylark Studio. 716 SW 16th
I his dan/e troupe theatre has been in existence since 1980, as an arts or
gani/ation dedicated to community service and education throughout Oregon
and parts ol Washington. I heir latest project entails registration as a non profit
organization, partially funded by the Metropolitan Arts Commission. I his fund
raiser w ill help offset the remainder ot the production budget needed for their
upcoming tall dance concert scheduled lor November.
Die fundraiser will leature designer fashions by Private I inc, Twyla Harris
& ( labnele Pratorious W iris, Sess W hat A llllu aonary Design, and the I eolard
Shop. An art exhibit by Donn Thomas and Pippa Miller will be on display, and
live performances by Kuby Hums, ( indy lories A Co. and Hobby I outher
I icket price is SKI, and can lx- purchased by calling 299 911 1 or 2214)569
Citizen* Group* for the Month of September present
Rew of the Raw at the Royal Esquire Club. 1708 N E Alberta
Raw . .s. R aw
Fri. ft Sat. Nite
9 OOP m
Art exhibit
Alter two decades ol achievement and accomplishment
he was recently
honored with the keys to Ins hometown ol Newark and a special prcxlamalion
from the city ol Washington, D (
Wayne Shorter looks to the future: " I
want to continue making a contribution, even beyond the world o f music, as a
full human being by giving 100 percent to everything I d o ." And .-Mlanlis is a
prune example ol Wav lie Shorter’ s ability Io d o just that with a sound both
uniquely and distinctively Ins
While with Art Hlakey, Wayne began recording solo albums " I he lust
two were tor V I Records and then in 62. I signed with Blue Note. I must have
done about nine albums lor the label in a ll." Many ol Ihrvse recordings, including
"Speak No I- vil,” "S ch i/op h re n ia ,” "N ig h t Dreamer" and “ In In " ate re­
garded as classics
In 1964, Miles I)avis invited W ay ne to go out on tour with him. \ l the tune,
Davis' hand included Herbie lla n c ix k and Ions Williams " I did that first gig
without anv rehearsals!" Wavne recalls, noting that he staved with Davis to, six
vears, recording some 11 albums with him
During the vears on the toad, Wavne had frequently tun into l.x- /a w m u l
and in 1971 the two decided, wUh Miroslav Vitons, to h um Weather Report
"W hen I look back ovei the 14 years we spent together. I ’d sav out Inst seven
wete spent breaking new ground We were innovators, doing something new
and different musically then from around ’78, we began to really expand our
audiences world wide, achieving gieatei recognition " I he group has recorded
a total ot 14 albums tor ( olumbiu
The group's I984telease, “ Sportin’ I itc " includes a Shorter composition,
" I ace ( >n the Bar room I loot ’ ’ wtiic h pros ided die ini|X'tus lor W is ne Io tea Ils
gel back into w ilting “ I was in Hawaii and I found nivsell composing in a teal
natural and spontaneous wav I was inspired bv that to want to really gel back
into it."
"Veat .diet sear, I was getting calls from my Inends asking when I ’d do
another solo album , but I knew that I had to wait u n til I te ll the tune was
I ortuuaiciy lor the many Inends and Ians who teg.itd Wayitc Shorter as
o ik ol the true innovators in conUiupoiarv music, that tune has now come with
the release o f irZi/nriv, Shorter Inst solo I p on ( olumbia record' since Native
Dancer s|xitlighted Iris inventive and dominant artistry in I9 '4 Iz/urUrv is a sol
lection ol Shoilei compositions that represent a new level ol excellence lor this
musician’s musician
( o lounder with lex*/aw m ul ol Weather R e p o ll, Wayne Shorter has en
loved a remarkable career m music that spans ovet 25 veals I sing his unique
talent and style, W ayne’s saxophones have been heatd on over I HI albums and
lie has placed with some o l the greatest names in the wot Id ol music
Nu Shooz overseas
Joseph Holden struts down the runway wearing a full length fur furnished by
Schumacher Furs along w ith formal wear by Crom well’s Formal Wear at the
i d annual Rose City benefit fashion show
(Photo Richard J. Brown)
and CLEA N CU T inc.
Hair S how , Fashion S how
and M usical
Poolside Records and Nu Shoo/ ale pleased to announce the completion
ot an agreement w ilh I r lends Re, olds ol H olland to make the Nu Shoo/ hit
"I ( an’t W a il" available m I utojx
Under the terms ol the agreement, I riends Records w ill release both a 7
and 12 inch version ol “ I ( an’ t W a rt" ill the Benelux ( ountries , I loi land, Bel
glum, I iixembourg) as well as Scandinavia I riends Records is responsible lor
«I percent ol total records sold in these areas I lies will also have an option ol
release ol the record in Germans Sub publishing w ill be handled bv Screen
(ic'iiis I M I out o t I os Angeles I he group has also been approached lo t a
similar, unrelated deal in I nglaixl
Meanwhile, back in the States, " I ( an’ l W a rt" commues it ’ s assault on
I op 40 radio, showing strength in ( olorado, I exas, and 1 lavvan the song is also
making inroads at dance clubs in New 5 ork and Miami
I he band returns io the studio m late (K lo b e r to w oik on new material
I or Iurthet in fo rm a tio n contact Kick W a n t / at Sosunn P ro d u c tio n s ,,<01|
281 tx,4
Support our
October 18th & 19th 1985
Lung Fung Dragon Room
8001 S.E. Division (at 82nd)
9:00 p.m. until
Friday, Oct. 18th
Saturday, O ct. 18th
• Hair Show by
• Wigs ft M ake up
by Mrs C ’s Wigs
• Fashion Show by
CleanCut Fashion Troupe
• Music by the
Raw of the Raw Band
• Disco by the
Musical Technicians
• Velvet
• Strawberry Gamblers
• CleanCut and the
CleanCut Band
• Disco by
The Chaz
• A Special Guest
From L A . California
Come Celebrate With Us!
•8°° AT DOOR
« *
LaShays Place 2813,36
House of Sound 28/19«)
IZ1 and Ovari
Available at
Mrs C » Wigs
Mus« Millennium
281 6525
23' 6826
Members and w e sts o f the Royal Esquire Club
are cordially invited to come
celebrate in a birthday /.tarty
Given fo r Ms. M ona L. Moore
by her Parents and Family
Where 1708 N .I Alberta (Royal ( squire ( lub)
lim e: 9:30 2:.*>
Date: (kto b e r 18, 1985
e o e ******
Members and Guests
Wayne Shorter
PassinArt: A I hcatre Com pany, w ill present its first A lbina Interstate
Multicultural Art I xlubit at the Interstate I irehousc ( ultural ( enter, 5V4O North
Interstate, October 'I December K
I his multi-m edium art exhibit w ill depict the interactions between color
and class, social and political (actors that impact various relationships, with
emphasis on the family unit Viewing hours will be 10:00 a.m 5:00 p in daily .
I he art exhibit is the opening o f the Albina Interstate Arts festival which
w ill also include three one act plays that w ill premiere November 22 at II ( (
l or further information, please call 2K44IOH or write PassinArt A Ihe.itre
( ompany, P ( ) Box 8582, Portland, ( fregón 97207
2 00 a.m
at the
1708 N.E. Alberta
Portland, O regon
Friday & Saturday, Oct. 11 & 12
Caribbean Getaway
Tropical Rainstorm
Steel Band from Seattle, W A
$2 Cover
Lots of Door Prizes
Coming to Portland
Wednesday & Thursday, Oct. 16 & 17
Wayne Shorter
Currently holding the #1 Jazz Album
in the Country!
2 Shows: 8 p.m & 10 30 p m.
r o n I L A N D ’S I l \ I Ml SK