Advertisement for Bids ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SCHIFFLER PARK IMPROVEMENTS-PHASE II CITY OF BEAVERTON, OREGON Sealed bid» will be received until 10 00 a m on October 15 1985 at the office of the Beaverton City Purchasing Supervisor 4950 S W Hall Boulevard Beaverton Oregon 97005 and publicly read aloud immediately thereafter in the City Courtroom, for the construction of Schiffler Park Im provem ents Phase II The im provem ents include tw o parking lots and m iscellaneous park am enities including play equipment, shelter horseshoe pit and fencing landscaping benches drinking fountain Plans and s pecificiatio ns including bidding d o cu m ents and con ditions of the agreements may be examined at the following offices 1 O ffice of Beaverton City Purchasing Supervisor 4950 S W Hall 2 Northwest Plan Center Willam ette Plaza Building Suite 208 901 3 Builders Exchange Co op, 1125 SE Madison Portland OR 97214 4 Construction Data 925 N W 12th Street Portland, OR 97209 Boulevard, Beaverton, OR 97005 SE Oak Portland, OR 97214 CETY OF SALEM OREGON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAI SERVICES INVITATION TO BID FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC CIRCLE LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION Sealed bod at the Council Chambers C ivic Center 555 I 4>erty Street S , ■ < Omyon forth« CONSTRUCTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD TRAM H > H i f LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION The propoMid w A u h m i of Th» of • (Found cover and trnm on an traffic :c m M end pertormatu« nt u,. r id,I tMial «« «tontar VMWI* aa « : * > ! ft» by thr* liana and w w iiN a t«» » Plana •(>»< ificahona and olhe* b>d docum antt may txi tmi „ I I trarvrd at the office of th« City of SaWn Department of Putin Wmfia 512, Liberty Street S E Room 325 Salam, Oiey) on The bidder shall nut * the honk of Standard Conatnxrbon Sixw/fvetxw« with h® tad Bals shal be fnarte on the Forms fqnwhed by the City a«k!’»w»«, uctfted or rtekvered to the Qty R«a order City H al Room 2(f) Salem Owyi - 4 7301 in a sealed envelope plainly marked BID ON N EIG H B O R HO O D THAI FICCIRCLE LANDSCAPE INST A U A t ( ) \ ar J tha » • • I id Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of Beaverton City Purchasing Supervisor 4950 S W Hall Boulevard Beaverton of the twider 97005, Telephone 544 2191 extension 238 252 upon receipt of a A surety bond 1 aafimr 9 , heck or ( edified . tie. k of ttie twkkw tade iMtyatxe to the City of Salem .n the amount of ten pen ent 10% f the t ..d • st accompany m l h bid as security B»<1 set unty of all save the P 'e e whs ? tatkiers will t>e returned following the tad opening all twd set urrty will t«e e funded upon execution of the contract try the s o t»easfui twkk« non re fu n d a b le fee of 110 00 for one complete set of documents All checks shall be made payat>le to the City of Beaverton Each proposal must be submitted on forms prescribed t»y the City and accompanied by a certified check cashier s check or bid bond in an amount equal to ten percent (1 0 % , of the total amount bid The sue No twd will be received (X considered try the City of Salen cessful bidder will be required to furnish a bond equal to one hundred contains 4 statem ent by the bidder the provisions retorted m fas contract percent (1 00 % , of the am ount of bid for the faithful perform ance of the contract This protect is financed through the Com munity Developm ent Block G rant P rogram w ith fu n d s o b ta in e d from th e U S D e p a rtm e n t of H ousing and U rban D evelo pm en t The c o n tra ct will be sub|ect to reg ulatio ns of the D ep artm e n ts of Labor and H ousing and U rban Development Attention is called to Federal provisions for Equal Employment Oppor tu n ity . A ffirm a tiv e A ctio n H U D S e c tio n 3 req u ire m en ts and the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Contract Documents The City of Beaverton reserves the right to refer t any and all proiM>sals or to accept any proposal which appears to serve the (rest interest of the City By T Keith Long Pure basing Supervisor , ,»»ss th r [„. 1 ’ ()RS 279 15» ■ » u Contractor s Prequalifu ation A g n a t i o n s m ust Ire su b m itted to the ty Ptmhaeng Supervw* (1340 2lMh Street S E Salem OR 973(12 »< «•» v a on or before October 15 19H5 whx h « at tetwt five working days • the « hettoied tart operang date Upon a«vuvai tt»e t adder wrn re» erve .1 walx1 (V ti ( xmm S for tatfcfcng purpooas No tad shaM tre rm erved or considered from any tackier w* »• »t 7 i.- an approved prequalif« ation applii ation on file with the 1 ty Pu' ' n. Supervwx The prof« t is to tie aruwsted m wtuile yn in • opportunity and affirmative action requirements Prospe« tive t 1,»«'S », In« t *«|o*ias concerrang theer requirements to the office rnentxined if- where (Sans arx! tarts are ntrtamed In erktrtmn attwxl» at i »’ t .d . award and or pre construction confereru m may txi req , »*d * 1 , speiifx reqmrementsandpmgramsfor irvnpkence ------------ TEACHERS------------ S c h o o ' A d m in is t r a t o r » , A n S choo ' P t'io n n n N aen ao N o w A ANA W r ite 0» C a n im m a d a te iy to r a p p lic a tio n If (2 0 1 ,9 4 4 6 18 1 (2 0 D 944 6 J H PREQUALIFICATION class I a t "F* RAMONA BID NO MU )SON i rxiler 2918 BID OPENING October 23. 1986 A A A T (A C M (R S A G E N C Y 5 2 S V a i n St , u r n a« N j 0 7Q?4 JOBS, October 9, 1985 Page /