Portland Observer, September 11, 1906, Paye 9 lhoïïokt RELIGION UPDA TE ov Dee Armstrong Religion Under Attack: THE M O U N T O L IV E T B A P T IS T C H U R C H N .E . First ft S ch u yler • 284 1964 The Conclusion I have opened a subject that seemingly has no conclusion, for there are nu­ merous accounts o f itosernntent harassment involving countless churches. The subject matter has been this: If the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is permitted to decide arbitrarily what constitutes “ religious a ctivity" in America, our religious freedom is in danger However, the real question is this: “ what about us?" the norm, the conventional church. How long will it take before the IRS disease hits our churches, which undoubtedly will affect the communities in which we live. Currently we read about churches we know little or nothing about. For in ­ stance. the Unification Church — it has been reported lhat this church "believes Rev. M oon is the Messiah; mixing Christian, Patriotic and Puritanistic ideals." The Mormons who believe that "Jesus is nly one of many gods Man is basically good and can become a g od.” the Church o f Scientoloty teaches "O ccultish combo o f psychotherapy , science fiction and eastern religion. shows men as fallen gods.” (Published by Francis Anfuso and Gary M. Beasley ot “ Glad I id m g" School o f Evangelism.) Rev. John G arlington, the pastor o f Maranatha, had this to say regarding religious freedom: "T h e issue o f religious freedom in America was deemed critical by the Founding Fathers. I, along: with many Americans, share a growing concern over the apparent erosion ot these freedoms Pastors have been arrested because they refuse to acknowledge the sovereignty o f state over religious con viction and conscience. “ I ain in no way prepared to personally endorse the practice o f Scientology, for I am far too ignorant o f its tenets and practices. However, the courts have determined that Scientology is a viable religious system. If this is true, the t on strtution guarantees the right to freely practice it as a religion " I f the Scientologist, or a Scientolotist, or a Pentacostal, or a Paiute, for that matter, violates crim inal law, that becomes a court matter. If, however, the courts begin to interpret and adjudicate religious practice for anv group, freedom for all groups is jeopardized. The fact that many religious groups are being en­ snared in litig a tio n as a result o f their faith practices is a grim specter on the American religious scene." Rev. John Jackson ol the Albina Ministerial Alliance rendered his statement regarding the Scientology case and government involvement in religious mallets “ I f the religion can be tried in a court o f law, then all religions are in danger “ The decision as to what part o f a church's practice is religious and what part is secular, is a theological one, not one for the courts VW e further believe that it is time for religious denominations cease attack ingone another fo r differences in doctrine, and take action together against in creasing encroachment o f government control into religious life. We would re turn to Jefferson’ s concept o f the 'w a ll o f separation between C hurch and State.’ The fact that a court would accept a case o f this sort is an indication that this encroachment isaclear and present danger." it is clear intent against religious institutions by the IRS, who in 1969 found a loophole in the tax reform act founded by former I tali Senator W allace I Ben­ ue«. Congress permitted the IRS to audit churches lo r outside income only The amendment restricted the IRS from probing into religious activities other than to prove that the organization is a church Today the IRS is clearly overstepping its authority Ptea.se vend comments to Religion Update. P.O Rox 9331, Portland, Oregon 97101 • A • • A Public S e rv ic e o f th e Portland Observer A lb in a M in is te ria l A llia n c e 284 6023 Septem ber 20, 1906 Fridey night. 7 30 P M N ew Beginning Faithway Bible Church <737 N Lombard Everyone Welcome Pastor A. Frazzle John H Jackson Mints»»« M i d M l) 9 31) A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregsnonsl Worship 5 00 P M Vaapar Service to 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday Black-Jewish ties formed Jewish and Black groups in IK ma jo r cities are developing a grow ing num ber o f cooperative c o m m u n ity programs in a grassroots movement to strengthen Black Jewish tics and improve social and economic condi turns. Rabbi A lexander M Schindler, president o f the U nion o f American Hebrew ( ongregalions (I A IK ). said that Reform synagogues had launched more than KO separate projects in cooperation w ith Black com m unity and church groups across the country. I hese programs served as models at an unusual meeting in W ashington last May attended by IK pairs o f lew ish and Black leaders fro m IK cities with national leaders o l the U A H k and the National Association tor the Advancem ent o f Colored People (N.AAk P), including Rabbi Schindler and Benjamin Hooks. N A A t I ’ pres idem. I he conference was sponsored bv the k iv ie ka p la n Institu te o l W ash ington, D « .. which is o|veiated joint Iv bv the I A IK and the N A A k I’ It marked the tenth anniversary ot the death ol M i kaplan, who was a long tune leader ot the I A IR and presi dent o f the N AA k P At the meeting, the delegates were briefed on K4 examples ot cooper.i tive local programming bv members ol the I A IK w fitch is composed ol ‘’KO Reform Jewish congregations and local Black groups I hese w ill serve as models fo r the new Black Jewish programs which those attend mg the conference aie now setting up in their own cities, Rabbi Schindler said Am ong the projects studied were A Black business fair held at a R eform synagogue in M ilw a u ke e ; A jo in t religious service in A lb a n y, N Y . celebrating the birthday ol Mai tin I uther k in g J r., as a vehicle to raise funds for deserving young people entering college; Anti-apartheid rallies in W ashington, D .C ., B a ltim o re , West Bloomfield. Michigan, and other communities led by Black and Jewish leaders Other projects include e ffo rts to create economic development and cm plovment opportunities, provide food and other aid to the poor and home less, fu rn ish special services to the elderly and arrange employment tor minority youth. S till other projects fu rn ish v o lu n ­ teer help to understaffed social service and health agencies and provide a sum met camp experience to inner city youngsters. " The untold story ot Black Jewish relations is the grow ing cooperation between our tw o communities across the c o u n tr y ,'' Rabbi S chindler and M r. Hooks said in a jo in t statement I liey added "W e share many issues ol growing concern, among them the destruction ot social program s by the Reagan budgets, the attempted dismantling of civil rights enforement by the Justice Department, threats to separation ot church and state, the desperate need toi job programs especially lo i mi nority young people, the continuing evil ot apartheid, the security o f the State o f Israel and the persecution o f lews in the Soviet Union. " I hese issues will make up out joint .tgenda lor action U.N. International Peace Day I he B aha'i (. o m m u n iiy o l Port land, together w ith numerous other I S Baha'i com m unities, w ill tele b ia le I ruled Nations In te rn a tio n a l Ray o f Peace on Sunday . September 15, I9K5, at I ewis A ( lai k College, ( ounvil t lum bers stalling at 2 p m A d d itio n a lly, the Baha’ i com m unity will be presenting a "Peace A w ard" to an individual who share common con cerns about the establishment ot world peace. M i W illia m A Davis, t hiet Ad m in is lra tiv e O ffic e r fo r the federal courts in nine western states, based in San I tancisco, w ill speak on "W o rld Peace I hrough W orld Unity " As ol this year, Baha'is w ill forego the cele­ b ra tio n ot W o rld Peace Dav, which they in itiated in I9 '9 , in support ol International Day o f Peace proclaimed by the United Nations General Assein bly in I9K2 It is celebrated annually on the third Tuesday o f September, the opening ol the regular assembly and is dedicated to strengthening the ideals ol peace. Mis I ydia A McCarter, sooidina tot for the P o rtla n d B aha'i Peace Award program says, " I he tim e is long overdue lo r nations to bind to ­ gether to make a commitment toward a universal and lasting peace ” She added that their program is designed to m otivate individuals to elim inate all tor ms ol prejudice and foster a high standard ol justice and tolerance tor all peoples." Since 1 9 7 0 , the Baha'i International ( (im m unity has been accredited as a non gov er n m erit a I o rg a n iz a tio n (NGO ) w ith consultative status with the I N Economic and Social Couti cil (I < OSOk ) and the U N ( t ill dteti's I mid (IJNK I I ) the public is invited to attend this program th e re is no adm ission 11 00 Communion ta c h F it« Sunday The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches ol Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National, P o rtla n d E cum enical M in is trie s A m erican Bible S o c ie ty , M EfM. Board ALLEN TE M P LE C M E C H U R C H 84 N E Killingsworth • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always" I Jb ad*? Ad t 30 p m iO O ji m Sunday , Sunday School 9 15 a m Morning 11 15a m Worship 6 30 P m YPW W tv«ny«(i»tic H IK) n m Worship |TuM dey Fnday Ntx>n Day Pt»y«r ~ The Ark of Safety ( hurt h of God in Christ tiu- fllUl «Rj*- Fruity ' Dp m all men. f- bolines* w ithout which nos" e , . y . , »».m 11YOI1 Shtlll ‘»k L I Ilk -u.~OT____v* 4 \ W td v * rr««»«^ H )W A M BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH 4822 N. V a n c o u v e r A ve. 284-2334 Nathan Barnett, Pastor IB Thftniogy • M Dtvmrty) Services: 9:30 a m .. Su n d ay School 1 1 :00a.m ., M o rn in g W o rsh ip 6:00 p .m ., Evening W o rsh ip The Barnetts ft Bemari welcomes your family A t Bersan w e em ph asize building strong fam ilies You'll get «olid Expository Biblical Prssching Er Teaching 3rd Ynnual Health Fair I9H5 Uh Annual l liris lia n Education Conference /” •««//» i'n >.-ri/ l)r. James E. Massey C h ttp L iin liis h v v tfk T I iiiv u im I v , M .ih .nn.i Ihursdav. September 19. 19H5 M.ir^iidtba C hurcb Opining H. i II y I 122 M I ^knliin»r* 7 :.’IO p .m . I (inference I heme: ’‘ Strengthening the Body l o r M in is try " P n rlh n d I (im m u n ity C » llc g r C anrade ( in te r 70S \ ( h r r t i. m I « lu t 6 :0 0 p in. Saturday h v in in g S ip i i m b i r 2 1 . I9 H 5 I HI » M O \II I be (.o d * of I bis A g i” Mbui.t I In»» « h r»f (.nil /. - ’J \ Mbma P in l <»ni I .is« .1«)« t « n t« f I - . .Ill» ( I Ilf« I t h illin g ^ w u rlh Saturday ptimbt r 21» 1905 I nda\ S i p i i m b i r 2 0 . I0 H 5 t I i n v t i . u i I J u t I «»nt 7 :0 0 p .m . 4 m. MOO 12:15 p.m f H f I s " ii< A I'rs i« « I v tltv a l H ulth U ir I9H5 I' I t I , i m .id* t * ntrr C inJifunum 11 0 0 a.m 5 :0 0 p .m . D o n a tio n « o í t lo lh io g and noo p * n « h a H k I« mh 1 item* free ® C q ttT T T tT T g S T uesday BiNe Band Thuttday Chou R R hw rial YOU ABE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT Roy Lee Jernigan dies N e in 1 E lo n z a J E d w a rd « (P astor) charge Roy I ee Jernigan, born January 25, 1945, passed Away September 7, 19K* Roy I ee was born in New York, and moved to Portland, Oregon, in his college days to play basketball for the I niversity o f Portland Roy was a man o f many directions, but Ins main concern was devotion to the youths, where he spent a lot ot Ins tune. He felt that young people needed role models to show them the important values o f life so that they wouldn't make mistakes that would lead them into the wrong direction. Roy's life was a fu ll one He was once a police o ffice r, and worked closely with the late I eon Johnson, also a police officer, on the development o f the Al bina Y outh Opportunity School, supported boys’ club organizations, and had just been elected president ot the I eisure Hour G olf Club Many people will miss Roy, but his work will continue. A C orner o l 8th and S k id m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sund,iv W orship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (set ond and fourth Sundays) will h» at t r p l r d fo r Ih r I ove I c n lr r free Programs, Seminars for All!!!! ( b rifttia n ^ d u ra tio n ( o n f r r in c i F riday Kvrning Saturday Murmiig Svpfrmbir 2 « m I (MI p m l »NI TI C Hala Prvgfsassry F assr atk*s*,T m iM eib ag f fierib r» ( h «irth Teaching Gospel Group Seeks Artist Harb ( are H tbU n I m ^ y M H h o d . f f i e r i »v» Prison M tn ttlrw * D en tal > Idea« (or Sunday SihooT (h itre a c h M t**M»nt in Review f fferttve Single Parvwttasg t Po rtlan d Released IN* T im e ! I i. jf i f m o tk o n s a n d V o s ii HeaRh S tren g th en in g Ihe T am iK I íe r r U e la r FMness S tren g th en in g In w lh M in istries ( m an* u i Plan n in g asad Nasas b U s K s a w Testing (•» fu rth er iof<>roMti««n please ta HralSng h« the Wnrg ad < ^ g H eart ( aev t ridiv Evening ( h iM re n s P rogram Pie«io>»of ( h o ie h 7 I», S M h .ru *g> S:(M)p.m. srptrnibrr 20 I9K5 1 1.' -il le g a l « Film Aetiviti»» 9:00p .m Pre*»» the M in ia li y Nm satrv a f Ineser »» » ad Sfarti TI Saturday, Nrptvmher 21. I9N5 9 : 3 0 a .m 5:011 p.m . In te *« rssanrt j Senmrs t ^ d s lia n tu» Víate t «wsfirvsat » riufhitrw-M •|r,im In ihi ,i rn 12 no p m H e.inng S( re n tin g w ill he .ivaildblr lu r Hie ch ild re n 1 : 0 0 p .m . Puppet show siidekv w ill he provided h e f u r t h e r liRvirmatMat i4 ra w . all f t * * * » T M »W ?