P* • ¿ i itm ia >7^. ï y . , ' . ; . r> ;? •*» ? • ; - ; . w. • ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL V » « E tiQluwarliiq Rwvwrw of th * Pratlfiiiriw ry D »«iq n a n d E n g in eerin g o l a B .e M e m te n e n i e Eecillty e n d O p e ra tin g Been fu r th e Selern A re« M e e a Ira n e lt D istrict The Salem Area Maae Transit Dwtnct te soliciting proposals from qualified consultants tot a Value Engineer review of the District s proposed SO bus maintenance facility and operating twan The Dwtnct has rust completed its Phase I and Phase II sctrvrtwe. involving site sslectiori master plan end pro grammmg concept plan sits plan and preliminary design and engineering eath n e t fwrnwtna Seeletl proposals will he received by the Dwtnct unM 4 00 PM Pacific Stan Itanl Tm e IPST) on Wmtnrwrtay Octotinr 30. 1 9 » at the nffo w ot the SrSem Area Mass Transit District 216 High Street NE. Salem Oregon 9730, 3fW9 Any proposal received after the date and time specified will be returned unopmad lu ttw imptwar Detailed specifications and requeements of the proposal are aveilalSe from the Salem Area Maas Transit Dtstrw-t at the atmve aikkrwa or by irrtsig SAT at 15001 5BB2B» H * lta iH « < >M|>| IMtM Utw M HwewM SECRETARY U S National Bank of Oregon Commercial banking division has an im mediate opening for a secretary The sue successful applicant will perform a vanety of secretarial duties for commercial tiank ing officers Including transcription, sta tKtical, typing, compietion of reports and loan docum ents Applicants must have excellent oral and w ritte n comm umca tion skills, accurate typing 60 70 wpm, math a p titu d e and m ature manner in handling customer inquiries W ord pro cessing helpful but not required U S Na tional Bank offers an excellent compensa tion and benefits package Salary com mensúrate with experience Interested in drv,duals may apply between 9 a m and 1 p m Mon Fn at U S National Bank The ixotect » being funded by a grant from the United States Department of Transportation Urban Masa Transit Admmwtration IU M T A I and e sub feet to the regulations of U M TA and the State of Oregon The Dwtnct is an Equal Opportunity Employer Women a and Dtaaifyantaged Buwnem Enter praes are eranuragwl to sotrnrt in s Hems Aaeatame n [ set wnr ig [irrsMiertls e avaXafkn for efegSile DBE and WBE tim e The District reserves the right Io accept any proposals or rqect all otters anti reaokat or cancel thee proposal as deemed try the Dwtnct to be si its t« n »TtKEWtS LA VAR GOUL DING BuwnmsManag» Salem Area Mass T r ansft Dwtnct 2 ,6 High St NE Salem OR 97301 3HHB WANTED QUALIFIED CONSULTING TEAM Die Oregon Transportation Commission Association ot Oregon Counties ant, League of Oregon Cities by and through the Oregon State Highway Division, is seeking the services ot a qualified consulting team or multi dwciplinery consultant to conduct a study of Oregon s toad newts and asm, »>U « u n « of rwvwiue The study will include Determination of existing and future weds for the modernization preservation, and maintenance of Oregon public highway med arxj street sywtenm ana/yn» of «««ting rRvywiue *>ur t hk and additional funding aftenahvea and pref>aration of a financial pa< kage that will pro vide for long term funding of improvements and maintenance to Oregon « State and Local med system ft a the intent of th a study that tha ftrtaru m W (tat kage will serve as a vefix.le that the 19R7 legialature can utilize to fund State and I oral road program» IfvTMtgfi ttie veer ZIJf> If you are interested m making a proposal Request» for Proposals can tie (¿Mamed try