Portland Observer, O ctober 9, 1905, Page 5 "Portlandia" arrives Wigland W igs, Hairpieces and Beauty Supplies Wholesale and Retail GRAND OPENING SALE CONTINUES N o w t h r o u g h O c t o b e r 3 1 s t, 1985 F ro m 10 00 a m til 6 00 p m ItXxition • Carpiti«»- • Andie Douglas • Eva Gabor • Rent« of Paris 11 06 N .E . B r o a d w a y <«* n » » troni Safeway Lloyd Center » • Zury .md m o re P o rtla n d O re g o n T e l. 2 8 2 -1 6 6 4 1000 W ig s D is p la y e d to C h o o s e F ro m ******** Free G ifts o r 1 R e se t * * * * * * * * Nails Eyptashs Make up S to re H o u rs 10 00 a m til 6:00 p .m . M o n d a y th ru S a tu rd a y Escorted by hundreds of boats, "Portlandia made a tri umphal barge trip up the W illam ette River Sunday after three years in the making The hammered copper statue, seqond largest of its kind in the U S. after the Statue of Liberty, was created by Washington, D.C , sculptor Ray m ond Kaskey to symbolize the city The final leg o, the trip, a seven block move from the waterfront to the Port land Building in a light rain was met with mixed cheers and awe by thousands of spectators The 6 and one half ton, almost 3Sfoot high statue was welded to her final resting place on Michael Graves award winning Portland Building throughout the afternoon Most onlookers seemed to agree that the long wait for Portlandia was well worth it Com m unity D irectory and profiles A d s O n This P a g e A re Ol to«» fu ln e s s .. Thol A re H e lp in g B u ild A B c „ c r C o m m u n „ y IPhoto Richard J Brow n) AUTO ROADWAY BROADW J TOYOTA TOYOTA 307 N E B ro a d w a y P o rtla n d OR 97232 15031 284 1105 p. • •< • • j h i A ft» « S»‘• • ••• • Ova •will b» 4M» A* . • •'2MNH t 1 1 Su'd». N » i M • S’»' 8 519 N I B ro a d w a y 284 5050 BEAUTY ja 'bell’s H l A UTV b B A R B » « S U P P lt f S »I b W 5834 N E U nion Ave I503I 281 5393 A -id’s Star*»» A a ceste' es 70) M »Rl MOM m MA FR ID A Y S Hl AUTY SUPPl li S WholtoMle an<1 ReM A h riiry produr is tb<»’ s.<>»t PORTLAND JEW ELRY BARB S S to p A M ln lt M a rt 2 N K lllln g s w o rth M.-v AUNDRY • ’ ” e •»•■»M » 5001 N E U nion (C ornar of A lb a rta l 288 5303 2 8 4 -1 1 0 5 PATON JEWELERS D um ond« W a ll hrs |r» rt»v Oum w nd crlltn x H j l i k * Ir w r lr t «epa» U in M Sand» ZU I WW’ U h .» * •• «lp m I -U» »<■>•• »!<■*•"* S»iw* v" '• « " " VZZT ZIO «RII Professional Services 8720 N E U N IO N 2834123 PHIL REYNOLDS M F D IC A L C LIN IC H r ,' 1s M D » I ; ,1 I II H i . M D p b y ..... IOS b S iopirfiN N , •»•■ 15 N M o rris St 287 4532 Holiday festival of black dolls • The Holiday Festival of Black Dolls SSÛII he held on Del 19, 1985, at the Interstate Firehouse ( ultural (. enter, 4 « ) n . Interstate. : H oliday Festival o f Black Dolls itpresents the largest single sale and e jh ib it ot Black dolls in the Pacific Northwest. I he range is broad, mclud i*g . but not lim ited to paper, porce- l^ n , soft sculpture, antique and wood; rduriv w ill be o n e -o f-a -kin d d o ll rc- lated items, clothing and accessories will also be available Dollmakers from other pails ol the country will also he represented I here w ill he something fo r everyone collectors, d o ll Ian cicrs, toy and holiday shoppers. Refreshments, entertainment and a prize fo r the best decorated displav area are all part of the festival, mclud mg a bea u tifu l Christm as tree deco rated and trim m ed w ith Black dolls and ornaments I Ins again promises to he tun, entertaining and profitable. Plan to he a part o l the H oliday (estival ot Black Dolls trade show It you have Iriends who are interested, please share this in fo rm a tio n w ith them I or questions and additional in­ formation, please call 281» 26(1) I he price of admission is: Adults $5 <■ ». ape 14 and under $1 Kt e » -.Ç ■ " 6. «ÉHSid « '-i. V- ú 4' 1