• • \ Jobs Classifieds JOB ANNOUNCEMEr Accounting Clerk •• y, I '.I ' f 1 ••j S i City of M ilwaukie Portland, OR 97204 10722 SE Main St Mfwaukie. OR 97222 bqua! ( )pportumty Employer HELP WANTED > $60 00 PER H UN DR ED PAID RESEARCH ASSISTANT for rereading letters from hom el Send self addressed, stamped en velope for information application Biological Oceanographic Technician Half Tim e Biological Oceanographic Technician DO YOU NEED To maintain and analyze marine phyto plankton cultures, collect marine zoo plankton, assist with experimental studies of zooplankton feeding behavior B S in biology, zoology, or chemistry, with ex (lenence in anatytxal metfxxls Computer experience desired Salary $17 500 Serxi resume and names of tfiree references by 25 October 1985 to Office Space. Timothy J. Cowles . I Li Associates Box 96 8 Roselle. NJ 07203 secretary, letters written, someone to College of Oceanography answer the phone, and more? ONE STOP Oregon State University has the answerl Don't wait until you can't Corvallis Oregon 97331 afford usl Call after 6 p.m today .-ta Affirmative Action/Equal Opportun 620 7080 tty em ployer, com plying with Section 304 of the Rehabilitation A ct o f 1973. Page 4, JOBS, October 9, 19æ ? :• ■ MULTNOMAH COUNTY Physician Assistant This is para professional accounting computer terminals, accounting systems $11 50 $13 58 per hour; requires degree work involving the m aintenance of ac and procedures; standard clerical tech arxi Oregon certific^txxi with prescriptive counting fiscal records which requires a nrques. privileges, apply by October 18, 1985 working knowledge of accounting pnnci Ability to atxitv txxikkeeping pnriciples to pies and practices Social Worker the maintenance of routine fiscal and ac Maintains and balances ledgers and rec counting records, skill in data entry and $9 70 per hour; performs pre admission onciles bank accounts, prepares special retrieval using a com puter term inal is screening for elderly clients in commun arxt regular reports. may operate an eiet desirable ity, hospitals or nursinq facilities; requires M S W or related degree with supervised tr rx iir accounting machine; prepares cus EXA M IN A TIO N 50% written examine practicum and tw o years experience; tom er’s statem ents for month end bill ings; follows up on unpaid bills, receives tion, 50% rating of training and expen atxity by October 18. 1986 payments and issues receipts, takes ap erx.e I from su[ip(emoritai questionnaire to Case Manager I plications for new utility customer serv be submitted with application by dead $7 79 per hour; perform s direct social fine). ices or discontinuance of [xeeent service services work for elderly clients in nursing sets up new accounts, records meter re SA LA R Y: $1,275 to $1,552 plus full facilities; requires related Bachelor's de sets, posts individual accounts or general Ixirxrfrts grwe with sujiervisrxi practicum or associ ledgers, prepares bank deposits, writes OPENING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS ate degree and tw o years expeience. receipts for [layment enters arxt retrxrves September 27. 1985 Apfily by October 11, 1985 data using computer terminal; perfomis a DEADLINE FOR A PPLIC A TIO N S: City Corrections Counselor variety of related work and other office tasks as assigned Public contact is a application and required supplemental $20,817 annually; performs social case pnrne )ob element and some contact will questionnaire must be received by 5 work and counseling in service to adults p.m Fnday, October 11, 1985 lie with dissatisfied individuals who are inmates of county correctional institutions, clients of rehabilitative pro Education and experience equivalent to EXAMINATION NOTICE The written ex grams, or on probation or parole; requires amination for Accounting Clerk will be one year of responsible bookkeeping a Bachelor's degree in related field plus work supplemented by college or busi hekf at Milwaukie Senxx Center at 3 p.m. one year of experience in counseling or xws sclxxil training in bookkeepng or ac (xi Tuesday. October 15. 1986 The Con -asework in a social welfare or corTectxxi counting; or any satisfactory equivalent ter is located in No. Clackamas Park, al agency or environment Apply by Oc 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Drive (off Rusk comtxnatxxi of experience and training Road) tuber 18, 1985 Knowledge of: bookkeeping principles Where to apply and procedures, modem office practx/es. Submit completed City application form Multnomah County Courthouse arxl su(>()l»xnental questionnaire to procedures, and equipm ent including 1021 S W Fourth Avenue, Room 134 •. 4 ‘r * . - '7 ; . .:r - s " r- r .* V - i RESEARCH ASSISTANT To assist with development of optical de taction system for flow cytometry, con struct electronic circuits, and assist with instrumentation software development Some biological background desirable B S with experience in electronics and/' or computers Salary $8,750 Send re sume and names of three references by 25 October 1985 to Timothy J. Cowles College of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis. OR 97331 An A ffirm ative A ction /E qu al O p p o r­ tunity Employer, complying with Section 304 o f the Rehabilitation Act o f 1973.