¿S -/ i ? > * <• í < > ' J w k j/r * ¿ Á V í '• 7 * * ’ * ’’ i • ’./ ' < . . < « Advertisement for Bids SUB-BIDS REQUESTED CLACKAMAS COUNTY COMM UNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS DOMESTIC WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Bids Dus 3 00 P M September 2B M cC hord AFB Shopping Center Pierce C ounty. W ashington Bid Date: Septem ber 17, 1906 at 2 00 P M t , Donald M. Drake Company 1740 N W Flanders Portland. Oregon 97209 (503)226 3991 Sealed bids tor the construction of domestic water distribution system im provomontB fix the B«. well Peru Water Dsrtw t will tie rw owed by the Com nxirirty OrveSH»’* « ’t O vw **' of 13» kamas County until 3 00 p m Thursday Saptemtw 2b 1985 f W <• a re a n e q u a l o p p o r t u n ity e m p lo y e r a n d re q u e s t \ u h h u h f r o m \ m j l l Bids shall be addressed to Mr Chuck Robbins, Community Development Division. M arylhurst College 0 Hara Hall P O B om 2 Marylhurst Oregon 97036 At 3 00 m , bids will fw opened and read aloud mi the con foreni e room of the Community Development Division O Hara Hall Meryl h u u n e w n/ru» ( o n a n d w o m en a n d m tn o n h b u s in e v enterprises fxirst Oregon The project consists of construction of water distribution system improve ments with the following opproumate (quantities of mamimes 10'' D I Mainline 1 660 lineal Feet on S E Gray Street 8 Cnwanq at Otty Road 00 Lmeel feet at Otty D I Highway An attentate t * l « '(«quested m the ( » i p M l fix PVC i>s»*»>«• materials Plans and specifications are availatile at the off« es of Curran M i le n d Inc Consulting Engineers 7460 S W Hunnker Road. Suite D Tigard Oregixi 97223 telephone 684 3478 A thirty dollar (>30) fee is required with each application half of which is refundable upixi the (xixnpt return of the plans and sjwi (fx >itmns m good ixmdftion © Port of Portland An Equal Opportunity Employer For Information on current job openings, call our Employment Information Desk. 231-5000. Extension 700 1 n • A Plans and «|x* rfx atmns may tie exansnad at the f< flowing kn.atM*is Barwell Park W ater District O ffice 8160 S E u /ing St Portland OH Clackamas County, Community Development Division O'Hara HaM Maryt hurst, OR Northwest Plan Center 901 S E Oak Portland OR, Builders Exchange Cooperative 1 1 2 5 S E Madison Portland. OR Construction Data Plan Center 925 N W 1?th PrxtiarxJ OR Bidders must tie prequalified to txd on this project Bidders not currently prequaltfied by the Oregon Departm ent of Transportation may apply for prequalrfnatKXi no later than ten 110) days pnor to tl«e txd opening on forms avurtat** from tfie Oregon D«(»ertment of Transportatiixi To be considered, txds must tie completed on tfie txddmg forms provided, m the manner prescribed in the bidding documents, submitted intflc t and aocomperved t»y a 10% txd sr* urrty n favix of Clackamas County Financial aaaastance for this project e provided by the United States Defiart merit of Housing and Urban Development by a Community Development Block Grant through Clai kamas County Oregon Attention is directed to tt»e federal and State requirements regarding Equal Employment Opportun ity. Davis Bacon wage rates H U D Section 3 requirements and ORS 279 The Clot kamas County Board of County Comnxaaaoners reserves tfie right to rejei t any or all txds and to waive all informalities No txdiJer may with draw or m odify his bid prior to the lapse of thirty (30) days after the bid opening U -, - ; V7 The Fair labor Standards Act protects young workers from employment that might interfere with their educational opportunities or be determental to their health or well being, according to a U S Department of Labor fact sheet f • ) JOBS, September 11, 1985, Page 3