Portland Observer. September 11, 1905, Page 5 Pating-Hamilton wedding vows take place by kathrvn Hoyle One thousand and one handmade paper cranes in varying shades o f pink ness and a long life o f wedded bliss. The bndc, daughter o f Judge H. J. Helton H am ilton and his wife M id o ri M in a m o to H a m ilto n , chose to be m arried in the lovely garden o f her fa m ily's home in the suburb o f West l.inn. Her bridegnxim, Dr. Dasid Hat­ ing o f l.os Angeles, was accompanied to Portland by several members o f his fam ily, including his brother, Christo­ pher John Paling o f Glendora, C a li­ fornia, who acted as best man. I I k - wedding was a culmination of a rom ance begun when C a m ille and D avid met at S ta n fo rd U n ive rsity where they were both undergraduates A fter completing their work at Stan ford, they continued their educations at UC1 A where Dasid became a med ical student and C a m ille was a law student Each had been graduated days before the wedding. cascaded from the trees at the summer wedding o f Camille Ham ilton and Dr. David Paling. In the Japanese tradi non. the Oragami cranes signify happi The bndc's wedding attendants were schoolmates The bride was gowned in white silk satin w ith fu ll skirt and lace embroidered bodice id le d in empire styling and wrist length sleeves. Her headdress was o f white satin flowers, holding in place a silken tulle cathedral length veiling which floated over the train o f her wedding gown. She wore her mother's pearls and earned a bou­ quet o f calla lillie s and tiny mixed white (lowers Bndesmaids G a il Johnson of Silver Springs, M a ryla n d ; Irene K h o o of P o rtla n d , and P atricia M a rtin e z o f I os Angeles wore identical pink satin afternoon-length frocks with low cut, tight - fittin g bodices and lace cap sleeves A bit o f pink satin Huffed with a ruffle o f pink tulle made charming little Princess 1 ugenie hats. Satin slip pers matched their gowns. The maid of honor was I ouise Goldman ol Hart ford, C onnecticut. Her gown was o f the same design Pink and while roses tied with pink and white ribbons made the bridesmaids' bouquets. A ll ot the b rid e g rixu ii’ s attendants wore pearl gray suits w ith pink rose boutonnieres Konrad H a m ilto n , brother o f the bride, headed the a t­ tendants including Key hail Tarkhon depay o f San Jose, C a lifo rn ia , and David Whang o f Toronto, Canada Double rings were exchanged and vows were said before Judge Mercedes Diez The bridal couple honeymtxmed in A shland, O regon, and in H aw aii They will be at home in the fall in San Trancisco where D avid w ill jo in the medical staff of Kaiser Hospital tor his internship and L ainille will be attached to the law form o f Bronson, Bronson ami McKinnon National Asaociation for the Advancement of Colored People 284 7722 A Public Smvice o* Ih» Portland Obnrvrr Community Directory and profiles A d * O n This P a g e A re O f \ o t a l Businesses t h a t A r e H e lp in g B u ild A B o l t e r C o m m u n it y AUTO Clara Peoples fills container w ith food for Northeast Community members (P hoto Richard J. B row n) by Robert Lothian C lara Peoples stood on her back steps, directing traffic during her Sat­ urday food giveaway program. Needy N ortheast P o rtla n d residents, and others from as far away as St. Helens, fille d bags w ith green beans, co rn , carrots, cabbages, bread, hamburger buns, even peach sauce and macaroni salad. f aking a newcomer by the hand, Peoples said to one ol 40 volunteers, " M a r y , take care o f this c h ild ; she doesn't understand this foolishness.” Community Care, directed by Peo­ ples with the help o f church and com m unity volunteers, helps about UK) people each week w ith what Peoples calls “ recycled fix x l" — food donated by businesses, farmers, churches and community-minded neighbors D uring the summer, she said, the program operates out o f People's TOYOTA 307 N E B ro a d w a y P o rtla n d OR 97232 15031 284 1106 Community Care powered by Peoples home at 1406 N 1 Ainsworth Boxes o f food fill the back and side yards, and the parking strip, which lias been w orn away bv the crush of leet A large van w ith carrots and cabbages pulled up and the produce was handed exit the back "1 he hog m an" picks up the leftovers at the end o f the day, she said " I hey've all been served. In x l bless their hearts.” When the weather turns bad, the program shifts over to Bethel A M I ( hurch. 5828 N 1 Kill Ave , where Peoples is Pastor's Steward to Rev. M atthew A W alley “ I he o fficers, members and friends o f the church stand behind this program ." she said. Peoples, who has served the com ­ munity with her fix x l programs for 22 years, said there are no requirements for receiving the fixxf other than need " C o m m u n ity Care doesn’ t check into their personal life or their personal business, we don’t have time for that. We put fix x f on the table, period.” the program is an independent, volunteer effort, “ and not a federal dollar in the m iddle," she said Peoples carries her “ begging bag" for donations the bag contained $6 on a recent Saturday. "N o b o d y is discrim inated against h e re ," Peoples said. A ll age groups participate. Spencer I uggle, retired, said that “ any little bit helps when you live on a limited income.” Several chil­ dren also stood in line. "See those c h ild re n ,” said Peoples. " T h e y 're going to have fu ll stomachs tonight, that’s when I know we're doing some­ thing." Peoples said that transients often stop in fo r a sack lunch so they can "stand up tall and keep m oving." M a ry B ro w n , a volunteer w ith C om m unity Care fo r seven years, re­ called p reparing a meal fo r several travelers w ho h a d n 't eaten in three days. "W h a t they said was, may God bless you,” said Brown, a member o f Hughes Methodist Church. C o m m u n ity Care needs help w ith fix x l donations, volunteers, trucks and funds, said Peoples Boxes, plastic buckets and plastic bags are needed now, she said. "W e need comm unity support, w ithout it we can't survive. We need the state o f Oregon’s support for Albina's little old program, Com­ munity Care." " T h is is n o th in g but love fo r the com m unity,” Peoples said. "T o m o r­ row's my birthday and my com m un­ ity , G od bless their hearts, co u ld n ’ t give me a better p a rty ." •’ ip 'e t * P>odu' ' • C b < ( e e C en t*« DAILY A r'ea 8 30 AM 9 00 tM 1 * » * • '» • «I < b I Out a ■ • • ■ as — ' • . a x M » A • . . • ' ; M s ft 11 » u n it i, INCI UOIMG « J- a S ia t Me SUNIMTS ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ t ■ ta d M •••' 519 N E B ro a d w a y 284 5050 BEAUTY ja bell’s Reni to own 1 V StW'Ru VCR e det. yti'ti«» b A L W A Y S A G O O D S E L E C T IO N O l NEW AND USED CARS A N D TRUCKS SER VIC E D E P A R T M E N T H O U R S 'a x -'*i t * J 3 0 7 N E BROADW AY PO RTLA ND S WiQS B A R B 'S Stop A M ln lt M art 2 N K illlngaw orth h j ' i S c a t A Accetto^ es 707 N t » R I M O N T F R ID A Y S B E A U TY SU PPLIES ¿'«I H*ita A b L JEW ELRY ELK CLEANERS b LA U N D R Y PATON JEWILIRS I Si in J r f gncJ f' J qu.ll 1 ', y M«yd/"»e Ope g ‘O m 8 p m ItMtl.tiq VAjli h A |r»rl»% Mrpai* U U N I Sandy /N IN N O' ,»t f f , | S " G 4 t i l f f .lt t 'S P hone: 284 3979 z I * EVICTIONS STOPPED ¿49 Q3M . PHARMACY WHY BE BALD? B 'O d lA d v Moa Th». ’ « I . » Il «IP • » -■ U r 'tti» » ijWtam Sa'w'dar » <■• a m I l CD a » '« m U i » d ia » 11 (fc p » Dum«»nd* H j h H r * |r» rl» « D »jm *n d tr ltM l* 1 4 1 ? I»n<1 s t f, 1014 N K illin g s w o rth 500 N W 23rd A ve n u e lb t - t IS th • C LEA N ER S l,r ,,y .,|i' f ' v p r o d u c I t » h a i <«'» 36U N t a 5001 N E U nion (C orner o f A lb e rta ) 288 6303 284-1105 Mow'« • t Mo* Sat 5834 N E U n io n Ave (503) 781 6333 » 5 0 0 P M M O N D A Y TH R U FR ID A Y ’ M ' t • f>'«a ■>• rt>a «eiirtii • -Yute« * e 'e - h c Fran W h ite A p p lia n c e s f i T V • Leasing • Parts • Sales • Service 7 30 A M BE A U T Y b B A R B I R S H P P l IIS • ars 7 V C Í» 234-7486 B ro a d w a y E xxon c M ISC ELLA NEO U S BROADWAY BROAD H « ifA t« O V » r t R e n ta l te n e n ti* Do you P R M C C l INK. It pharmacy D e s ty tie ts B e a u ty S a lo n h a s •'W n ■ * r - * e •*» t h e » o lu t io n 1634 N E 7th e a v ’• ,-xa • •'«'«e If» N M n m » St P o rtla n d O»«gon 977/7 TRI 9911 At B ro ad w ay 281 9495 U N ITY O f LOVE BEAUTY SALON Professional Services G a m a rv arvd nxeaa I o rra a ( 8720 N E U N IO N 283 4123 GENERATIONS’ D A Y S B tA U T Y SU PPLY W’ weee« a-«l *•'*• * • •"» •od-, raaaaaar *> >•' a»>d I «*>'. *«64 N t U nion j i i az«« PHIL REYNOLDS M E D IC A L C LIN IC tr* C Reynold* M t) » i |,.r’,i H H., p i e . S» t) P’»yv.( i*n» I , Suigeon* 15 N M o rris St 287 4532 » 1 2 N t 16th 2*9 0J6J S A N N B W IT T E GENERATIONS’ Attorney at Law M .11 IMI* 5316 N V«txTx/vw Avw Rvtmd Omçyjr'97717 4624 N E. 9th ('5Q308&ÍB55 281 1838 RESTAURANT W IN G S OF LOVE 281 9642 Rev Mayes IS NO» S p le d ' . ne I te» 1 0 m» P ta U p » V* O H N B at H w M a a«d H S A i I I »8» a ta i » * 1*44 838 N K illlngaw orth 284 3832 * «che«* T *e > « 4 a v S . a d a » * or» r «e» l d » Btty'lto' « 'la ” 4 'R. S e r. ng ■» '> • » » r' • d 4 fr '' r X» « EXECUTIVE CUSTOM Tailoring In te rn a tio n a l M en W om en C hildren THE OTHER SIDE Performance Control Auto Service Center NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO?HAVE A PROBLEM? CALL 1 SM 819 Y iltingavvorth Si 1603) 2 » 9814 240 5324 573 N K illin g x w o rtb 1 Pur1l«n<1 OR 97211 I » * 1/ tw M y o u e r e b e i n g u n f a ir ly t» e a te « |7