JOBS Classified M U L TN O M A H COUNTY LIBRARIANS W ord Processing O perator $6 77 per hour; requires six months of clerical experience and training or expen ence in operating word processing equip merit, ap(>ly t,y September 20, 1986 The Oregon State Library has positions now open for a Library Developm ent Consultant and a Rural Library Con sultant Housing Rehabilitation Specialist $12 13 per hour; requires two years of re sponsible program experience in a hous mg rehabilitation program with housing inspection and code compliance respon abilities apply by September 27, 1986 (Supervising Librarian Cl Responsible for library development pro grams and the administration of federal and state library grant programs M LS and 4 years professional experience re quired Public library experience, admin strative or planning experience, familiarity with federal or state grant programs and w riting ability desired Salary range $24,156 $30,828 annually, plus liberal fnnge tienefits Budget and M a n a g e m e n t Analyst $22 508 $29,253 annually; participates in the preparation, adminsitration and control of County budgets; requires one year of experience, apply by September 27, 198b Systems Programmer $32,967 $37,020 annually; responsible for the analysis, maintenance modifies tmn and development of computer soft ware requires one year of software expe nence; apply by September 27, 1986 C o m m u n ity Health Nurse $10 46 $13 58 per hour; work as a mem tier of a health team in areas of commun icable disease control, child health, ma temity, family planning and adult health; requires BSN. current Oregon license and driver's license, apply by September 27, 1986 WHERE TO APPLY Multnomah County Courthouse 1021 S W Fourth Ave , Room 134 Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer EQ UIPM ENT M E C H A N IC 1 Library D evelo p m en t Consultant Rural Library Consultant Librarian (4) Responsible for providing consulting services to the small and or rural libraries in Oregon and conducting evaluations of and providing recom m endations to li brarires M LS or equivalent, three years of public library experience, including management experience (directorship of a small or medium sized library preferred I Demonstrated ability in oral and written communication and in diplomacy Must be able to travel Salary range $21,756 $27,612 annually, plus litieral fringe bene fits. Send letter of inters! and current resume W e * D o ak, O regon S tate Librarian State Library Building Saiern, Oregon 97310 0640 Inquiries must be received by October 18, 1986 Equal < Epportunily E mployer COORDINATOR Recycling Program Salary $10 00 per hour This quarter time position monitors and prom otes W est Unn recycling program Acts as a liaison and technical adviser to the city’s recycl mg franchise Candidate qualifications in elude working knowledge of the pro motional and educational techniques of recycling and state recycling regulations Must have demonstrated ability to com municate clearly and concisely 1 year of expepence in similar position Submit City of W est Linn application by 5 00 p m Wednesday. October 4, 1386 to Personnel Officer City of West Linn P. 0 Box 29 West Linn, OR 97068 Equal Opportunity Employer SCHO O LS/INSTRUCTION Northwest Nannies Institute First state licensed vocational Nanny trdnmg school m Oregon Free placement incredible demand Contact NNI 710 N E 21st Portland, OR 97232 Tel 15031234 4671 BUILDING MATERIALS Pole Building Kits Complete building packages. 1 sliding door, 4 colored walls, 6x6 poles, 24x36x 10 $1,850, 24x48x12 $2,450, 30x60x12 $3,350 M any other sizes. Labor and fi­ nancing available (5031263 1806 $1,466 to $1,771/m o. Inspects, services and repairs trucks and road construction equipment Req reap exp performing repairs of truck or con struct Kin equipment systems, exp servit ing diesel, gas and small engines includ ing chainsaws and diagnosing automotive or machinery problems; considerable training and experience in construction .equip maint through a trade school, manufacturer's training courses, or Coun ty training program County application forms required, resumes NOT accepted Apply by Sept. 27, 1986 to W ashington C o u n ty Personnel 150 N First Ave , Room B 2 Hisboro, OR 97124 I-qua! ( )pportunily Employer Page 6, JOBS, September 18, 1985 INVESTMENTS Stop Paying Federal and State Taxes on interest from savings and CD's by in vesting in Oregon tax exempt municipal bonds. FREE bond kst Tom Moore 1-800462 0866 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RV's For Less1 Komforts, King of the Road and Sunrad r»s LOWEST pncea around Ocean Way RV M cM innville Call 1503)434 6606 FENCE, C H A IN LINK At Reduced Prices W e have gates, posts, fittings, dog runs in stock W e ship anywhere Fox Fence 4330 S E Division Portland, OR 97206 1 8 0 0 2354188 (OR) Outside OR 1 800 237 4188 NURSE'S AIDE Current certified nurse's aide wanted for Home Help visits Appointments only Phone 283 4689