.A » ¿ M ta M . JOBS Classified M ENTAL HEALTH W ANTED SECRETARY Executive Director The N orth/N ortheast Community Men tai Health center, Inc., a non profit mental health center, announces an immediate opening for an executive director Duties include supervision of staff, grant budget administration, personnel administration, program developm ent. M in. require ments mastrs degree in human services field, health care or business odministra tion plus 3 yrs. o f supervisory oxp. in mental health or reiated field Competitive salary w ith exc fringe benefits Contact for additional information: Search C o m m itte e N o rth /N o rth e a s t C o m m u n ity M e n ta l H ealth Canter. Inc. 310 NE Oregon Portland, OR 97232 2737 1503)239 8871 Closing date Oct 18, 1986 Volunteer« Volunteers can share m anagem ent re sponsibilities for the statewide informa bon and referral line of the Oregon Coun dl on Alcoholism Duties indude answer ing phones, scheduling volunteer shifts and youth outreach This volunteer work requires 48 hours a m onth and a three month commitment is requested Half tim e Poertxxi availatke in the Community Serv ices Department, to perform a variety of secretarial duties including coordination of m eetings, responsible for meeting minutes, phones and filing Must be able to type accurately 60 wpm with an ability to prioritize and organize Knowledge of office methods and machines Begin ning salary $5 65 per hour, excellent benefits Please apftly in person by Fnday, Sept 20, 1985, betw een the hours I 00 and 4 00 p m at the A m e rica n Red Cross H um an Resources D e partm ent 313 N Vancouver Ave Portland. OR 97208 Affirmative Action/Eyual Opportunity Employer Volunteers for the King Neighborhood Facility in NE Portland assist in super vising and training men and women who are m entally retarded This volunteer work requires 15 hours a month between 9 a m a n d 2 p m weekdays The V olunteer Bureau, a U nited Way agency, matches prospective volunteers w ith the needs o f approxim ately 200 local agencies and programs To find the nght volunteer job, call The V olunteer Bureau at 222 1366 DIRECTOR N orth Portland TEACHER Youth Service Center provides diversion, Toddler. A ssistant counseling and support services to youth $761 per month to start and their families Director is responsible Excellent txxwfits, annual salary increase for overall program operations and per Professional Development sonnel management Requirements in Successful applicant w ill have a mini elude: previous social service agency m um o f 1 year experience in a quality management experience and team build child developm ent setting or 1 year of ing skills; proficiency in fund raising and college level education related to child proposal development, outstanding ability development to com m unicate w ith advisory boards, Multicultural experience is a PLUS fellow professionals and the com m unity Co op experience is desired at large; and demonstrated budget man Apply at agem ent capabilities The NPYSC Di M u ltn o m a h C ounty Day Care rector reports to the Delaunay Mental 1624 N E Hancock Health Center D irector Master deqree or call 2848797 by Sept. 17 preferred Salary range, $18,500 $20,500 Equal Opportunity Employer depending on experience A pplication must be postmarked on or before Tues GOSPEL GROUP day, October 1, 1986 Send resume to: Seeks A rtis t Delaunay M e n ta l Health Center Gospel Group seeking 1st Tenor and Alto 5215 N Lombard St , and a skilled piano player for future re Portland, OR 97203 cording Must be committed, have some Attn NPYSC Director Selection Com artistic skills One male and female will Ei/ual (fpportunily Employer be chosen lipial ( ipportumty Employer BUILDING MATERIALS Save M ore Custom metal buildings, all sizes, mate rial only or erected by licensed and bond eri txnlders Shops, Horse bams. Arenas, Garages. Commercial Buildings 1503)861 3061 Financing Available REAL ESTATE Vineyard I I d iffe re n t "W in e Grapes 35 Fruit Trees 3 Bedroom Idaho Rambler on Five Spnnklered Acres with Stream Sue (208) 378 8000, TV R Evenings (208) 377 5636 INVESTMENTS Sm all Investor W antedl W o u ld you pay $ 6 7 /lb for a T bone steak or $2,000 fo r 3,000 lbs o f choice federally inspected beef 7 Limited contracts! Rt 1, Box 537 Ontario, OR 97914 (503)889 6048 LOANS A N D FINANCING Real Estate. M o n e y to Lend Need Money? Equity loan on all types of A uditions w ill be held on W ednesday, real estate, easy qualifying! Rapid fund Sept t8, 1986,5 30 p m at ing1 We buy contracts, call now! Toll free M aranatha C hurch 1800 537 5498 4222 N E 12th Oregon Land Mortgage For more information (»lease call 281 5610 or 2260253 Please be prompt 1, JOBS Magazine 1463 N E Killlngaworth Portland, OR 97211 (503)288 0033 JOBS. Seotember 11, 1985, Page 7 • 'Í • 4 -ft' . 4 -.A • • eVs.«*