Portland Observer, September 11, 1906, Page / ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK Joe "Dean" Keller, Entertainment Editor Cloud Nine opens at Storefront Storefront Theatre la opening Cloud Nine, by British playwright Caryl Churchill on September 20th. Thia innovative comedy about sexual identltiee feeturee some of Port­ land's best actors In multiple rolee. Starring are Gaynor Sterchl. Peter Foma r a Jan Powell. R. Dee Hafftlch, Gary Powell. Joanna Malandruc colo and Bob McGranahan Act I takes place one hundred years ago In Africa, while Act II takes piece In present day London. But the family from Act I has aged only 25 years. Cloud Nine has had a very succeeeful production history, and has been well received by both audlencee and reviewers Storefront's production Is directed by Susan Sweeney. Costumes are by Shauae Wunder, set design by Jeff Seats and lights by Jeff Forbes the show opens on Friday. September 20th and plays Thursday. Fri­ day and Saturday nights at 8 p m. until November 16. Ticket prices are 48 on Thursday, and 49 on Friday end Saturday. There will ba a 44 pre­ view on Thursday. September 19 Please call 224-4001 for reeervetlons Sizzling Portland visitors Continuing Innovation, tradition, and laviah theatrical presentation of vocal jazz, the unique and popular Manhattan Transfer will perform In Portland. Thursday. October 3. at 8 p m In the Civic Auditorium. The Transfer's new album releeae. I'ocalese, Is a stunning addition to their other chart busting recording efforts, and Is sure to be featured material in upcoming live performances. According to group member/ producer Tim Hauser, "i'rxxitew is the state of the art for jazz vocal singing.'' Hit songs by the group include "Java Jive," "Operator." "Bird- land." "Four Brothers." end "The Boy From New York City." Vocatese contains 11 performances of classic jazz works, plus scintillating vocal- eee solos As always, the Transfer's new show will be a crowd pleeaer. resplen­ dent with original sets and costumes. Their material encompaaaae early rhythm and blues, cool bop. contemporary pop. the great songs of the 30's and 40's, plus up to date jazz renditions of standards. Members of the Manhattan Transfer are Tim Hauser. Janis Siegel. Alan paul. and northwesterner Cheryl Bentyne. Tickets are on sale at the Galleria Jeans Machine, all Gl Joea stores, and the auditorium box office. 24K Concert PoNehed, fluent and profession ally executed la the only way to de scribe the Lou Rawla concert held last Sunday at the Civic A uditor­ ium. The organization behind the success of the event waa 24K Con carta, a naw concert company based in Portland 24K Concerts Is spearheaded by is president. Devid Bowen, formerly of Loa Angelas and now a resident of Portland COME SEE FOR YOURSELF 7 7 ^ U VING u y f r Qy • Rromotioni • Managing C om plete Entertainm ent Services i •B o o b in g •Publicity •Protect Layouts •Program Coordination .•.'vVA.r V, ;'•$ rv /**. ' -:A. v- BETTER ENTERTAINMENT ATTRACTIONS NETWORK (Photo Richard J Brown! Members of the Portland Alumni Chapter of the Delta Sigma Sorority join Lou Rawls ’C IR C •Bands •Oancars •A c to n •P A Equipment •Lighting •D isco Unit Er D J Contact Joe (Bean) Keller • Home 232 9671 • Office SALON ft M IN *74 M 4‘. Today — w e're going to m ake someone beautiful! Why not you? Sharon, form erly from JaNae's LOU RAWLS Curl Special today 20% off Reg $46 00 $36oo Now Haircut included ? We yesterday. Citizens' Groups for the Month of September prese n t Raw of the Raw at the Royal Esquire Club. 1708 N.E Alberta Raw,,. Raw Every Fri. & Sat. Nite 9:00p.m. -2:00a.m. Every Wednesday: Marvella the Female Impersonator I ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB 1708 N.E. Alberta Portland. Oregon T 'r / ' (photo Richard J. Brown) ____ In the past. Portland's concert m arket has been controlled by concert companies that often shy away from R&B artists for res sons of thalr own. Evan whan those companies present an REtB concert, it la always the seme art­ ist and w hat showed waa that a majority of REtB lovers (White and Black) ware not being catered to. But now that has all bean changed w ith the concern shown by 24K Concerts 24K Concerts feel that It Is vary Important to create a working re­ lationship with community organ izations as shown in the Lou Rawls concert, whereas the Delta Sigma Sorority was involved In the re­ caption that took place after the concert. 24K is fast to become one of the most talked about promo tlonal companies in Portland be causa of Its Intentions to present class acts. Ona must feel good to know that there la a concert com­ pany that is concerned about all music lovers - not only a certain portion. 24K Concerts would like to know w hat you would Ilka to sea and hear, w rite to 24K Con­ certs. 6800 S W. 92nd. Suita 30. Portland. OR 97223 with your sug gestiona 24K Concerts would Ilka to spol oglza to the public for the unan­ nounced cancellation of Calvin Walker's performance scheduled as an opening act for Lou Rawls. The cancellation was not created by Calvin Walker or 24K Concerts and was made too lata to go to proas. Wo hope you accept our apology Share the V IC T O R Y U nibed W ay / / i 9 /•S' S ii • » W X « * 1 - x i i SPECTACULAR ALUNEW iti* * 115th EDITIONI h * i ONLY OREGON APPEARANCE! Wed. SEPT. 11 thru Sun. SEPT. 15 MEMORIAL COLISEUM ★ S H O W T IM E S * ALL TICKETS $ 2 .5 0 OFF! BENEFIT for SAVE OUR STEEDS Disc oast Coepoas at P ert lead Area T H R IF T WAY Stares 7:30PM Wt4. sept . n Thu Fn Sal Sun SEPT SEPT SPPT SKIT 12 13 U IS Ilik H M t 130PM ♦ 130PM 1 30PM 7.30PM f 7.30PM* M IMri’M S 30PM ♦ SAVE S I.00 >n b l i n d e r 1." EAMin Ft 'NPERFORMANCES SAVE »1.00 with AHMi H H MEATI.AHEI. di Hot I Hficc < lr»l\ I bio Rouble /k.v nunhl -n WAYS TO GET YOUR TICKETS IN PERSON: MEM< IR IA l.C t H ISKI M BOX OFFICE. MEIER & FRANK {Down town. Eugene. Salem). G I J ()f S H IR K S {/ieauerton Mall. N Dirtland. Eastport Pl.ua, Salem. Oak Grove. Milwaukie. Roekwotjd at 1H4D0E Stark) BY PHONE: (503) 2 3 9 4 4 2 2 M on-S at 10 AM to 5 I ’ M • I ’ se VISA or M ASTKR L A R I) u vni,< t tjm. p > ■ in» f A1J. SEATS RESERVE! I'PRK EINCU IDES TAX BY NAIL: Send self addressed stamped en­ velope with check or monev order pavahle to RINGLING BR< >S C’ RCI S. Kirtland Mem. ,nal Coliseum. PO. Box 2746 Portland ORM720R $ 6 .0 0 - $ 7 .5 0 - $ 8 .5 0 NO INCREASE IN PRICES! Info: (503) 235-8771 or 239-4422 Group Rates (503) 235-8771 • • • • • • • YOUR B E ST * * * * * * * ENTERTAINMENT VALVE! 7' 4- * a ‘ÍJ . * * .