.A r . * ¿ A . 'T ï .-; 1 V ■ .. . ». Advertisement for Bids W ASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM CORPORATE PROCUREMENT TH t PORT OF PORTLAND NOTICE TO BIDDERS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS IN V IT A T IO N FOR BIO NO R M B PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT RE MOO El OLD MAINTENANCE BUILDING N ot*« ■ hereby grvan that WeNwrgfon p'<* ' Supply SYraan ’w e .natter called Buv»' invitee arreted bad* lor Fire Protect«>. Pipe and Fit lip a aa awl tudh n ttwr invtfadon For B*11IFH antrBad INVTTATION FOR BID NO WBM ORE PROTECTION PIPE AND FTTTINGS Sewed tala tor the Portend mfenwourw A*ja»t N r u l * Okl M ainer«« e Butdmg will be received try the Purtheemg Mereger of The Pod o( Pod W*1 E » N ( Multnomah Street Porter«! Oregon metkny adtPaea Prat Office Bo« 3629 Portland Oregon 972OBI until 2 00 p m September 2« ’9H6 and ttareeffer puberty opened a « l read krvttabura fur B«t rrwy tai e«amned at trie ofhcetal of Buyer W NP 2 B I DO H9 Richland Waahmgton 98362 Saia of Bidding O k u man I a can be ob tamed from R L Whitacra 989 W N P 2 Bid« 98 Richland Waahmgton 9B062 Each bid shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond or by Certified or Caehier a Chock aa a bid dopoart in an amount not leea than frya percent (5% I of the rut« ar'aront All bida muat ba sealed and filed w ith the Buyer at W N P 2 Bldg 89 Richland Waahmgton 98362 at or before 10 00 A M Pacific Local time Ihuraday October 10 19Hb The tala wA be putAcfy aanail and read at the at a m i tane and place MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE IMBEI INCENTIVE PROGRAM A 2 PERCENT BIDOING ADVANTAGE WILL BE GIVEN TO BIOOERS W HO 1 HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE PORT OF PORTLAND AS MBEa OR 2 EMPLOY SUBCONTRACTORS THAT HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE PORT OF P O R TLA N D AS MBEa A N D ARRANGE FOR TH EM TO PERFORM WORK THAT REPRESENTS NOT LESS TH A N 10 PER CENT OF THE TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT BIO Sucpe Work conarata ot demolition end altetation required to conned three • > a n M vet’«te mamtenerxe la y * nto n fN e a * e Work i . m l e mtenor e - r t b e t n a »«’ e l e « a The Govarnmg Body of the Waahington Public Power Supply System ra « •e re tt» ngfn to me* t any « « I i t tela ai«l to warm naputam «* ur nfonnal A i»ebrri n»rferer«a wA be heal at 9 a m or A a l a a l r . Seteembaf 18 1986 to dracuaa ell phaaea of the work Meer el the old Maintenance *oaa there*’ BrAfcg W A SHINGTO N PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM Hafner «1 Waafwigtr»’ 9B362 J A OOurme» Scarary** Pun tia a rg WASHINGTON PUBUC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM CORPORATE PROCUREMENT NOTICE TO BIDDERS INVITATION FOR BID NO W700 Pleaaa dried technical queer«ma to tha Protect Engineer Ken Aaburry (SmiZJt « 0 0 Ext 753 B*R muat ba on the ba) form whtch wA ba provwled to pnapadrye I « H e n a«1 muet be auumpanwd by a .edlKad or « • « ■ i f « * r*ewn on a Untied Statea bank or a bid bond peyabla to Tha Pod ot Podland in an amount « e a r to ei aaal 10 parra r t of the tool a '« » * ’i tad Bidden are required to prequalrfy PrequeUhr ar««’ afatementa muat be re raved at «Mat 5 (lave prior to the time apt tor tad oparwg Appacataaie for prequeahcaf«*' may tw aubmrned laaa than 5 lay* baton tad i«ien»ig but i «aalaratr «' by Piai tannof ba aaaraed fyutx« a jr v w that Waatunglon Pubic P< jw w Supply S vctw ’ * r vwhar aftnd B uy« nvttaa saalari («1» fur Prrwjrv« CuntamrwOur Mur» tun /» w»t turth n tfw» If'vrtjtxw ’ fur Bal 1 If B • ’TrtlBd INViTATlON FOR BID NO 75700 PfRSONNEL C ONTAM INATION MONITORS The drawtnga and tha contract manual may tie aasmmad at Pod ofhr aa Cop«a may ba obteaied by proapedive t«k»en upon daprart of »10 which k a « « r M l ba refunded upon return of the Yewvngr conned manual ar«l ofhai ducurranta n good condRion with«’ 2