Portland Observer September 18, 1986, Page 3 A photographer's journal o f Nicaragua Security Storm Doors "Keep out the cold ... and the crooks!" R ichard J. ttro w n . p h o to g ra p h e r f o r the P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r, spent seven weeks in \ic a ra g u a learning about and meeting its people. His photographs w ill appear here as a weekly feature. □ Each door is a D & ' 11 ’ ' ■ STORM DOOR ■ SECURITY IXXTR f T h ro u g h o u t N ic a ra g u a I s a w w o meri being accepted as full partici p an ts in th e R e v o lu tio n W o m e n are seen e v e r y w h e r e w o r k in g a lo n g s id e th e m e n an d g e ttin g equal pay For those w o m e n w ith ch ild ren, child care is m ade avail able freeing th em to hold jobs At LaColonia S tate Farm , th e w o m e n w h o p re p a re th e m e a ls fo r th e w o rk e rs also are a llo w e d to feed their fam ilies w h e n the w o rk ers eat The result being they don't have to co o k all day and th e n go hom e and cook (Photo Richard J B row n) Biot Neighborhood Development Association information release The I-hot Neighborhood Develop­ ment Association (IN D A ) is having a verv important meeting in September. On M onday, September 23, 1985, l-NDA will hold its A nnual General Membership Meeting. Al this meeting we will be voting on amended Bylaws and electing our Board of Directors. Additionally, Dean Apostle of Rose tS tv Self Help H ousing will present a program which offers home owner­ ship opportunities to low income fam­ ilies. I he meeting will be al 7 p in. in the recreation room of Unthank Plaza. 2500 N. W illiams Avenue, Portland. In the election of the Board of Di rectors, n o m inations will be tfiken from the tloor. There are 20 positions to fill: 10 one-veat term positions and ten two sear term positions Any sot mg member ot I NDA is qualified to run for the Board ot Directors \nv person who lives, owns projxTty, has a business license o, icpeseiits a non protit organization within the I hot boundaries can be a voting member of IN D A . The boundaries of f hot are NI I rernont on the north. NI Broad wav on the south. NI "’th Avenue on the east, and the W illmelle River on tlie west Copies of the proposed amended bylaws are available at the N T Neigh borhood’s O ffice at 4815 N T 7th Avenue for anyone who would like to ievlew them before the meeting Tor m ore inform atio n please call Susan at 282 HsW or Mars at 281 5994 N ate Davis. Vice President (center) speaking for tbe O reg o n C o u n c il fo r S en io r C itizen s w h ic h o p p o sed tbe sales tax co n trary to a s ta tem en t signed by Jack Barnes for the C ouncil in the Voters P am ph let This s ta te m e n t is th e basis for a la w s u it b ro ug h t ag ain st Barnes and representatives of the pro sales tax group Mcliopohtnii I lie I ouudation has announced the creation ol a $ 2 ' mil lion social investm ent p ro g ram to make program related investments hi projects which stim ulate com m unity rev ita lilzatio n . econom ic develop menl. innovative health related aclivi ties and entrepreneuri.il and manage menl giow th in n onprofit orgam za nons. Program related investments com bine the social objectives ol a grant with the financial discipline ol an in­ vestm ent prem ised on m arket rale return Investm ents m the form s ol lisins, loan guaiantees or equity will lx‘ made in p n x ’icts that address sigmti cant social needs but involve higher risk or lowei than normal investment cnleria would leqiiue " I n todav ’s econom ic clim ate ot chunking government funds and grow mg d em ands on ph ilan tIn o p ic dot LLOYD CENTER ALL SILK T IE S $10°° 2 ’»'s15°° 3 for ’25“ 4 for s30M ORC RACK MENS SOCKS AtSO WF xAVt INTERWOVEN SOCKS ANO SUPPORT MOSf PAIR A FULL LINE BELTS-JEWELRY-WALLETS AND SHAVING NEEDS LOADS OF NEW GIFTS FOR MEN ws* LLOYD CENTER 284-0454 BY THE RINK tie bar Affordable high quality doors with deadbolt locks from A L L IE D D O O R CO. 246-1575 FREE ESTIMATES SENIOR DISCOUNTS If you ve bad your car tor ’ 5 years it is officially an a n tiq u e and q u alities fo r special license plates Metropolitan Life Foundation creates $25 million social investment program fund People for a Better O regon C om plainants in the legal action are political action co m m itte es opposed to tbe sales ta x in c lu d in g C o n s u m e rs O p p o s e d to S ale s Tax and C itizens for Fair Taxes in the Portland area (Photo Richard J Brow n) ANNIVERSARY SALE ■ SCREEN IXX'R iw . lars," said Sibyl Jacobson, president. Metropolitan I ite I ouudation, " p ro gram related investments present a creative way to stretch limited re sources since repaid monies can lx- re cycled into other projec ts." P rogram related investm ents can also attract a d d itio n a l loan m onies from tunding sources not usually avail able to nonprofits, thereby opening up new sources ol capital lor mans proj eels previously considered unbank able In addition, the Imancial disci pline necessary to develop a successlul investment proposal often strengthens the managerial and liscal capacity ot the recipient o rganization, a benefit that will remain long attei the invest merit is repaid \s esamples ol the types ot loans that might be m ade, Ms laco b so n cited three recent investm ents \ $4 million loan to Neighbor lux si Housing Services ol America will help local N ils organi/alons in cities across the country make loans to hom eow ners who could not otherwise obtain liii.in mg lot needed home repairs. An ad d itio n al $200.(8)0 loan will enable N eighborhood Housing Sets ices ot America to level age a $25 mil lion m aster com m itm ent Iron» the I eder.il National Mortgage t orpora lion (I .mine Mae) to purchase loans tor .ipartmeiit building improvements. I lx- Inundation has also made a $1 million loan to the 1 nterprise I ounda non, a nonprofit organization which works with neighborhood grout's in ovei 15 dill’s to provide low cost lions mg and other services tor the very poor. Investments will be considered pri m anly lor n o n p ro fit organizations. I he fo u n d atio n is seeking orgam za lions with a record ot achicvmerit and the potential lor growth that use inno­ vative financing techniques to address emerging problems hi our society or to tackle old problems in new wavs Special consideration will be given to communities in which Metropolitan has a m ajo r presence and to those program s that aie national in scope lo t additional intorm alion about this foundation program, please write to Mats Mountcastle. Director, Sixial Investm ent P rogram . M etropolitan I ite fo u n d atio n . One Madison Ave lin e. New York, N T 1(1010. KBOO to air inquest docum entary on Tuesday MX x i (Mi ' | M), Pntilaml’s liMcnrr- spousoicd com m unilv rad io station will an a radio ilivumentary on the in will air a radio documentary on the in quest into the death ol I lovd Steven w ith a eh,o.ide,isi I udav, Sept 24 at 9 *1,1 ni Stevenson died from the ap plication o | a police cat olid or sleeper hold Mthough the Stevenson inquest in Mas returned a verdiv ol "cnmmal negligent a suhsequ nt grand |urv declined to return indictments against the police ol fleets invoiced I here is still confusion about the April 21st death which prom pted outrage in the Black community, hu police morale, and led to a revew <»• police use of tone. I lie three day public inquest in May was aired live hv KIU M ) I M and cable television. It was accom panied by in tensive media overage and public in tcTcst Hut despite the volume of cov­ erage, the conflicting storeies and es planations ol the inquest have, until now, never been sorted out and pre­ sented. The d o cu m en tary Inquest utilizes portions ol the three days of testimony, recordings ol police radio transm issions, and calls to the em er­ gency 9 1 1 number to present a com ­ plete account of the most thorough public airing we may ever he.ir on the Stevenson death. The p ro g ram was produced by KBOO In fo rm a tio n D irector Russ Reynolds, who anchored KBfXJ's live broadcast ol the inquest and telephone call in segments KBOO IM (90.7) is a listener sponsored com m unity radio station which presents a 24 hour schedule of m usic, spoken w ord, public a lla irs, and new s program m ing done by 140 volunteer programmers each week $5 .0 0 MOO. s21,000. NEW M i l l . ODDS ARE YOU'LL LOVE IT. lk-cju.se* with ~ 11, 21, the ixJds are ferritic Better than I In 6 that you II win something from a free ticket To $21,000 To even a chance at (he jackpot Not only that, it s tun to plav Beiause yon don't just match 'em Yon add em II they add up to ".11. or 21, jusi scratch the prize box Ami see what you won New ", 11.21 Don I be the mid man out Play u And enjoy INSTANT I’KI/I SIRI 1 : n N um ber o f W in iters Instant Prize < »serali I Hills Free 1 ii ket S ♦ f Kl'ls 1 * $ $ IIR I h » j jS n A 1 M X 1 (M M 1 1 1 N '< > J (IH N H I J (MH 1 $11.(XX) $21.(XX) num tw f ' '1 w « 12$ 125 «Ts 1ti ry k f» ri < barn e s of W in n in g 1 5 H2 1 lu 1 |5 l ,l 1 125 1 IxiXKi J J »1 M H N 1 1 2 »ui«xi 1 ni vili s ihMfitMihi n ..m l» lu i fJQ H X JN £5fi| TGITB7Y /