Page 6, Portland Observer, September 18, 1986 Becchetti says Reagan policies court disaster by Jerry Gomtr A rnold Becchetti, Secretary for the N ational O rganization o f the l orn- munist Party U.S. A ., was in Portland last week as part o f a west coast speak mg to u r e n title d A ll Peoples Prom A kouis ! Heayanisrn. Becchetti, who ran for the Illinois U.S. Senate in 1972 as a Communist Party candidate, was scry critical of President Reagan's policies, both domestic and foreign. He said the Rea gan A d m in istra tio n 's policy towards South A frica is being dictated by big business, resulting in the export o f U.S. jobs to countric w ith a cheaper labor force, therefore, resulting in larger prosits for corporations. This, according to Becchetti, is why the Reagan A d m in is tra tio n is against sanctions on South Alnca. SEPTEMBER THURS SAI. 21 SAVE s3 „ $20 M en's dress slacks— celebrate the SAVINGS! Levi s slacks Feeling good in W is h a b ■■ streich woven polyester A rnie slacks E a s y c a re w a s h a b le Stretch woven polyester and wool Flexslax lilting com fort' Washable stretr h woven polyester C boose from a variety of popular styles includtnc vests V-necks and crews, in a wide range of solid' and patterns Style shown ,s ottered only as representative ot Sears assortment ARNOLD BECCHETTI (Photo: Richard J Brown! Bcccctti said the Blacks in South A fric a earn ten times less than the Whites Next to discrimination against Blacks in the U.S. I abor Market, the mam reason fo r the high unem ploy­ ment rate among Blacks in the United States’ exporting ol jobs abroad, says Becchetti. I he Reagan A dm inistration's Civil Rights record was also criticize d . Becchetti said the Reagan Justice IX- partnicnt has waged .in all out attack on Affirm ative Action. T u rn in g to the A d m in is tra tio n 's foreign p o licy, Becchetti called the "C o n stru ctive In g a g e m e n i" policy towards South A frica as “ IX-structive Engagement.'' He said ''Reagan's sup­ port fo r the government o f Pretoria has strengthened the noose around the necks o f m illions o f Black South A fric a n s ." H ow ever, Becchetti be­ lieves that the Blacks in South A frica will eventually win their trccdom. Becchetti also criticized the Admin istration’ s policy towards Nicaragua He said Reagan is trying to overthrow the elected government o f that coun­ try. Becchetti points out Ihe recent m illing ol the Nicaragua Harbor and Ihe continuing U.S support for anti- governm ent rebels in that co u n try. Becchetti siiid the present U.S involve inent in Nicaragua is similar to V iet­ nam in that llie U.S. is getting mor and more deeply involved in a m ilita ry operation He believes any direct null tary involvement bv the U.S would re­ sult in many Nicaraguan and Am er­ ican casualties. When Becchetti was asked to com ment about people who say Moscow is responsible fo r the present liberation efforts ol Blacks in South A frica, he responded, "T h o s e who claim the Communist Party is behind the present struggle in South A frica are Ihe same individuals who supported slavery and segregation in this country before Ihe Black C iv il Rights Movement ” These same in d iv id u a ls also accuse Communists o f being " A n ti Amen can" and fighting for goals foreign to this country. Becchetti believes that wherever there is an anti Communist you most lik e ly w ill lord a racist Becchetti says the Reaganites, who have wrapped themselves in the t on stituion and taken over Ihe W hite House while violating all laws o l hu­ man decency, are the real anti-A m er­ icans.” It is their interests that are foreign to this country and its best traditions, not the Community Party, says Becchetti Share the V IC T O R Y XU M e n 's e a v y w e ig h t ja c k e t i-.u.ii mid weight polyester and cotton M e n 's fla n n e l lin ed or u n lin e d shirts Com lortable cotton and polyester shirts tor men The lined styles feature polyester tin- ' d quilted to warm polyester tiberlill 50% OFF □liver Unicorn™ for Jrs. Alive with Classic chic shirt dresses Reg $40 It’s a hit1 Fun-loving separates team up for a look that’s great1 C u tfe d p a n ts R- | Í . C a rd ig a n sw e a te r Reg ; . . C re w n e c k je rs e y Ft, ; : i O x fo rd s ty le s h irt H,- ) > u W e s te rn le a n s F ir g each (not shown) C o rd u ro y b la ze r Req $40 P o lo sw e a te r Req $3? C o rd u ro y s k irt Req $ .’1 > Hurry in now and SAVE' Dresses perfect for the office or back to school A fashion favorite in assorted fall prints and stripes Polyester, misses sizes Petit»- s iz e s a t s im ila r s a v m q s Jackets galore in colorful array Top off your favorite fall fashions with an eye-catching casual or stadium jacket Quantities are limited SPECIAL PURCHASE A LD f RW OOD M AI I ll ynn*(xXl '-’ 1 U n ite d W ay U ÏT SILVERDALE |69? 1515) I AC,O M A M A L I ,4 each C lA C K A M A S TOWN C EN TER 165? ??80l RENTONCENTER IZZ6ZJ23) J rs / assorted blouses and sweaters S E A T A C WALL i Feuer,» »y.»» 941 too»». EVERETT FIRST AVE (355 7070) (394 4630 AURORA VANCOUVER 0 6 4 90001 i ? 5 6 H 3 .U i O l VMPIA l ACE Y OVE R l At W A S H IN G TO N SODAR 30% OFF