Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 09, 1985, Page 11, Image 11

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Portland Observer, October 9, 1906, Page 11
Now’s your chance to take
advantage of excellent
real estate values
offered by HUD.
Im portant Inform ation
Purchasers must obtain their own financing
for all sales
Please contact a realtor of your choice to see
or bid on any of the properties listed
HUD reserves the right to reject any or all bids
and to waive any informality or irregularity in
any bids
All homes sold as is, NO WARRANTY
These properties may contain code violations
An earnest money deposit of $1000 (to be
deposited in client's trust account) is required
with each offer to purchase
• Homes eligible tor FHA Mortgage Insurance with low down payment.
Bids accepted until 11:00 AM, Oct. 21,1985
Red Miller
Children need encouragement in order to direct them toward the
npht path in life
(Photo Richard J Brown)
N/Inner NE YMCA provides
valuable programs to youths
by Jerry Garner
: The North Inner Northeast YM t A
provides valuable services to many
ypqng people in North and Northeast
l*t>rtland Fred Miller, Program l x
eéutive of the North Inner Northeast
YMt A, plans to start a program that
\<jll link young people ages 16 IK, who
liive special interests they would like
ta seriously pursue Miller refers to
sOi.h a plan as the “ I tnkage I’ro-
ghini." Under such a program, young
hjoys and girls will he matched with a
professional in their field of interest
Miller said that he will target children
who have low m otivation to achieve
it) life.
Miller said the I inkage P rogram
will get children involved in how to
cope with the business world. Such a
program is necessary tor low achieving
youths. Many children are told by their
[»rents and the schools that they are
incapable of achieving in life. This
labeling process results in many young­
sters becoming non-motivators in life.
Miller says these children need encour­
agem ent in order to direct them
toward the right path in life.
Millet will seek the suppott ol local
businesses and community o ig a n i/a
lions to help start the program Miller
plans to organize a dinner at a local
hotel in the com m unity and invite a
nationally known sjxsiker to address die
kick-off cam paign for the 1 inkage
The Y M t A tries to encourage
youths to participate in the south ,u
tivities programs such as Indoor Soccer
and the School's ( )ut Program
The Indoor Soccer Program otters
children ill grades one through live an
opportunity to develop their skills in
soccer. I his program is designed to
increase sell-confidence and improve
soccer skills through team w ork and
sharing good sportsm anship values.
Miller says winning isn’t the main goal
around here I very participant gets to
plav at least halt ot every game
I he School's Out Program is based
on a nationally recognized YMCA
school age childcare model with a
focus on special protects. I he special
projects include arts and crafts, co ­
operative and com petitive gam es,
movies and field trips
33111 SE P eo ria Rd, C o rv a llis
3 2 7 3 D a p p le W ay. Eugene
55 NE 47 th Ave, P o rtlan d
3314 NE 51 at A ve. P o rtlan d
9 7 0 2 SW 5 3 rd , P o rtlan d
5 1 2 0 -2 6 NE G llaan S I. P o rtlan d
1180 15th St SE . S alem
6 0 4 0 D e e r C re e k Rd, S elm a
1514 NE 2 3 8th D r. T ro u td a le
1590 0 NE 10th St, V an co u ver
15 90 9 NE 10th St, V an cou ver
12 21 8 NE 37 th St. V an c o u ve r
4 6 07 NE 5 2 n d ,V a n c o u v e r
314 SE 14 8th Ave, V an c o u ve r
3Bd, 2* jBa. 1884 Sq Ft. 2 Acs
4Bd. 2Ba, 1474 Sq Ft
3Bd 1Ba. ,5 8 2 Sq F,
3Bd, 1Ba. 1296 Sq F,
1Bd, 1Ba. 984 Sq F,
3Bd. 2Ba. 1448 Sq Ft Duplex
2Bd. 1Ba. 62 5 Sq Ft
4Bd, 1' »Ba. 1989 Sq Ft, 9 + Acs
2Bd. Ifta . 958 Sq Ft
2Bd. IB a. 780 Sq F,
2Bd 1Ba. 780 Sq Ft
4Bd, 1' iBa, 1248 Sq Ft
3Bd, 2Ba. 1287 Sq Ft
3Bd, 3Ba, 1640 Sq Ft
•36,00 0
'3 2 ,0 0 0
*2 8,50 0
•2 0 ,0 0 0
•1 3 ,0 0 0
*5 9.00 0
*3 2,00 0
*3 4 ,9 5 0
*3 4,95 0
•3 3 ,4 0 0
•48,90 0
•47,30 0
431 152639 270
431 119510-235
431 160516-203
431 154179 270
431 ,46318 270
4 3, 158719 203
431 149790 221
431 148848 203
431 155573-270
569 0,4963 203
569 014970-203
569 0,0640 203
569 013113-270
569 0,6305 203
Bids accepted until 11:00 AM, Oct. 15,1985
6 0 2 2 SW 170th AVE, A lo ha
1 30 SW 142nd Ave, B e a v e rto n
12 78 0 SW P erch ero n Ln, B e av erto n
722 SE 8th St, G res h am
9 5 0 4 SE S tan ley Ave, M ilw a u k ie
I 532 NE 45 th Ave, P o rtla n d
I I 30 SE 84th Ave, P o rtla n d
26 NE F a rra g u t St, P o rtla n d
51 10 SE Rex Dr. P o rtla n d
413 NE San R afael. P o rtla n d
4 6 2 6 D u c h e a . C l NE, S ale m
3 8 6 2 5 E C e d a r Flats Rd, S p rin g fie ld
319 N C h e rry , B a ttle g ro u n d
10421 NE 78th St, V a n c o u v e r
803 SE 10 4th A v e ,V a n c o u v e r
3 Bd.
3 Bd,
3 Bd.
3 Bq
2 Bd.
2 Bd.
3 Bd,
2 Bd
2 Bd,
4 Bd,
3 Bd’
4 Bd,
3 Bd,
4 Bd,
3 Bd,
2 Ba. 1410 Sq Ft
1 Ba. 982 Sq Ft
2 Ba. 1125 Sq Ft
2 Ba. 1172 Sq Ft
1 Ba. 1085 Sq Ft
1 Ba, 830 Sq Ft
1' » Ba. 1344 Sq Ft
1 Ba, 849 Sq Ft
1 Ba. 1092 Sq Ft
1' » Ba. 1728 Sq Ft
1 Ba, 1014 Sq Ft
2 Ba, 1638 Sq Ft
2 Ba. 1 1 4 0 S q Ft
1 'iB a , 1542 Sq FI
1 Ba. 988 Sq Ft
•52,00 0
•45,00 0
'4 9 ,0 0 0
•52,00 0
•37,00 0
•21.00 0
•56,00 0
•16,00 0
'2 3 ,0 0 0
•4 3 ,5 0 0
'3 0 ,3 0 0
•31,30 0
431 18164 3 203
431 185144 203
431 154352 203
431 16040 203
431 15584« 203
431 154826 203
431 150,06 203
4 3, 146646 203
4 3, ,56056 203
431 ,55 445 203
43, ,50161 203
43, 155551-270
560 0,5050 203
560 0,6205 203
580 012578 270
2409 SW 2 1 8th D r, A loha
205 3rd St. A m ity
1331 A corn Park, E u gene
3911 B u rlw o o d , E u g e n e
30 84 D e lta Pines D r, E u g e n e
2 2 6 SW S p rin g St. G ran ts Pass
3 9 8 0 NE L au ra S I, H ills b o ro
4 5 0 W V in e S I. Leb an on
2 4 8 A m an d a C t, O re g o n C ity
1012 L eo n a rd St, O re g o n C ity
5121 NE 11th A ve. P o rtla n d
7911 SE 76th PI. P o rtla n d
3 5 4 2 SE 7 7 th , P o rtla n d
2 7 4 4 SE 1 7 0 th Ave. P o rtla n d
8 3 2 8 NE F a llin g St. P o rtla n d
9 2 0 8 N Iv a n h o e St, P o rtla n d
1 7 38 N P re a c o lt. P o rtla n d
1705 NE S arato g a St, P o rtla n d
4 1 3 2 SE T a g g a rt St, P o rtla n d
11 6 4 6 SE Y a m h ill, P o rtla n d
1 0 69 N 20 th St. S p rin g fie ld
1 1 42 N 58th St. S p rin g fie ld
1272 P a rk e r St, S p rin g fie ld
4 2 0 A St, V ern o n ia
4 0 5 A llis o n W ay, G o ld e n d a le
. 1Ba. 1198 Sq Ft
.IB a , 998 Sq F,
. 1Ba. 1008 Sq F,
. 1Ba, 1286 Sq Ft
, 2B a, 1224 Sq Ft(M obile Home)
, 2B a. 1404 Sq Ft
, 2B a, 1209 Sq F,
1Ba. 791 Sq Ft
3B a, 1916 Sq Ft
1Ba, 924 Sq F,
1Ba, 696 Sq Ft
1'YBa. 1006 Sq Ft
1Ba. 8 0 0 Sq Ft
1Ba, 1054 Sq Ft
1Ba, 1534 Sq F,
1Ba, 864 Sq Ft
2Bd. IB a. 608 Sq F,
4Bd, 2Ba, 1470 Sq Ft
2Ba, 20 96 Sq Ft
2Ba. 1672 Sq Ft
2Ba, 1450 Sq Ft
IB a, 1 1 5 8 S q Ft
2Bd. IB a. 690 Sq F,
1. 6B a, 3 4 5 6 Sq Ft(4 Plex)
2Ba. 1800 Sq Ft
•5 8 ,0 0 0
•29,50 0
*2 6,50 0
•2 8 ,9 0 0
•38,00 0
•3 1 ,0 0 0
•50,00 0
•1 5 .2 5 0
'6 5 ,0 0 0
•3 5 ,0 0 0
•11,00 0
•25,00 0
•35,00 0
•17,00 0
•2 3 ,0 0 0
•5 3 ,0 0 0
•5 0 ,0 0 0
•2 2 ,0 0 0
•2 8 ,5 0 0
•1 8 ,5 0 0
*6 2,00 0
•3 1 ,0 0 0
431 162878 261
431 148609 203
431 1463,5 270
4 3, 1454 7 7 203
431 ,60710-203
431 158022 203
43, 154345 203
431 146270 201
431 ,62694 203
431 159835 203
431 149828 203
431 ,55527 203
431 1581,0 203
431 13502 203
431 149500 270
431 145409 203
431 ,50213 203
431 150362 203
431 15,899 203
431 ,6097, 203
431 1639,1 203
43, 151366 270
43, 145432 203
431 160634 203
569 016209 203
Homes listed above as "Extended Listings” were not sold as a result of the competitive bid
opening and will remain available for sale until such time as they are relisted under different
terms. Each working day at 3:30 pm offers received for these homes during the day will be
evaulated. In the event that cirumstances prevent HUD from opening offers on a given day, the
properties will remain available to the point of actual acceptance by HUD of the best net offer
Offers submitted under this procedure shall be submitted in appropriately marked sealed
envelopes containing HUD 9551 with addendum, HUD 9542, and earnest money certification,
HUD 9548 and attachments.
Samuel C Johnson I nght I , Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of S C. John
son & Son, Inc (Johnson W ax) was the first recipient of the National Council of
Negro W om en's Golden Legacy Award Dr Dorothy Height (left), N C N W Na
tional President, presented the award, the organization's highest honor, during
a V I P luncheon in Washington, D C The highlight of the luncheon was Mr
Johnson's pledge of a $50.000 corporate contribution to the Council The an
nouncement coincided wrth the organization's 50th anniversary
Our Next Advertisement: Friday, Oct. IB, Updated version Sunday, Oct. 20