ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS CTTY OF SA LEM OREGO N D E PA R TM EN T OF PUBLIC W O R K S D E P A R TM E N T OF GENERAL SERVICES CTTY OF BEAVERTO N OREGON C O N STR UC TIO N OF S W OLD SCHOLLS FERRY ROAD W ATER A N O SEWER L I 0 I SEWER IM P R O V E M E N T ) INVITATION TO BID ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TOR THE VID E O IN SPEC TIO N OF THE S A N fT A R Y SEW ERS N PROJECT N O « 1 » Bide due WOO a m Sapt » Snanl tada * B be mi erved unti 10 00 A M Septamb» 26 ’ 98b at tha office of the Beaverton City Purcheamg Superviaor 4960 S W Hell Boulevard Heevacton Oregon 97006 end pubkefy reed aloud m a d a i a , rhereeh» m the City Courtroom for the construction of 46J kneel feet o* 8 ductile »on P4«i CJaea 52 H ».» and » o >fa atxaia nriudmg tinkling rkaum ent»end (ondrtxxie of the agmw’w ’i may he exammed at the fr Bowing offtcee 1i Offxe nl Beevertix' C/ty Pun haamg Supervwor 4860 S W Man Boule xard Beaverton OR 97006 21 Northwe»! Plan Center W illam ette Plata H»X j Suite 208 90’ S W Oek Portland OR 97214 3) Bukdara Exchange Coop 1 ’ 25 S W Medaon Ptxdarwi OR 97214 41 Crmebuccbcn Data. 906 N W ’ 2th Hmteral OR 97208 Plan» and «pacification» may tai obtained ai the Office o< Beaverton City Purr hating Supervieor 4960 S W Mali Boulevard Beaverton OR 97006 TRephune 844 219’ axlenemn 23B 262. upon rec»pt of a non refundable fee of 410 00 for one complete eat of document* a i check» ahai ba made ixrysfae to the Cky of D ae, a n no Each proposal muet he aubmitied on forma pre»r.hed by the City and ac compemed by a certified check cashier a check or bid bond m an amount e * iR to tan [lament 1104*1 of the total amount tad The auccaaafte held» wB tai required to furmah a bond equal to one hundr^g percent 1100%) of the « ’«»ini of tad for the faithful [jertnrm»a e of the contract No tad enk be received or c rreiderad unleaa the tad contama a atatament by the tackier aa a pan of h e bid that the provraona of ORS 279 360 arxt ORS 279 364 w-a tai rnmpked wet. ’ tie City of Beevertcv .Meervee the right tn neen any end all propose» or to a inpt any [xr*aiaal which ataaiert to « e re the tael merest of the City By T KEITH LONG C P M Pl XT haeng Su( w vx» a PUBLIC NOTICE The Oregon Treff» Safety C o m e » « a anvefy anekaig tetter» of teHphnne cxaitacta of mtereat from mikvaluae end firm« mt»ested m devekipmg end implementing a D UII IDnvm g Under the Influence of Intoarcantal public rife amstmn ramp»gn Pea more nfcxmebon contact Oregon T raffte Safety Com m eeton June Roes D U II Program Coordinator 4th R oot State Library BuMdlng S alem Oregon 973W 1 «0D «22 2022 by September 23 1986 JOBS Magazine 1463 N.E. Killing «worth Portland. OR 97211 (503)288 0033 Page 2, JOBS, September 18, 1986 VARIOUS LOCATIONS DOWNTOWN Sealed bide will be received at tha office of the City Recorder. City Hall Room 206 Salam Oregon untk but not alter 11 00 a m local ome on Octo bar 2. 1986 at erfuch tuna ai bade wak ba pubkefy opened and read aloud at the C ound Chamber». C m c C a n * 566 uberty Street S E Seam Oregon for THE VID EO IN SPEC TIO N OF THE S A N IT A R Y SEW ERS V A R IO U S LOCATIONS D OW NTO W N The proposed work consist« of 3 ’ 78B lineal feet ot internal closed circuit vaden taping of 6 inch to 24 meh diameter »ewer papa for determination of eructure tiaaktxa. and maacakenetaie » < a a t » w w e w ork Han» »pecification» end other bad documents may ba inspected and ob tamed at tha office of the O y of Salam Departmanl of Pubkc Work» 566 Liberty Street S E Room 326 Salam Oregon Tha baddar »hall not file tha book of Standard Coneoucbon Spacfftcabona with ha bad Bad» era« ba mad» on tha forma fumahed by tha City, adtkeaaad and make! or dakvarsd to the Cay Record» Cay H al Room 206 Salam Oregon 97301 m a «eared envelops platnry marked BIO ON THE VIDEO INSPECTION OF THE SANfTARY SEWERS IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS D O W N TO W N aat the name and arkksea of tha tedd» A eaery bond c a a h * a check or certified check of tha tedder mads payetee k) tha Cay of Salam m tha amount of ten percent 110% I of the ted m u» » company each ted is security Bal a » unty of a« «eve tha three lowest ted dan wB ba resumed ftBowing tha ted opanmg ai ted aecunty wB ba refund ed ipori execution of the contract by the »rcaaefte tedd» No ted will he r»erved or