Portland Observer, October 9, 1906, Page 3 A photographer's journal o f Nicaragua Richard J. Brown, photographer tor the Portland Obsarvar, spent seven weeks in Nicaragua learning about and meeting its people His photographs will appear here as a *eeklv feature. Support groups will meet Oct. 12 Saturday, (K t. 12. 19gs is Interna Donal bay o f S olidarity with the In digenous Peoples ot the Americas. I here w ill he an eduealional forum that das sponsored hs the Hutler Sup |x>it Group and \orthssesl Big Moun tain Support Group. lopies ot discussion ate Hie Moun tain, llo p i N asajo Relocation, I he Prior to going to Nicaragua, I was told many times of the quest by youngsters for education Although I wasn't convinced that the desire for "ballpoint pens' was the result of that quest. I was impressed with the enthusiasm that young people had for school, learning and teaching I met teenagers who went to school in the morning and then taught the younger chidren in the afternoon Butler la s e , I teats and fis h in g Rights, fre e d o m ot R eligion, and desecration ot Burial Sites \dmissiou is free I he lo ru in ss ill he held at the first ( ongregatioual l lunch, 1126 S\\ l*aik and ss ill start at I W p.m . fo r I uuhet in fo tm ation, call 224 74<9or 77" ’ 62" Security Storm Doors Keep out the cold ... and the crooks’" Eat h door is a ■ SCREEN IXXTR ■ STORM I W R ■ SECURITY DOOR Walking thru the streets of Managua, I spotted these youngsters in the shadow of the building. They were so involved with the book they were reading, they never noticed me taking pictures IPfxito Richard J Brown) Affordable, high quality doors with deadbolt locks from ALLIED DOORCO. I K! I ESTIMATES WHEN YOU JOIN A HEALTH PLAN, YOU CAN PUT UP WITH: O w health care plan feels votive had enough. Seen enough And o//e health care plan is doing some tiling about it. Kaiser Permanente ’ton see. after tO years of experi ence, Kaiser IVrnianente knows what works And what doesn t \\ hat bothers you. And what shonldn t Thais why we offer one kind of health care: Qual­ ity prepaid health care The kind fortune Si M) companies depend on 11te kind our t.N million members trust With Kaiser I’erm anente.one simple monthly pavment provides a wide range ol covered serv ices. I’ront care by your own Kaiser I’ermanente physician to comprehensive hospital care Prom routine checkups and lab tests . to 2 1 hour emergency care 246-1575 SENIOR PISG ’UN I S OR YOU CAN USE THIS: DEDUCTIBLES CONFUSING FORMS EXCESSIVE PAPERWORK HIDDEN COSTS DELAYED REIMBURSEMENTS INCOMPLETE COVERAGE INCONVENIENT HOURS ETC, ETC, A KAJSÍ R r»( R M A M l N T ! Hag*»’ HERBER 1234 5b "18 9 9 9 9 -9 9 9 •X * 4’ M 1 Ij.pl, Affordable care W itliont deductibles, bidden costs, or excessive paperwork If the plan yon have now doesn t offer yon tins kind of security, this peace ot mind,call ns Wed be delighted to have your name on one of our cards We re Kaiser Permanente The heal,li care plan The health caring people » 2 B 0 <1 Portland ( 50 5 )2 care [tian I he health i art in; fn • y