Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 09, 1985, Page 14, Image 14

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JOBS Classified
(N eighborhood Services Specialist)
♦2.3/6 $2.889 month
Develops and implements neighborhood
I services program to build, improve and
| maintain public facilities Manages forma
$1.441 $1,752/month
A cts as survey technician on survey
Alcoholism Drug Addition Treatment
Project is seeking a self m o tiva te d I crews, operates survey instrum ents;
man or w om an to im p le m e n t its | marks and drives grade stakes, records
survey notes Requires an A A degree in
com m unity education plan, assist in
tion o f Local Im provem ent D istricts
surveying or civil engineering or one year
(LID s) for construction and maintenance
responsible experience in land or con
giving) and coordinate its outreach ef
o f roads, drainage facilities and street
struction surveying County application
fort The current plan calls for impac
lighting Involves considerable contact
forms required, resumes NOT accepted
| with the general public and developers, as
Apply by October 18, 1985 to
a lc o h o lis m /d ru g a d d iction o f Port
well as some night m eetings College
W ashington C ounty Personnel
level training in civil engineering, architec
land's Black co m m u n ity The ideal
150 N First Ave., Room B 2
ture, planning, law or business, w ith
candidate will have excellent w riting
Hillsboro, OR 97124
I graduate level training desirable, and in
and c o m m u n ic a tio n skills, have a
(648 8606I
! creasingly re s p o n s e experience directly
background in the field of education
Equal (Opportunity Employer
related to project program development,
and be know ledgeable abo u t and
funding, scheduling, and management.
sensitive to issues affecting the Black
County application forms required, resu
com m unity and issues o f recovery.
[ ines NOT accepted A pply by October
Only qualified applicants will be inter
$1,478 $1,772/month
18. 1986 to
viewed Pick up application packet in
Performs advanced accounting work of a
W ashington C ounty Personnel
person at:
moderately com plex nature in cost ac­
150 N First Avenue, Room B -2
counting, records maintenance for con­
DePaul C enter, Inc.
Hillsboro, OR 97124
struction contracts, payroll records, moni-
1320 S W Washington
(648 88061
tonng budget expenditures and revenues.
Portland, OR
Equal (Opportunity Employer
Requires responsible experience as an ac
counting clerk, preferably in a local gov
■In Equal Opportuna* Employe'
ernment setting with college or business
school training in bookkeeping or ac
Rogers C eblesystem s
counting. County application form s re
I Has an immediate opening for a financial
M anager Retention
quired, resumes NOT accepted Apply by
* counting manager Interface with inde
and P rom otion
October 18, 1985 to
I jiendent auditors and assist regional con
Rogers Cablesystems has an immediate
W ashington C ounty Personnel
| Roller in budget preparation, forecasts opening for a manager of retention and
150 N First Avenue, Room B 2
ind some analysis Additional responsibil
prom otion Responsibilities include the
Hillsboro, OR 97124
dies include supervision of accounting
development and management of various
staff, scheduling work assignments and promotional campaigns designed to in
Equal Opportunity Employer
maintenance of all records Qualified can
crease subscnbers Supervise telemarket
| lx kites must have a Bachelor's degree in | ing personnel, w rite press releases and
accounting or equivalent and supervisory coordinate inform ation for w eekly and
Current certified nurse s aide wanted
experience. Must have good interpersonal m onthly cable guides The position re
for Home Help visits. Appointments only.
skills. Interested parsons should contact ports to the marketing director and assists
Phone 2834689
jxirsonnel irt writing no later than October with various marketing projects Qualified
1 10, 1986
candidates must have a Bachelor's de
Personnel D irector
gree and a minimum of one year's expe
RVs For Sale
Roge Ceblesystem s
rience in advertising, promotion or public lORV Family W eekend Swap M eet and
3075 lx E Sandy Blvd
relations. Qualifying experience may be
Yamaha Dunes Rally, Saturday and Sun
Portland. OR 97232
substituted for a degree One year CATV | day, October 12 13, Florence, Oregon
I qua! Opportunity I mplover
experience preferred Good writing edit
For in fo rm a tio n 1 (503I 997 3128
ing skills a m ust Interested persons
or call Florence Chamber of Commerce
should contact personnel in w ritin g by
1 800 2K2 6278
October 11, 198b
$60 per 100
Personnel D irector
Inserting envelopes
C om plete Kits
Rogers Cablesystem s
Information Send stamp to
door, colored steel sides
3075 N E Sandy Blvd
K S Enterprises
24x36x10 $1,758, 24x48x12 $2,372
Portland, OR 97232
30x60x12 $3,323 Other sizes available
P O Box 1501 D
Equal Opportunity Employer
Bkxrmfield. NJ 07003
labor quotes gladly Call Toll Free
1800872 0070
Page 2. JOBS, October 9, 1985
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