Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 25, 1985, Page 7, Image 7

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    Portland Observer, September 25, 1906, Page 7
• Promotion»
C om plete E ntertainm ent Services
• Boo» m y
•Protect I ayoot»
• Program Coordination
Jite "Bean” Keller, Entertainment Editor
•D ancers
•A ctors
•P A Equipment
• Lighting
•D isco Unit b D J
Miss America Coed
Contact Joe (Bearli Keller • Hom e 232 9871 • Office 288 0034
Citizens Groups for the Month of September present
Raw of the Raw at the Royal Esquire Club. 1708 N.E. Alberta
A p plications are now being accepted lo r girls who ate interested in p at
ticipating in the third annual Miss Oregon American t oed Pageant which will
be held at the Portland H ilton Hotel on Mas 2, 3, and 4, 1986 Girls between
die ages o f 13 and IK who are active in their schools or communities and base a
gixxl grade average can appls to participate in the state pageant
I he winner will be crowned Miss Oregon American t oed and receive a
cash aw ard, crow n, banner, and tro p h y plus an all expense paid Dream
Vacation to Hawaii She w ill stay at the Sheraton Surfrider Hotel on W aikiki
Beach in Honolulu where she w ill compete for the title o f Miss American ( oed
I lx- reigning Miss Oregon American t oed is Ravna Hitches ot Sprmgtield
I he re ig n in g Miss A m e rica n (. oed is L yn n Jenkins o l G a sto n ia , N o rth
l or an application and further in fo rm a tio n w rite Miss American ( oed
Pageant, 3775 I nma I ane Vista, C A 92083
Raw , . Raw
Every Fri
& Sat. Nite
2 00 a m
9 00 p J™
Instrument Repair
Instrument repair workshop sponsored by the Ja/mm Community Matching
Band and Snyder’ s Musical Instrument Repair free September 28, 198$ at
the Olym pia fitness (e n te r. 1829 N l A lberta from n 12 'O to I 30 p.m I his
workshop is targeted towards the student ot beginning musician All student or
beginning musicians ate welcome to attend.
Jazmín Jam Session
The Royal I -squirers are sponsoring a benefit jam session cien- Sumías Irom
3 to 5 p.m ., starting September 29, I9K5 to raise donations for the scholarship
fund o f tile com m unity music program better known as the la /m in ( om
mumty Marching Band
P ortland ()|'c r,i General Director Robert Bailee announced today that New
> o ik soprano I aye Robinson is m aking het second apix'atance w ith the com
pans starring in the o|X*nmg p rix lu c tio n ot Portland O jx-ta A ssixia lio n ’s 21st
anniversary season, I he tales n t H o ffm a n hv lacgues O ffenbach I he hauii
tin g ly b e a u tifu l la n ia s v w ill he p e rfo rm e d in I rench w ith a s im u lta n e o u s
I nglish S iiix ite x t translation projected on a scteeti above the stage on Septem
bet 28 and < >. lobei 2 and ' at 8 p m at the ( ivic A u d ito riu m
I ase R obinson comes to P o rtla n d Itesh tio m her triu m p h a n t return to the
New V o ik ( itv (J j'e ia ill B e llin i’s / fh irita m She has also sung leading roles
wiih the opera vompaniev ol Vienna, Paris, Hamburg, J ologne, Munich, New
( it lean
Pit t shut e h . P h ila d e lp h ia . San D iego , and also I e a tro ( o lo n in
Bueno A h cs and the I lo ic iilin e ( Ipera ot M ilw aukee M ilc h in dem and as a
concert a ttist, she has sung w ith virtua lly evetv m ajor orchestra, including the
New l o i k Philharm onic , Philadelphia < heliestra, the Svmphonv Orchestra of
( hicago and Boston, the I o V ncilcs p lu lh a i m om . . the Atlanta Svm phonv .
t i n t leveland < hcliestta and llie ( iic itt c e l ".low u Anisteidam
( h x x l sea' - ate still available lo t th e tales i>t H u ltm a n n , espeviallv lo t the
atld < k to lx u 2 ix 'tfo i m ailt cs I i. kel puces statt at
lo t second
.its I he • Jjx'ta gives discounts o l 111 (x tc e iii on orders o l 2(1 tickets
oi m o ic Students, seniot si / e t i s , ta c iiltv and n iilil.tr v p e iso nncl w ith valid
i d s mav o b ta in " r u s h " tickets lo r $6 i « i a r "* 31) he I or e e.n h per to r m alice
( iiiesl a,lists o ile r ’ ’( i j x '. i In sig h ts," popnlat pre curiam lectures at 7 (HI p m
eac h pci lo i in.in, e evening I is kel .ue availahle throu gh Steven A Son I lovd
(e tiii i.t h i
i. n id ilo im m and the P ottland < )|X'ta o lfic c , 24 1 14<11
1708 N.E. A lberta
Portland, O regon
Photo Richard Brown
A m a n a n d his h o r n " is th e o n ly w a y to d e s c rib e th e w e ll k n o w n
tru m p e te r M ile s D a vis M ile s p a c e d ac ro ss th e s ta g e at th e A rle n e
S ch n itze r H all durin g A rtq u a k e 85 He w a s also billed as the fe a tu re d
a ttra c tio n over the A rtQ u a k e S ym ph o ny
T yro n e G old sb y th re e years old tak es a d v a n ta g e of th e open air and
noisy c ro w d s at A rtQ u a k e and m a d e so m e m usic w e ll noise of his
and CLEANCUT inc
(Photo Richard Brow n)
Support our
Hair Show, Fashion Show
and Musical
\x vO
Rose City Connection
‘A Night to Remember’
October 18th & 19th 1985
Lung Fung Dragon Room
8001 S.E. Division (at 82nd)
Friday, Oct. 18th
Saturday, Oct. 19th
• Hair Show by
• Wigs & Make up
by Mrs C s Wigs
• Fashion Show by
CleanCut Fashion Troupe
• Music by the
Raw of the Raw Band
• Disco by the
Musical Technicians
• Velvet
• Strawberry Gamblers
• CleanCut and the
CleanCut Band
• Disco by
The Chaz
• A Special Guest
From L A California
•8°“ AT DOOR
/ all Benefit Fashion Show
•10°*’ N ADVANCE
•1200 *3 DOOR
Saturday, October 5, 1905
D o w n to w n
7 p.m .: No-Host Cocktail
631 S W A LD ER
8 p.m : Fashion Show
(Just Off Broadway)
LaSbays Place 2813136
House ol Sound 28/1960
121 and Over)
Available at
hpesaixt Rev xxls
Mrs C s Wigs
M ush Millennium
281 6525
231 8926
$12 in advance
House of Sound
$15 at door
3634 N Williams
For more info, call: 287 2869
l*y»S »HI A •«